rewrite_fb_dash() added for rewriting dash xml, embedded in js, embedded in html
todo: refactor to make more general support for custom rewriting functions
regex_rewriter: add ':' to exclude from rewrite again
rewriter: refactor to use mixins to extend base rewriter (todo: more refactoring)
fuzzy-matcher: support for additional 'match_filters' to filter fuzzy results via optional regexes by mime type,
eg. allow more lenient fuzzy matching on DASH manifests than other resources (for now)
fuzzy-matching: add WebAgg-Fuzzy-Match response header if response is fuzzy matched, redirect to exact match in rewriterapp
- webagg-server
- wayback
- live-rewrite-server
support adding custom settings to AutoApp
support for --live flag that automatically adds live-web source at '/live'
tests: disable cdx_server tests as old cdx_server removed
- update ExcludeSpecificHeaders() to be passed directly as a filter to warcio
- add ExcludeHttpOnlyCookiesHeader() to exclude only Set-Cookie if HttpOnly is present
remove unused code just loads from requirements.txt
Dockerfile pip installs requirements, then extra requirements for improved cacheing
travis runs setup install, then installs extra requirements
use StatusAndHeaders instead of requests CaseInsensitiveDict for consistency
refactor writer api: create_warc_record() for creating new record
copy_warc_record() for copying a full record from a stream
add writer tests, separate from recorder
frontendapp compatibility
- add support for separate not found page for 404s (not_found.html)
- support for exception handling with error template (error.html)
- support for home page (index.html)
- add memento headers for replay
- add referrer fallback check
- tests: port integration tests for front-end replay, cdx server
- not included: proxy mode, exact redirect mode, non-framed replay
- move unused tests to tests_disabled
- cli: add optional werkzeug profiler with --profile flag
support for dynamic collections: check all .cdxj files in /<coll>/indexes/*.cdxj when accessing /<coll>
support for fixed routes: specified in config.yaml as per
werkzeug routing in FrontEndApp: default query, replay, search pages working
route listing: /_coll_info.json for listing fixed + dynamic routes
autoindexing enabled, indexing WARCs added to archives directory to .cdxj index
Addresses #196