cdx obj: allow alt field names to be used (eg. mime, mimetype, m)
(status/statuscode/s) in querying and reading cdx
cdx minimal: (#75) now implies cdxj to avoid more formats
minimal includes digest always and mime when warc/revisit
tests for cdxj loading
indexing optimization: reuse same entry obj for records of same type
overriding just the banner (and not the entire head_insert). Setting
banner_html: False will disable the banner, or setting to a custom
template will insert that template. Default template loads
default_banner.js which does the actual initialization.
will run (this was cumbersome to maintain and not really useful)
ReferRedirect just checks that the current request host header, if present, matches that of the referrer
and checks that the coll and script name match.
* removed proxy_pac as it was also unneeded/unused and required use of the hostpaths
* added test for invalid CONNECT usage (405 response)
(todo: add tests for non-ascii compatible encodings)
improved rendering of certain pages, needs more testing
lxml: remove lxml and complexity associated with having the parser,
as its too unpredictable for older html, does its own decoding.
split replay view into BaseContentView and ReplayView
refactor RewriteLiveHandler into RewriteLiveView
add additional tests for framed and non-framed mode
default to framed replay!
memento support enabled by default, togglable via 'enable_memento' config property
supporting timegate and memento apis, no timemap yet
supporting pattern 2.3 for archival and pattern 1.3 for proxy modes
simplify exception hierarchy a bit more, move down to utils
make WbRequest and WbResponse extensible with mixins (eg for memento)
and 'fuzzy' matching when not found
handled via
BaseCDXServer contains a canonicalizer object and a fuzzy query
canonicalizer abstracted to seperate class (in
clean up cdx related exceptions
default rules read from cdx/rules.yaml
filename configurable via 'domain_specific_rules' setting in config.yaml
fix typo in pywb/rewrite
- don't store explicit static path, but allow it to be set in the insert
- store host_prefix, which is either server name or empty
- for archival mode, absolute_paths settings controls if using absolute paths,
- for proxy always use absolute_paths
- default static path is: /static/default/
- allow extension apps to provide custom /static/X/ path
Route overriding:
- ability to set Route class
- custom init method
Archival Relative Redirect:
- if starting with timestamp, drop timestamp and assume host-relative path
Integration Tests:
- test proxy mode by using REQUEST_URI
- test archival relative redirect!
adding StaticHandler and loading templates and static resources from current package
add default template and static data to be included in the pywb package
add test for custom static route
* proxy router for handling only proxy
* proxy/archival router for handling both archival and proxy mode,
togglable with 'enable_http_proxy' setting in config
* supports only most recent capture playback -- no support for
selecting replay date/calendar view yet
* not testable with WebTest -- need better way to unit test proxy mode
wrapping previous WbResponse
overhaul yaml config to be much simpler, move best resolver and
best index reader to respective classes
add config_utils for sharing config, standard non-yaml config
provides defaults for testing
fix bug in query.html
* Refactor views class to support more Jinja2 views (J2Template)
* Add a home page, collection search page, and error pages, all optional
* all exceptions appear on error page
* wbrequest supports a request with an empty or / wb_url