- Make Vue banner responsive with Bootstrap 4
- Add previous/next year arrows to calendar
- Make navbar background, text color, and button outlines configurable
via config.yaml
- Toggle calendar and timeline separately
- Fix bug preventing title from displaying
- Make app keyboard-navigable
- Fix banner background color configuration
- Comment out vue_navbar_background_hash
- Display linear timeline tooltip centrally on enter
- Improve header styling on small screens
- Add titles to font awesome icons
- Remove old default banner (calendar retained for advanced search
- Fix TimelineLinear TypeError that broke calendar
- Bump version to 2.7.0b2
- Set Cache-Control header on CDXJ API response to mark returned CDX as
stale after 1 day
- Add commented out UI values to config.yaml to aid users
- Remove timeline and calendar card borders
- Fix issues with snapshot navigation
- Center search bar and align with buttons
- Make Vue app bfcache-ineligible: By adding an empty unload event
listener, we make pages serving the Vue app ineligible for bfcache,
which prevents unexpected behavior when navigating via the browser's
back/forward buttons.
Connected to https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb/issues/717
When a user navigated to a new URL by clicking on a link in the
replay iframe, the new Vue app was unnecessarily triggering a
reload, causing what looks like a flash of the page content. This
commit modifies the Vue app to only reload the iframe if a user
selected a new snapshot from the calendar or timeline.
- make calendar tooltips into real links and clickable and ctrl+clickable
- ensure advanced view uses old ui (not supported in new ui)
- add language popup on frame_insert for vueui
- i18n: consolidate loc strings for vueui into vue_loc.html
- spinner: for replay, only show over banner
- spinner: show after 500ms delay
- i18n: add one more string ('no captures')
- make calendar popup links regular links to support cmd+click
- i18n: implement lang switcher in vue as well (for query and framed_insert), don't include non-vue language switcher in header
- add localized text to frame_insert.html and query.html (for now) to be passed to vueui
- ensure all vue strings localized
- use variable names in localizabls strings, eg. "view capture on {date}"
- simplified text (no cardinal suffixes, use 24-hourt clock)
templates: add placeholder templates (footer.html, head.html)
templates: allow 'base_html', 'footer_html', 'head_html', 'header_html' to be added via wb-manager 'add-template' cmd
ui: fix logo path, support linking
ui: make url on banner an input field
docs: clarify docs around templates, paths
- add ui-overview as UI toc page
- refactor ui-customization to top-level customizations page
- add template-guide for in-depth template reference
- add new-vue-ui page for docs on new ui, with images
- fix adding logo to old ui, add to docs
- use rollup to build vue ui, build at vue/vueui.js
- calendar page renders via both /*/ and /*? queries
- banner support for framed mode only for now
- ensure banner updated in response to inner frame events
- combine cdxquery classes into vue build, expose single entrypoint VueUI.main
- initial set of vueui dev, calendar, banner, calendar hover mode
- ensure embedded mode replay is working
- config: rename ui vars to 'vue_calendar_ui' and 'vue_timeline_banner'
- dependencies: update to wombat 3.3.6
- bump to 2.7.0b0
eval: switch to new eval rewriting which catches global scope
rxrewriting: remove lookbehind check so that 'return eval(...)' can be rewritten
tests: add additional eval tests
bump to 2.6.9
* rewrite: add 'ir_' mod to support header only url-rewriting with no content rewriting
* tests: add tests for ir_ to test that content is identical to id_, but Location headers are rewritten with ir_ modifier.
* tests cleanup:
- move test requirements to test_requirements.txt to share between setup.py and tox.ini
- README: update to recommend using 'tox --current-env' for running tests locally
- replaces #741
* test tweaks:
- don't require i18n to import locmanager, instead set flag on load (to avoid breaking tox / pytest)
- don't add werkzeug to test requirements
- if a revisit is of a redirect (3xx response) and revisit has http headers, return
the http headers with empty payload -- don't bother loading the original record
builds on changes in #751
- cleanup redirect revisit tests from #751
* Enable translation for the remaining strings on the search results page
* Use toLocaleString() to format timestamps also for search results without matchType
* revisit loading fix for revisit records with http headers:
- if revisit record has http headers, always use those headers
- otherwise, continue to use http headers from payload record
- parse headers of http and payload records on initial lookup, to simplify loading
- tests: add test for loading revisit records with different urls, different headers but same payload
- fix for sul-dlss/was-pywb#64
* also bump version to 2.6.8
If a CDXJ entry has a status that is an int that can cause problems in
multiple places in pywb. This change ensures that int status lines are
converted to str.
Currently error messages display on a single line that can be difficult
to scroll. This updates the CSS slightly to allow the message to spread
over multiple lines if needed.
I was playing back a YouTube video and noticed that the playback worked
fine with using uwsgi/pywb directly but failed when using nginx. I think
a very long HTTP Link header was causing nginx to hang up. I increased
the uwsgi_buffer_size to 8k and the problem went away. Maybe this will
save someone else some time if it is increased?
* post append query: fix json parsing of lists to be identical to cdxj-indexer
if json parsing errors occur, log to stderr
fixes#709 in a better way
* update CHANGES.rst
* rewrite: add missing wordbreak to eval regex to avoid false positives, eg. '_eval' from being rewritten!
* dependencies: bump gevent to 21.12.0
* inputrequest: remove unnecessary print
* bump version to 2.6.7, update CHANGES for 2.6.7
* js rewriting: default to moden js-proxy based rewriting by default, use legacy rewriting only if browsers are older than minimum, as suggested in #707
* user-agent detection: use ua_parser for user-agent detection instead of obsolete werkzeug.useragent, which also did not support browsers >=100
* tests: additional tests for rewriting with various user-agents, defaulting to new-style rewriting for unknown browsers
* dockerfile: Update Dockerfile to use py3.8
* tests: skip s3 tests dependent on commoncrawl data (for now, need better s3 tests).
* bump to 2.6.6, update CHANGES
- when 'redirect_to_exact' is enabled, the top-frame expects a redirect for top-frame, however, live mode does not result in redirect to top-frame, so render live top-frame same as before
- tests: ensure top-frame loads correctly for live mode with redirect_to_exact enabled
- tests: fix webenact index tests