- webagg-server
- wayback
- live-rewrite-server
support adding custom settings to AutoApp
support for --live flag that automatically adds live-web source at '/live'
tests: disable cdx_server tests as old cdx_server removed
to any warc/arc in specified collection or across all and update autoindex cdx
cdx indexing: add --dir-root option to specify custom relative root dir for filenames used in cdx
migration will also recanonicalize the urlkey to surt form
add migration test using non-surt, 9-field cdx (created from samples)
cdxindexer: fix multi warc->multi cdx indexing options
cdx field renaming: canonical cdx field name changes
statuscode -> status
mimetype -> mime
original -> url
old names still accept for query/filtering, however, cdx json will use new names
ensures consistency between .cdxj field names and names used by cdx server json output
collections manager now creates .cdxj by default
bump version to 0.9.0b2!
available ui templates. Support for both collection and shared templates.
confirmation for overwrite/remove
updated full template list in default_config and added tests
metadata stored in wbrequest.user_metadata and available to all templates
collections manager: refactor to use subparsers, add list collections and set metadata commands
update tests for new commands
index template: use user metadata title for collections listing
search template: display all metadata and title, if available
option to index and merge instead of reindexing whole dir, #74
additional testing for recursive indexing, index merge
timeutils: add timestamp20_now() function