Ilya Kreymer
http block loader: raise exception for 4xx, 5xx responses
tests: add tests for limitreader posting, fix charset for frame test
2016-07-31 12:56:00 -04:00
Ilya Kreymer
rewrite improvements: if content-type is text/plain but mod is js_ or cs_, treat as js or css ( #31 )
header rewriter: ensure removed content-length and content-encoding are added back if no rewriting performed on response body
2016-07-27 21:34:58 -04:00
Ilya Kreymer
rewrite headers: undo not rewriting x- headers, needs more research and exclusions (eg. x-frame-options)
2016-04-26 13:11:08 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cookie rewrite improvements: #177
- don't remove max-age and expires if in 'live' rewrite mode (flag set on urlrewriter)
- remove secure only if replay prefix is not https
- fix expires UTC->GMT as cookie parsing chokes on UTC
- other rewriting: don't append rewrite prefix to x- headers
tests: add more cookie rewriting tests
2016-04-26 09:45:23 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: use instead of for range-request test
2016-03-26 22:28:04 -04:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: remove 3.2, fix auto_index test assert
2016-03-10 13:07:57 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
proxy: ensure proxy cert download sets content length
proxy options: 'use_default_coll' must specify exact default coll
(otherwise a random coll is chosen, as ordering is not defined)
travis: add py3.4, py3.5!
2016-02-23 18:09:09 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
py3: all tests pass, at last!
but not yet py2... need to resolve encoding in rewriting issues
2016-02-23 13:26:53 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
proxy: add tests for proxy-mode 'Pywb-Rewrite-Prefix' header which adds optional prefix to proxy mode rewrites.. ensures such rewrites always absolute to include the prefix
2015-12-29 16:10:23 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
proxy: ip resolver: show 500 error if incorrect coll preconfigured for ip-based settings (todo: make it configurable?)
2015-12-29 14:53:50 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
proxy: switching not available for ip resolver either
tests: update tests for auth and ip resolver to check that proxy magic is not set
2015-12-12 22:59:32 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
memento: for not found timemap query, return empty timemap, instead of html query error page, closes #158
2015-11-30 09:40:07 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
memento/api: add a new /collinfo.json end-point, enabled with 'enable_coll_info' config setting, which returns
the value fo collinfo.json template. Default template returns an entry for each handler route,
including the route path (id), title (name) and memento timegate and timemap paths, to be used with
an aggregator. Using a custom 'info_json' template can specify a different collinfo template, alternative to #69 (local aggregation)
Closes #146
2015-11-04 15:36:44 -08:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: add new tests for redis-based cache, #145
2015-10-30 13:18:58 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cache: add a simple RedisCache implementation (alongside local and uwsgi)
proxy_ip_resolver: add option to use RedisCache if redis_cache_key set in config
proxy_ip_resolver: add 'delete' option to delete ip from cache, closes #145
2015-10-30 13:15:07 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
proxy: add ProxyRouter wrapper to check for content-length and, if missing, perform full buffering (http1.0) or chunked encoding (http1.1) (separate from replay view buffering)
add tests for buffering and chunked encoding, fixes #143 , also tests no banner url-rewrite only proxy related to #142
2015-10-25 18:02:51 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: fix mock YoutubeDLWrapper after refactor, #141
2015-10-23 12:19:15 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
live rewite proxy: decouple having http/https proxy from recording,
move youtubedl wrapper calls, metadata add calls to live rewrite proxy class for easier extension
closes #141 also improves #136
2015-10-23 11:57:12 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: use proxy str directly (imrpove test cov)
2015-10-23 11:54:16 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: use random port instead of 8080 for cli test to avoid conflicts with running services
2015-10-23 11:53:28 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cdxindexer: if latest ujson (with forward slash not-escaping) is available, use that when indexing, closes #140
tests: update indexer CDXJ tests to be order-independent
travis: install ujson for testing
2015-10-22 17:46:05 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests refactor! init pywb once per module, instead of once per test
refactor common init pattern to server_mock for now (can add fixtures also)
2015-10-14 20:34:46 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: test fixes for windows
2015-10-13 21:36:27 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
proxy resolvers: add tests for ip-based resolver
cache: default cache returns empty instead of raise KeyError on invalid key, to be consistent with uwsgi
2015-10-11 17:46:12 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
proxy: update tests for new use_banner, use_client_rewrite options, #107
2015-09-09 13:22:32 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: update test to match cdx-convert
2015-08-25 23:06:00 +03:00
Ilya Kreymer
autocolls test: patch wsgiref not waitress as it is default
2015-07-31 09:26:48 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: proxy check to ensure content-length header is always present in proxy mode
2015-07-30 11:06:44 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
replay/memento: always include 'Content-Location' for in no-redir mode replay (not just for memento timegate), #122
2015-07-19 00:11:25 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
memento: when redir_to_exact
is false, don't redirect latest replay/timegate to current timestamp, but return directly latest capture.
when memento enabled, the timegate now follows memento pattern 2.2 ( )
also return content-location instead of location, update memento no-redirect tests to match new behavior. closes #122
2015-07-18 23:30:31 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
youtube-dl tests: use mock youtube-dl info for tests
2015-06-27 20:46:55 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
youtube-dl: remove from dependency, installation is optional. Return 404 if attempting live
proxy of videos and youtube-dl is not available (the only use case).
HTTPParser wrapping logic no longer needed in latest versions
Modify tests to only run if youtube-dl is installed in cases where it is not available #118
2015-06-27 16:11:59 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
readers: support 'content-encoding: deflate' using different zlib decompression options
support default and alt settings for attempting to decompress deflate stream
tests: add tests with Fixes #115
2015-06-24 13:11:33 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
tests: add tests for root collection access, and also a custom handler passed to pywb_init
(a simple redirect handler)
2015-04-17 11:48:50 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
live-rewrite-server: switch to 'inverse' frame mode by default,
switch from /rewrite/ to /live/ path, update tests
2015-04-13 13:00:06 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
jinja template: use shared template in J2Template, init on first use
2015-04-03 10:43:39 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cli refactor: use classes in cli to allow custom options
get rid of custom init for live_rewrite_handler, just use create_wb_router()
with custom config for consistent init
2015-04-03 10:43:39 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: validate name on collection init: must start with wordchar and can contain wordchar or -
2015-04-03 01:18:35 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
'inverse' framed replay: ensure memento headers point to actual memento in inverse framed replay
add additional test for inverse framed replay, #92
fix framed replay url replace slash
2015-04-01 16:21:44 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
refactor: fixes for compat with latest certauth>=1.1.0
2015-03-30 09:38:42 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
fixes for windows:
indexing: ensure '/' always written to cdx
autoindex: improved test case, ensure threads exit with join
style: fix long lines
2015-03-25 10:56:53 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
static paths: ensure consistent renaming of static/default -> static/__pywb for bundled static path
2015-03-23 16:15:37 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
wb-manager: rename 'migrate' to 'cdx-convert' for clarity
2015-03-23 11:05:02 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
autoindex and cli: add autoindex to cli with 'wayback -a' option, #81
2015-03-22 23:03:39 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cli: improve wayback cli to take optional port, threads and working dir arguments
switch to waitress as default WSGI server instead of wsgiref
2015-03-22 21:50:56 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: support autoindexing! ( #91 ) wb-manager autoindex will use watchdog library to detect creation/updates
to any warc/arc in specified collection or across all and update autoindex cdx
cdx indexing: add --dir-root option to specify custom relative root dir for filenames used in cdx
2015-03-22 17:55:38 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: add cdx -> cdxj migration tool #80 , which will convert all cdxs in a directory to cdxj, removing original files
migration will also recanonicalize the urlkey to surt form
add migration test using non-surt, 9-field cdx (created from samples)
cdxindexer: fix multi warc->multi cdx indexing options
2015-03-19 20:57:33 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
manager: fix index path to index.cdxj
2015-03-19 13:41:48 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cdxj: support cdx json output from cdx server with output='json' (not yet default)
cdx field renaming: canonical cdx field name changes
statuscode -> status
mimetype -> mime
original -> url
old names still accept for query/filtering, however, cdx json will use new names
ensures consistency between .cdxj field names and names used by cdx server json output
collections manager now creates .cdxj by default
bump version to 0.9.0b2!
2015-03-19 13:33:49 -07:00
Ilya Kreymer
cdxj: support loading cdxj ( #76 )
cdx obj: allow alt field names to be used (eg. mime, mimetype, m)
(status/statuscode/s) in querying and reading cdx
cdx minimal: (#75 ) now implies cdxj to avoid more formats
minimal includes digest always and mime when warc/revisit
tests for cdxj loading
indexing optimization: reuse same entry obj for records of same type
2015-03-19 12:36:49 -07:00