* eval fix: instead of rewriting to 'WB_wombat_eval', rewrite to 'self.eval' for non-top-level eval
the wombat object will handle rewriting the eval arg on 'self.eval'
tighten rewriting for top-level 'eval', add additional tests
part of fix for #663
* rewrite wrap: add extra {, } to avoid collisions, as suggested in webrecorder/wombat#72
eval rewrite: exclude ',eval' as more likely than not causing a false positive, as per #643
* update to latest wombat 3.3.0 with corresponding fixes
* add localization utilities:
- add locmanager to support extract, update, remove, list using pybabel
- add po2csv/csv2po conversion with translate-utils
- docs: add localization.rst to manual!
* add language switch header (via header.html) to all pages if more than one locale is present.
* localization: wrap more text strings in templates in existing templates
* docs:
- document `wb-manager i18n` commands
- mention `<html lang>` setting
- include csv example
- add info about adding localizable text in templates
* add localization to CHANGES
* post append improvements:
- parse json primitives for post query
- for text/plain, attempt to parse as json, then as binary
- standardize post append indexing
- include '__wb_method' in urlkey
- add 'requestBody' and 'method' to cdxj
- support unique dupe params for json-to-query conversion
* test fixes:
- update tests for test_inputreq,
- update post-test.cdxj and post-test.cdx
* ci: fixes
- tox: run full test suite!
- disable appveyor
* inputrequest buffering fix:
- never truncate reading POST request, must read entire POST data to avoid hung request in live mode
- truncate final query string to 4096
* docs work on OpenWayback -> pywb transition, part 1
* docs: add config change examples, exclusions and deploy recommendations
* update with path index example
* update terms with collection info
* docs update:
- add zipnum examples to owb-to-pywb config transition
- add working docker compose examples for nginx subdirectory, apache subdirectory and outback cdx deployment in ./sample-deploy
- update usage and owb-to-pywb deployment docs with updated subdiretory deployment info + sample-deploy links
* tweak exclusion info, deploy title
* add missing filee uwsgi_subdir.ini
* Docs: fix typos and clarifications from review (thanks @ldko!)
Co-authored-by: Lauren Ko <lauren.ko@unt.edu>
* docs: explain that existing cdx can be added to outbackcdx, explain reindexing is optional
* docs: elaborate on docker-compose examples
* minor tweaks
* update to latest wombat 3.0.2
* update CHANGES.rst
* bump version to 2.5.0 for release
Co-authored-by: Lauren Ko <lauren.ko@unt.edu>
* ensure that the RemoteCDXIndexSource also adds a 'matchType=' param, fix for ukwa-pywb/ukwa#57
* 2.4.2 fixes:
- cdxindexer: don't treat first param as output, require '-o <output>' instead, update tests
- cleanup: move url-polyfill.min.js to correct static dir, addresses #571
- update to latest wombat
- move logo to ./pywb/static, fix README path
- tests: update indexing tests for cdx-indexer fix
- bump version to 2.4.2
- Fix link in access-control docs to use RST instead of MD syntax (#568) (by @machawk1)
* misc fixes for 2.4.0rc7:
- warcserver: when parsing headers to check for redirect, reserialized headers
may be of different length then original, causing warcserver->app response to hang
now adjusting the content-length on the warc record and also not including a fixed
length when serving warcserver->app, possible fix for ukwa/ukwa-pywb#53
- undo change in path resolvers to use os.path.join, just concatenate full_path + filename
- rewrite 'date' -> 'x-orig-archive-date' header to avoid confusion (eg. #548)
- bump version to rc7
* ci: attempt to fix travis build for 27, 35
* fixes for RC6:
- blockrecordloader: ensure record stream is closed after parsing one record
- wrap HttpLoader streams in StreamClosingReader() which should close the connection even if stream not fully consumed
- simplify no_except_close
may help with ukwa/ukwa-pywb#53
- iframe: add allow fullscreen, autoplay
- wombat: update to latest, filter out custom wombat props from getOwnPropertyNames
- rules: add rule for vimeo
* cdx formatting: fix output=text to return plain text / non-cdxj output
* auto fetch fix:
- update to latest wombat to fix auto-fetch in rewriting mode
- fix /proxy-fetch/ endpoint for proxy mode recording, switch proxy-fetch to run in recording mode
- don't use global to allow repeated checks
* rewriter html check: peek 1024 bytes to determine if page is html instead of 128
* fix jinja2 dependency for py2
* misc fixes (rc 5):
- banner: only auto init banner if not in top-frame (check for no-frame mode and replay url is set)
- index: 'cdx+' fix for use as internal index: if cdx has a warc filename and offset, don't attempt default live web load
- improved self-redirect: avoid www2 -> www redirect altogether, not just for second redirect
- tests: update tests for improved self-redirect checking
- bump version to pywb-2.4.0-rc5
* banner: fix banner display for non-framed and proxy mode replay, ensure new 'View All Captures' ancillary section is also shown
* bump version to 2.4.0rc4
* rewrite fixes:
- dash rewrite fix for fb: when rewriting, match quoted '"dash_prefetched_representation_ids"' as well as w/o quotes,
update tests to ensure rewriting both old and new formats
- wombat update to fix#527: ensure document.write() doesn't accidentally remove end-tag if end-tag was not lowercase (see webrecorder/wombat#21)
* tests: fix recorder cookie filtering test, use https://www.google.com/ for testing
* appveyor: fix appveyor builds
- if preflight OPTIONS request, respond directly (don't attempt OPTIONS capture lookup)
- if preflight CORS request, ensure response has appropriate CORS headers, even if not captured
- wombat: update to latest wombat with updated Date() fixed timezone in proxy mode
- bump version to 2.4.0rc3
* banner: add banner and localization improvements from ukwa branch:
- show 'view all captures' link if not live
- optional logo
- loc options, if available
- banner options set via window.banner_info in banner.html
localization support:
- add init_loc() to templateview
- loc available if config options set
- tests: add tests for loading localized messages, override .gitignore to allow test messages.mo
- formatted them according to project
- query.js: ensured correct timestamp to date function is used
- head_insert.html: is_framed check is no longer a string it is a boolean, corrected redirect check
- test_html_rewriter.py: added missing rewrite modifier test checking i.style containing a background image html encoded
- added missing quote_plus import and cleaned up imports
- enabled with 'transclusions: 2' (default) config option
- legacy flash-supporting transclusions script (still working) available via 'transclusions: 1' or enable_flash_video_rewrite option
- add transclusions.js with support for poster image
- legacy vidrw: don't add undefined url as source
- locatization: wrap text in not_found.html to be translatable
- add base.html template with head, header, footer optional customizations
- refactor all top-level templates to extend base.html, except frame_insert.html
- localization: add placeholder support for jinja2 localization extension, '{% trans %}' and _('') tags, placeholder null localization
- refactor new query UI to support localization
- update some text to match localized versions used in ukwa-pywb, update test
general auto-fetch improvements:
- Fixed issue that caused HTTP 404 errors to happen when parsing <link> stylesheet hrefs as sheets (webrecorder/wombat#11)
- Ensured that auto-fetch requests made are cached by the browser (webrecorder/wombat#13 & webrecorder/wombat#15)
- Ensured that the request made by the backing web worker when in proxy mode are not blocked by CORS (webrecorder/wombat#13 & webrecorder/wombat#15)
updated changelist and bumped version to 2.3.5
* html-unescape fix:
- unescape any url that contains '&#' as it may be html-encoded
- unescape css blocks that contain '&#' as well, as they may contain css urls that need rewriting
* misc fixes:
- Update CHANGES
- Update to latest wombat
- Update reqs to surt 0.3.1, fix tests
* proxy: update wombat history callback to fire immediately, update to latest wombat
* title parse: add html unescaping (use original unescaped method overridden in htmlrewriter)
tests: add tests for page fetch and title extraction
* auto-fetch page fetch support:
- check for X-Wombat-History-Page header to indicate page url
- set title from X-Wombat-History-Title header, and attempt to parse <title> from response
- update auto-fetch workers in wombat
- update changelist, bump to 2.3.4
* domain cookie fix:
- don't set cookies for service worker modifiers if response is not 200
- don't add existing cookies to Cookie or Set-Cookie headers
- add sw_/, wkrf_/ modifiers to generate paths
- enable domain cookie cacheing by default with fakeredis for live index and record mode, keyed by collection
- reqs: add fakeredis, tldextract, update warcio
- tests: add initial tests for domain cookie rewriting