memento support enabled by default, togglable via 'enable_memento' config property
supporting timegate and memento apis, no timemap yet
supporting pattern 2.3 for archival and pattern 1.3 for proxy modes
simplify exception hierarchy a bit more, move down to utils
make WbRequest and WbResponse extensible with mixins (eg for memento)
move strip_scheme to replay_views where it is used
regex rewriters: use url rewriter for rewriting http:// in JS,
instead of just prefix, to support custom rewriters (such as
https->http rewriter in proxy mode)
don't actually output to preserve original
wombat: copy over all Location settings
wburl: convert :/ -> :// if 2nd slash missing, only check for <scheme>:/
and ignore subsequent slashes
add sample warc and cdx for url-agnostic revisits
add unit test and integration test
resolvingloader: pass callback instead of full cdx server
for use for loading cdx in case of url-agnostic revisit
custom processing ops, of which perms is a specific type
add lazy_ops test to ensure all cdx processing ops are lazy
perms: set up a 'perms policy' factory and perms policy implementation
perms policy setting results in a custom processing op
update tests to work with new config
IndexReader handles both cdx server + perms policy
create 'framework' subpackage for general purpose components!
contains routing, request/response, exceptions and wsgi wrappers
update framework package for pep8
dsrules: using load_config_yaml() (pushed to utils)
to init default config
RemoteCDXServer delegates filter/processing and simply proxies response from remote
RemoteCDXSource (and default usage with CDXServer) only fetches the unfiltered/unprocessed
stream and performs cdx ops locally
archivalrouter: support empty collection, with and without SCRIPT_NAME
cdx: remove cdx source test, including access denied
replay: when content-type present, limit the decompressed stream to content-length
(this ensures last 4 bytes in warc/arc record are not read)
integration tests for identity replay
rules: fix regex to be lazy not greedy, turn off unneeded custom
canonicalizer (need tests for custom canon)
cleanup fuzzy match query
fix data package in
- head insert callback passed in with rule, up to template
to handle additional inserts based on rule properties
- ability to pass in custom rules config to both cdx server
and content rewriter
- move canonicalize to utils pkg
- add wombat, modify wb.js to remove wombat-related settings