- I: function overrides applied by wombat now better appear to be the original new function name same as originals when possible
- I: WombatLocation now looks and behaves more like the original Location interface
- I: The custom storage class now looks and behaves more like the original Storage
- I: SVG image rewriting has been improved: both the href and xlink:href deprecated since SVG2 now rewritten always
- I: document.open now handles the case of creation of a new window
- I: Request object rewriting of the readonly href property is now correctly handled
- I: EventTarget.addEventListener, removeEventListener overrides now preserve the original this argument of the wrapped listener
- A: document.close override to ensure wombat is initialized after write or writeln usage
- A: reconstruction of <doctype...> in rewriteHTMLComplete IFF it was included in the original string of HTML
- A: document.body setter override to ensure rewriting of the new body or frameset
- A: Attr.[value, nodeValue, textContent] added setter override to perform URL rewrites
- A: SVGElements rewriting of the filter, style, xlink:href, href, and src attributes
- A: HTMLTrackElement rewriting of the src attribute of the
- A: HTMLQuoteElement and HTMLModElement rewriting of the cite attribute
- A: Worklet.addModule: Loads JS module specified by a URL.
- A: HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils overrides to the areaelement
- A: ShadowRootoverrides to: innerHTML even though inherites from DocumentFragement and Node it still has innerHTML getter setter.
- A: ShadowRoot, Element, DocumentFragment append, prepend: adds strings of HTML or a new Node inherited from ParentNode
- A: StylePropertyMap override: New way to access and set CSS properties.
- A: Response.redirecthttps rewriting of the URL argument.
- A: UIEvent, MouseEvent, TouchEvent, KeyboardEvent, WheelEvent, InputEvent, and CompositionEven constructor and init{even-name} overrides in order to ensure that wombats JS Proxy usage does not affect their defined behaviors
- A: XSLTProcessor override to ensure its usage is not affected by wombats JS Proxy usage.
- A: navigator.unregisterProtocolHandler: Same override as existing navigator.registerProtocolHandler but from the inverse operation
- A: PresentationRequest: Constructor takes a URL or an array of URLs.
- A: EventSource and WebSocket override in order to ensure that they do not cause live leaks
- A: overrides for the child node interface
- Fix: autofetch worker creatation of the backing worker when it is operating within an execution context with a null origin
- A: 559 tests specific to wombat and client side rewritting
- Fix: a few broken tests due to iana.org requiring a user agent in its requests
- introduced a new JSWorkerRewriter class in order to support rewriting via wombat workers in the context of all supported worker variants via
- ensured rewriter app correctly sets the static prefix
- Modified travis.yml to specifically enumerate jobs
- Documented new wombat, wombat proxy moded, wombat workers
- switched to mutation observer when in proxy mode so that the behaviors can operate in tandem with the autofetcher
* proxy: add option to set default timestamp for proxy mode, fixes#452
- set via flag --proxy-default-timestamp or config 'proxy_options.default_timestamp'
- can be iso date or all-digit timestamp
- overridable via accept-datetime header
* docs: update docs for proxy timestamp
- add docs on memento support in proxy mode
* update-version: script can update version only, commit with 'update-version.sh commit'
* indexer post append: remove 'WB_wombat_' from POST query, could have been added in previous versions of pywb!
* Misc improvements, including fixes from @funkyfuture:
- Dockerfile: Reduces number of created layers and source contents
- Support for automatic collection creation if INIT_COLLECTION is defined
- Add entry point script docker-entrypoint.sh
- update to latest python (3.7.2 currently)
- additions to .dockerignore
- setup.py and requirements cleanup (just use plain 'gevent' requirement)
* docker-entrypoint.sh improvements:
- before running cmd, match uid/gid to that of volume dir (specified via $VOLUME_DIR, defaulting to /webarchive)
- if volume is owned by root (default if none mounted), just run as root
- if volume is owned by different user, create/update user 'archivist' to match the uid/gid of $VOLUME_DIR, then run cmd as 'su archivist'
* py3.7 fixes:
- add __repr__ to WBException for consistent output in py3.7
- don't raise StopIteration in generator, just return
* ci: add py3.7 builds to travis and appveyor, (don't include in integration test suite for now)
* versioning: new MAJ.MIN.DATE versioning
move version to version.py for easier updates
add update-version.sh for autoupdating version in version.py, pushing new tag with current version
* brotli: if the brotli module can not be loaded, print warning
and also remove `br` from any Accept-Encoding header to avoid recording with brotli, addresses #434
* Reworked query.js to know the difference between date search and advanced searching.
Exposed cdx api's through the query html page
- from, to
- matchType
- filter
Added more appealing styling to the error, index, not-found, query, and search templates
Updated the included jquery and boostrap static files to jQuery v3.3.1, Bootstrap v4.1.3
Implemented optionally using a web worker for making the cdx api request and processing the results
Documented the code
* ensure the display count str function uses the correct "first" value
* added view all captures for an result displayed in the advanced results view
query worker now sends over the recordCount as an integer and as a formatted string
moved the search button to the right after advanced options
* tests: fixed test_intergration.py:test_static_nested_dir failing due to updates
* recoder fix: ensure Transfer-Encoding header is not passed through by RecorderApp,
as may result in duplicate Transfer-Encoding in py2.7, fixes#432
* html rewriter fixes:
- html detection: allow for UTF-8 BOM when detecting if text is html
- html decl parsing: modify base parser regex to allow IE conditional declaration to also
end with -->, eg. support '<![endif]-->' in addition to '<![endif]>', fixes#425
* travis: add allow failure for integration tests (for now)
update pip and setuptools when running install.sh found in .travis
use xenial
removed trailing dash
only run webrecorder-tests using chrome and firefox
only run webrecorder-tests using pywbtest and chrometest marker expression
Added methods to AutoFetchWorker in proxy mode that allow external JS to initiate checks
Updated the actual proxy mode worker implementation to match the functionality added
Reworked ContentFrame and the default banner to be ES5 classes.
Introduced an optional relationship between ContentFrame and banners.
If a banner is exposed then ContentFrame controls the initialization of the banner and routes any messages received from the replay iframe to the banner.
When the replay iframe is navigated to a page and the replay iframe loads, the ContentFrame waits 2 seconds before checking to see if the banner still indicates it a loading state and if so updates the displayed information using the URL and timestamp the replay iframe was navigated to.
* html rewrite: when encountering 'text/html' content-type, add html-detection check before assuming content is html (similar to text/plain)
supersedes #426, fixes#424 -- binary files served under mp_/ as text/html should now be served as binary
- when guessing if html, add additional regex to check if text does not start with < -- perhaps html but starting with plain text. only check for text/html content-type and not js_/cs_ mod
- added to the auto-fetch worker of both wombat and wombatProxymode
- added utility function isImageSrcset to wombat for determining if the srcset values being rewritten are from either a image tag or a source tag within a picture tag
- added utility function isImageDataSrcset to wombat to check for img/source data-srcset attributes
- reworked the backing auto-fetch worker to now queue all URLs and perform fetch batching with maximum batch size of 60. A delay of 2 seconds is applied after each batch.
Ensured that the srcset values sent to the auto-fetch worker can be resolved in non-proxy mode fixes#413
Renamed the auto-fetch class named used in proxy mode from AutoFetchWorker to AutoFetchWorkerProxyMode
Added checking of script tage types application/json and text/template to rewrite_script
* client-side rewrite: fix extract_orig() to unrewrite relative urls using current page scheme, don't default to http
* wombat tests: fix karma tests by adding 'wombat_scheme' to test setup
* server-side rewrite: tweak 'location' rewrite to ensure $location is not rewritten!
tests: add additional rewrite tests for 'location', 'this.$location' and 'this.location'
- attempt to encode headers as utf-8 first for live web, then latin-1 (similar to warcio http header parsing)
- only encode headers for py3 (in py2, headers are already bytestrings)
- tests: add tests for utf-8 in header
bump version to 2.1.1
- FullHTMLRegex: performs a case insensitive check for <html, <body, <head and <!doctype html>
updated rewrite_elem to:
- rewrite meta tags that deliever csp policies
- check for additional attributes that could contain un-rewritten URLs (form.style, iframe.style)
Made check for full html into regex
- ensured that autoFetchWorker uses full srcset URLs
- resolves the URL against the img.src or document.baseURI if not rewritten
- otherwise ensures the rewritten URL is not relative or schemeless
- AutoFetchWorker updated extractFromLocalDoc to send URL resolution information to the worker
- defer extractFromLocalDoc and preserveSrcset postMessages to ensure page viewer can see the images first
* add sample Apache configuration
This configuration can be used when launching `wayback` in the default
configuration, which is useful to add stuff like access control,
authentication, or encryption without going through the trouble of
setting up a UWSGI proxy.
* enable support for X-Forwarded-Proto headers from #395
- rename auto-fetch config to 'enable_auto_fetch' and '--enable-auto-fetch' cli param
- rename 'use_head_insert' -> 'enable_content_rewrite'
- rename 'use_banner' -> 'enable_banner'
- rename 'use_wombat' -> 'enable_wombat'
Misc Cleanup:
- enable_auto_fetch applies to both proxy and non-proxy mode
- remove setting 'wbinfo.use_wombat', implied if wombatProxyMode.js is included
- docs: add docs for auto-fetch system, improved docs for proxy rewrite options
- tests: test with enable_auto_fetch, update tests for renames
- bump version to 2.1.0 due to breaking changes
- changelist: updates to changelist
- requirements: use bounded version for gevent
- adding the 'xlink:href' attribute to script element attributes to rewrite
Updated html_rewriter.py to better handle self closing tags:
- added boolean set_parsing_context arg to _rewrite_tag_attrs to indicate if the parsing context is to be set
- the call to _rewrite_tag_attrs from handle_startendtag now sets set_parsing_context to false
Added a test to test_html_rewriter.py for rewriting SVGScriptElements
* rewriting fixes:
server side: cookie rewriting: if httponly cookie with mp_/if_ modifier and path ends with '/', add set-cookie for all known modifiers
content length parsing: improve content-length parsing to support 'content-length: num,num', parse out the first number (occasionally seen with range requests when range is dropped for upstream)
wombat: rewrite_elem: use element.ownerDocument for resolving baseUri for parent paths
tests: add tests for cookie all modifier rewrite, bad content-length parsing (skip for py2.7)
- rename override_func_first_arg_proxy_to_obj -> override_func_arg_proxy_to_obj to support resolving object proxy not just from first param
- add document.evaluate() 'de-proxy' to 2nd param
- optimize override_func_arg_proxy_to_obj() to call original apply, avoid modifying arguments array in place
* wombat init fix:
- fix change from #339 which removed reiniting of wombat
- allow reiniting of wombat if inited via init_new_window_wombat()
- don't allow if reinited directly from <head>, as happened in document import
* tests: fix tests for 'new _WBWombat -> WombatInit' change
* wombat: window.frames optimization:
- since window.frames === window, no need for separate override!
- ensure init_new_window_wombat() is called on any returned window from object proxy