Ilya Kreymer
Update INSTALL.rst
2015-03-23 10:36:37 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
Update INSTALL.rst
2015-03-23 10:31:59 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
2015-03-23 10:18:46 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
More README tweaks
2015-03-23 10:15:33 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
Update README.rst for latest update
2015-03-23 09:52:07 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cli: change cdx-server and live-rewrite-server to go through shared cli
entry point
2015-03-23 09:08:09 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
autoindex and cli: add autoindex to cli with 'wayback -a' option, #81
2015-03-22 23:03:39 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cli: improve wayback cli to take optional port, threads and working dir arguments
switch to waitress as default WSGI server instead of wsgiref
2015-03-22 21:50:56 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
setup: add 'watchdog' as a dependency
2015-03-22 18:24:56 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: support autoindexing! ( #91 ) wb-manager autoindex will use watchdog library to detect creation/updates
to any warc/arc in specified collection or across all and update autoindex cdx
cdx indexing: add --dir-root option to specify custom relative root dir for filenames used in cdx
2015-03-22 17:55:38 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
init/import path: move DEFAULT_CONFIG to __init__ for faster shared import
proxy: move certauth/openssl init to only happen in enable_https_proxy is set to
make slow openssl import run only when used
2015-03-22 17:52:07 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
rewrite: js regex: fix js rewrite regex to only match beginning of url for rewriting, since
rewrite just adding prefix for abs urls in js use case. (avoid dealing with any invalid chars that
may occur later in url)
2015-03-21 13:58:36 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
auto_init: resolve rel paths only on init only if not http (though should support other protocols eventually)
2015-03-20 20:14:21 +00:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: add cdx -> cdxj migration tool #80 , which will convert all cdxs in a directory to cdxj, removing original files
migration will also recanonicalize the urlkey to surt form
add migration test using non-surt, 9-field cdx (created from samples)
cdxindexer: fix multi warc->multi cdx indexing options
2015-03-19 20:57:33 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: fix index path to index.cdxj
2015-03-19 13:41:48 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cdxj: support cdx json output from cdx server with output='json' (not yet default)
cdx field renaming: canonical cdx field name changes
statuscode -> status
mimetype -> mime
original -> url
old names still accept for query/filtering, however, cdx json will use new names
ensures consistency between .cdxj field names and names used by cdx server json output
collections manager now creates .cdxj by default
bump version to 0.9.0b2!
2015-03-19 13:33:49 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
add cdxj sample
2015-03-19 12:49:46 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cdxj: support loading cdxj ( #76 )
cdx obj: allow alt field names to be used (eg. mime, mimetype, m)
(status/statuscode/s) in querying and reading cdx
cdx minimal: (#75 ) now implies cdxj to avoid more formats
minimal includes digest always and mime when warc/revisit
tests for cdxj loading
indexing optimization: reuse same entry obj for records of same type
2015-03-19 12:36:49 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: fixes for windows: use shutil.move instead of os.rename to allow move to
existing file
tests: reset workdir before deleting temp dir
2015-03-18 13:14:05 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
indexing: cdx json support ( #76 ): use OrderedDict when indexing json to ensure consistent ordering
skip empty or '-' fields
add tests for cdx json
2015-03-17 21:11:35 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
indexing: refactor ArchiveIndexEntry to be a dict instead of adding attrib. Allows for better track of indexed properties.
Add json-based cdx! (cdxj) output where all fields except url + key are in json dict. Support for both minimal and full json cdx, tracked via #76
2015-03-17 19:11:55 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
auto-config: add support for loading from root ./static/ directory,
available under /static/__shared/ path
default path changed from /static/default -> /static/__pywb/
rename wayback-manager to wb-manager
2015-03-17 19:05:39 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
fix readme typos
2015-03-17 09:58:18 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
readme: improve samples section
2015-03-17 01:13:10 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
readme tweaks and typo fixes
2015-03-17 01:06:06 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
Update CHANGELIST for 0.9.0b1
2015-03-17 00:39:24 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
More README tweaks
2015-03-17 00:28:14 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
Update INSTALL.rst for 0.9.0
2015-03-17 00:14:10 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
Brand new README for 0.9.0!
2015-03-17 00:01:32 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
templates: ensure shared templates are loaded from root templates/ subdir
manager: add shared templates to templates subdir, not root dir #55 and #74
2015-03-16 19:57:28 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
change version to 0.9.0b1
2015-03-16 19:15:00 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
rename for 0.9.0:
rename default templates package from ui/* templates to templates/*
rename default subdirs: warcs -> archive, cdx -> indexes
2015-03-16 18:48:09 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: templates: add collections manager ( #74 ) commands for adding, removing and listing
available ui templates. Support for both collection and shared templates.
confirmation for overwrite/remove
updated full template list in default_config and added tests
2015-03-16 16:55:06 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cleanup: remove unused __str__ from Handlers / Route, not as useful anymore
2015-03-15 22:55:23 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
fix tests for coll listing, #78
config override: when loading from coll-specific config.yaml, resolve
relative paths to that collection, not to root #55
2015-03-15 22:23:08 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
metadata: add support for user-defined per-collection metadata! #78
metadata stored in wbrequest.user_metadata and available to all templates
collections manager: refactor to use subparsers, add list collections and set metadata commands
update tests for new commands
index template: use user metadata title for collections listing
search template: display all metadata and title, if available
2015-03-15 21:24:15 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
collections manager: support for merge when adding warc, explicit --index-warcs
option to index and merge instead of reindexing whole dir, #74
additional testing for recursive indexing, index merge
timeutils: add timestamp20_now() function
2015-03-14 14:56:15 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: add test for directory auto collection loader,
collection manager and new 6-field minimal cdx format
2015-03-13 19:53:50 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
Merge branch 'develop' into config-work
2015-03-13 11:53:27 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
readme fix
2015-03-13 11:05:32 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
Update CHANGES for 0.8.3
2015-03-13 11:04:37 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
html rewrite: add trailing slash for <base> tag rewrite if url is a scheme://host
with no path component #77
cleanup: remove unused code path for tags with no rewriting -- all tags
now checked for dynamic attrs which may need rewriting
update tests, including live rewrite test dependent on live site (FB)
2015-03-13 10:53:57 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
indexing: for minimal index, use a single -m flag to create a 6 field index.
minimal index also skips parsing contents of warc/arc records altogether
add cli docs for minimal index, tracked via #75
2015-03-07 11:56:17 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
statusandheaders: make protocol check case-insensitive, eg. accept HTTP/1.0 and http/1.0 for better compatibility
2015-03-07 11:37:06 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
Merge branch 'develop' into config-work
2015-03-06 21:09:21 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
wb_frame: fix extra slash typo in replaced frame url
2015-03-05 17:04:44 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
bump version to 0.8.3
cookie rewrite: remove 'secure' flag if present
2015-03-05 16:18:56 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
update 0.8.2 changelist, minor fixes
2015-02-28 09:04:15 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
cdx indexer: refactor indexer into mixins for differnt formats for easier customization
2015-02-25 16:45:47 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
config fix: check for existance of root 'collections dir', #55
2015-02-25 13:51:12 -08:00