* BufferedReader defaults to no decompression
* DecompressingBufferedReader defaults to gzip decomp
* ChunkedDataReader defaults to no gzip decomp, but decomp
can be set later via set_decomp().
This allow chunked responses to be de-chunked but not decompressed
(eg for non-text responses)
- move is_identity(), is_embed() to wburl from wbrequest
- add is_mainpage() predicate
- add create_template() to each J2TemplateView to create itself
- add HeadInsertView to create a reusable head insert for
- add 'mp_' as modifier for frames mode to be used as possible
modifier with HTMLRewriter
without decoding. lxml parser expects to have raw bytes and will determine
encoding on its own. then serve back as utf-8 if no encoding specified.
should address #36
redundant code.. everything goes through rewrite_content(),
is sanitized (for transfer encoding) if needed
additional testing for decode_buff
fix failed_files bug in resolvingloader, add tests
- head insert callback passed in with rule, up to template
to handle additional inserts based on rule properties
- ability to pass in custom rules config to both cdx server
and content rewriter
- move canonicalize to utils pkg
- add wombat, modify wb.js to remove wombat-related settings
contains configs for cdx canon, fuzzy matching and rewriting!
rewriting: ability to add custom regexs per domain
also, ability to toggle js rewriting and custom rewriting file
(default is wombat.js)
remove max_len from DecompressingBufferedReader as it applied to
the compressed size, not original size.
Add integration test for verifying content length of larger file
and 'fuzzy' matching when not found
handled via cdxdomainspecific.py
BaseCDXServer contains a canonicalizer object and a fuzzy query
canonicalizer abstracted to seperate class (in canonicalizer.py)
clean up cdx related exceptions
default rules read from cdx/rules.yaml
filename configurable via 'domain_specific_rules' setting in config.yaml
fix typo in pywb/rewrite
move to distinct packages: pywb.utils, pywb.cdx, pywb.warc, pywb.util, pywb.rewrite!
each package will have its own README and tests
shared sample_data and install