- override Function.apply() to de-proxy thisArg and all params before calling native functions (may make per-function overrides unnecessary)
- ensure init_top_frame_notify() is called on $wbwindow object not window
README: update features list, contributing section, fix typos
docs: update features list, fix wording, add more links to other sections, fix typos
renaming: change 'ikreymer/pywb' -> 'webrecorder/pywb', add Rhizome to copyright statement
Dockerfile: remove deprecated MAINTAINER, add 'ARG PYTHON' to support custom base python image
- set depth in main toc to 3
- add info on cli apps in apps.rst
- fix typos, update links
setup: add 'pywb' cli script to be same as 'wayback'
appveyor: remove coveralls
- pywb.utils.format: add query_to_dict() to convert query string with support for list for certain params
- support multiple values for 'filter' cdx server param (fixes#284)
- pywb.utils.format: add to_bool() to convert string/int to bool (eg. for query args)
- fuzzymatch: add 'allowFuzzy' (default to true) to allow disabling fuzzy matcher
- tests: fuzzymather: test disabling fuzzy matcher with allowFuzzy=0
- tests: cdx-server api: add multiple filter tests, with and without fuzzy matching
- for wildcard/multi-key lookup, support redis hashmap as well as redis set to be used as member lookup key
- if using hashmap, the propery names are used for lookup
- track type of redis key in RedisIndexSource
tests: add tests with set and hashmap member keys
warcserver: SOCKS proxy:
- add support for running warcserver through a socks proxy specified via SOCKS_HOST and SOCKS_PORT
- move socks patch setup, http max_header adjustment to http module
- logging: print stack trace only if debugging
- add pysocks to extra_requirements, enable in ci
- add simple test (not actual proxy) to check that connection through proxy is attempted
- docs: add SOCKS proxy section to docs
* query fix:
setup: ensure all static files included in package_data recursively to add new query assets
test: add test for nested static asset
query: correctly display 0 captures, 'capture' and 'captures' text moved to Text block
* docs and version update:
- add docs for compatibility features
- add docs for memento
- updat rewriter docs
- bump version to 2.0.0, update README, and changelist
- move scripts to query.js, fix formatting
- init ui from cdx list, refactor into single script
- use cdx api to retrieve query via ajax
- tests: update query tests to use cdx lookup instead
- remove server-side cdx lookup for /*/ endpoint
* rewrite improvement: better srcset parsing for comma-separated urls
* extensive server-side tests for srcset rewriting (with and without spaces and extra srcset modifiers)
* compile regex once for improved performance
* same regex for server and client side rewriting
Work by @rebeccacremona
- fully support range requests on frontend, if range request reaches pywb
- add OffsetLimitReader() to skip offset and limit read
- disbale rewriting for range requests
- serve 416 if range outside of content-length
- tests: add tests for range request handling
dockerignore: add collections/
* rules work:
- apply 'js_regexs' on json content also, using 'js-proxy' rewriter
- rules for vimeo, disable hls/dash
- add 'live_only' flag 'rewrite' to enable rewrite only when 'is_live' is set
- tests: add test for new vimeo rules, testing live_only
cli: add '--record' cli option to enable quick-recording from live collection
- remove 'force_type', if mixin present ensure text type is set (use 'mixin_type' prop defaulting to 'json')
- rules: add more fuzzy match rules for fb photos
- tests: add tests for find_all
rules system:
- 'mixin' class for adding custom rewrite mixin, initialized with optional 'mixin_params'
- 'force_type' to always force rewriting text type for rule match (eg. if application/octet-stream)
- fuzzy rewrite: 'find_all' mode for matching via regex.findall() instead of search()
- load_function moved to generic load_py_name
- new rules for fb!
- JSReplaceFuzzy mixin to replace content based on query (or POST) regex match
- tests: tests JSReplaceFuzzy rewriting
- append '?' for fuzzy matching if filters are set
- cdx['is_fuzzy'] set to '1' instead of True
client-side: rewrite
- add window.Request object rewrite
- improved rewrite of wb server + path, avoid double-slash
- fetch() rewrite proxy_to_obj()
- proxy_to_obj() null check
- WombatLocation prop change, skip if prop is the same
- add 'ww_rw' for injecting into webworkers via importScript() added when loading web workers as blobs
- 'WB_wombat_location' override checks for defaultView more consistently if _WB_wombat_location is null/undefined
- custom overrides __WB_pmw, WB_wombat_frameElement just fail silently instead of raising exception on assignment
header_rewriter: check if 'transfer-encoded' header is set to mark for dechunking
update dependency to warcio>=1.5.0 for better detection of chunked data by ChunkedDataReader
tests: add tests to ensure dechunk of chunk encoded response, proper handling of 'transfer-encoded' header present but not chunked case
* http OPTIONS canonicalization:
- rename PostQueryExtractor to generic MethodQueryCanonicalizer, handles OPTIONS verb in addition to POST
- use more generic 'query' instead of 'post_query' for method-query canonicalization
- append '__pywb_method=options' to OPTIONS responses to distinguish from get in MethodQueryCanonicalizer
* method canon: also add HEAD to __pywb_method query canonicalization
* support for 'classic' pywb features and misc improvements:
- add support for redirect to exact timestamp mode via 'redirect_to_exact: true' config setting
- tests: ensure memento headers added for redirect-to-exact
- memento: ensure Link header added for intermediate resources, check for 'enable_memento' before adding
- config: config passed to head_insert template as 'config'
- insert legacy 'vidrw.js' script if 'enable_flash_video_rewrite' config is set to true
- config: use_js_obj_proxy now defaults to true
- memento/tests: add proxy with custom accept-datetime test