- proxy and recorder config loaded from 'proxy' and 'recorder' string or dicts in config
- proxy settings loaded from config, wsgiproxmiddleware applied within main init path
- cli --proxy-record add to indicate recording, optional dict to set options
- optional recorder dict to configure other recorder options, file max_size, filename_template, etc..
- proxy tests: add proxy cli tests
- recorder tests: add recorder custom config test
refactor frame/head insert templates:
- content iframe inited with new ContentFrame() which creates iframe
- wb_frame.js: contains ContentFrame system for initing, updating, closing content frame for replayed content.
- wb_frame.js: supports 'app_prefix' and 'content_prefix' or default 'prefix' for replay content
- window.location.hash passed added to init url.
- frame insert and head insert: simplify, remove 'wbrequest'
- frame insert: global wbinfo object no longer needed in top frame, each ContentFrame self-contained.
- wombat.js: next_parent() check does not assume wbinfo is present in top frame
- vidrw.js: only init if wbinfo is present
- wb.js no longer needed, frame check/redirect folded into wombat.js
- default banner self-contained in default_banner.js/default_banner.css, handles both frame and frameless case
- rename wb.css -> default_banner.css
- banner html passed in as 'banner_html' variable to be optionally included, supports per collection banner html.
- templateview: BaseInsertView can accept an option 'banner view', used by HeadInsertView and TopFrameView
- tests: test_auto_colls uses shared app to test dynamic changes, testing both frame and non-frame access, added per-collection banner html check.
support dynamic collections, all collection with remote archives (eg. s3:// paths)
- warcserver: allow custom dynamic collections index and archive path templates via 'dyn_index_path' and 'dyn_archive_path'
- pathresolver: allow resolving wildcard path prefixes with collection, to support remote paths and avoid globbing
- warcserver: don't add fixed collections dir to source to support resolving wildcard
- pathresolver: add wildcard resolving s3 path test
- referrer unrewrite: ensure referrer not empty
- windows: fix paths for pathresolver test on windows
- timemap: add tests for all collection timemap, add cdxj timemap test
- timemap: only add original, timegate links for 'link' timemap
- enabled with 'all_coll' in config or --all-coll cli option, eg. --all-coll all to enable
- supported for replay, timemap and cdx endpoints, uses wildcard '*' for coll name with directory aggregator
- tests: record/replay tests updated to replay via all collection, check all collection cdxj
- support naming directory aggregator such that source is reflected as '<name>:<path/to/index>' if optional name is present
- for default WarcServer use colls dir as name, defaulting to 'collections:<coll/indexes/index.cdxj>' for 'source' entries
- tests: update tests to use name with directory aggregator for more consistent source names
proxy mode support readded!
- use wsgiprox wrapper in FrontEndApp.init_proxy() with fixed collection prefix, ca options
- cli --proxy <coll> flag added to specify proxy collection
- cleanup: remove cookie rw (already disabled), fix post handling paths
- headers: ensure request headers are not rewritten when in proxy mode, response headers marked with 'url-rewrite' also no rewritten if no url rewrite/proxy mode
- urlrewriter: add IdentityRewriter with no rewriting as default, instead of SchemeOnlyUrlRewriter
- memento support: for now, only include rel="original" and Memento-Datetime in for proxy replay response
- responseloader: disable urllib3 unsecure response warnings
- tests: add test for proxy replay and proxy record/replay of new collection
recording support: now available for dynamic collections via config
- config.yaml 'recorder: live' entry enables /record/ subpath which records to any dynamic collections (can record from any collection, though usually live)
- autoindex refactor: simplified, standalone AutoIndexer() -- indexes any changed warc files to autoindex.cdxj
- windows autoindex support: also check for changed file size, as last modified time may not be changing
- manager: remove autoindex, now part of main cli
- tests: updated test_auto_colls with autoindex changes
- tests: add record/replay tests for recording and replay
framed replay: history change simplifications
- simplify history changes for top frame, remove unused code
- only use 'replaceState' to replace top-frame url with current url, avoid adding new history entries
- use onpopstate to notify top frame, don't override go/back/forward
server-side rewrite: rewrite '||this' but not '|||this'
client-side rewrite:
- check for null in rewrite_style()
- use proxy_to_obj() in postMessage(), open() rewrite overrides
- enumerate standard headers, prefix only known headers, keep others (like Date)
- don't rewrite custom headers by default
typo fixes: fix typo in wombat.js, fix special case rewrite_dash() for fb
frontendapp/warcserver improvements:
- support '/cdx' endpoint for every collection, exposing standard cdx-server api
- remove '-cdx' endpoint in warcserver, redundant with index and frontend /cdx endpoint
- warcserver: simplify paths! support static paths (/A, /B) + dynamic paths (/<path>) on same endpoint
* adaptive rewrite improvements:
- Add 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl' as HLS type in rules.yaml and default_rewriter.py
- Support setting max resolution and max bandwidth to choose, defaults to 480x854 and 200000 respectively
- LiveWebLoader provides a get_custom_metadata for specifying WARC-JSON-Metadata header, per mime type (TODO: support customization via rules)
- When filtering, first limiting by resolution (if set), then by bandwidth (if set), otherwise default to max bandwidth
- Max resoluton/max bandwidth stored in WARC record under WARC-JSON-Metadata as 'adaptive_max_resolution' and 'adaptive_max_bandwidth' to ensure replayability. If absent, choose absolute max in manifest to be backwards compatible
- Add sample HLS and DASH manifests for testing, with and without max resolution/bandwidth settings.
* client-side rewrite: Custom LocalStorage/SessionStorage override:
- custom, in-mem only objects for localStorage and sessionStorage to avoid polluting browser storage, using Proxy if available to allow accessors
- storage event listeners tracked in addEventListener override, called directly with custom StorageEvent.
- storage event listener wrapped in SameOriginListener() to prevent notifying listeners from different origins
* addEventListener fix: prevents duplicate additions for wrapped listeners, for both message and storage
- don't rewrite already rewritten scheme-relative urls
- proxy obj wrapper: use getOwnPropertyDescriptor() from wrapped object, if exists, than from window
- remove old createElement() override with non-standard param, which caused issues
- add HTMLFormElement.prototype.action override, now fully supported
js proxy obj server-side and client-side rewrite fixes:
- if rewriting '<newline>this', add ';' in case previous line has none
- if peeking stream (to determine if html), ensure new wrapped content_stream used even if no rewriting
client-side (wombat js):
- add object->proxy for EventTarget.target, proxy->object for Node.contains overrides
- add missing return from overrides
- override CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty() to rewrite css property values which may be urls (getPropertyValue / property getters not unrewritten for now)
- rewrite_style() convert with value.toString() if value is an object
- server-side: if JS url contains 'callback=jQuery', treat as jsonp
- client-side: add full url if history change url starts with '#'
- client-side: override SVGImageElement setAttr / setAttrNS / getAttr / getAttrNS to rewrite setting "href" attribute (with or without namespace)
- add special 'guess-none' and 'guess-bin' types for guessing content-type
- 'application/octet-stream' treated as 'guess-bin', treated as js or css if js_ or cs_
- tests: add tests for application/octet-stream detection, keeping charset
- guess-none applied for js_, cs_, as well as mp_ and default mod to guess html also
* client-side rewrite (wombat) fixes:
- ensure make_parser() calls createElement() on associated document if rewriting within an element
- ensure host-relative urls are rewritten as host-relative, eg.. a.href = "/path" stay host-relative when unrewritten
* head_insert: use request_ts instead of actual ts for client-side rewriting, consistent with server-side
- for prototype override, ensure object exists
- for domain setter, ensure location exists, default to window
rules: expand facebook rule to match fbid also
- override EventTarget.addEventListener/removeEventListener to ensure function called on actual object, not proxy
- add proxy_to_obj() to existing window.addEventListener/removeEventListener overrides
* separate default rules config for query matching: 'not_exts', 'mimes', and new 'url_normalize'
- regexes in 'url_normalize' applied on each cdx entry to see if there's a match with requested url
- jsonp: allow for '/* */' comments prefix in jsonp (experimental)
- fuzzy rule: add rule for '\w+=jquery[\d]+' collapsing, supports any callback name
- fuzzy rule: add rule for more generic 'cache busting' params, 'bust' in name, possible timestamp in value (experimental)
- fuzzy rule add: add ga utm_* rule & tests
tests: improve fuzzy matcher tests to use indexing system, test all new rules
tests: add jsonp_rewriter tests
config: use_js_obj_proxy=true in default config.yaml, setting added to each collection's metadata
- if content-type missing, resolve if text type by checking for html and modifier
- if text type has changed, set default JS and CSS text type
- if text type is html, ensure mime type is text/html (force xhtml mime type to text/html)
tests: add test_content_rewriter for direct header + content rewriting tests
- add general override_func_first_arg_proxy_to_obj() to dereference proxy->obj for first arg
- used for MutationObserver.observe() and Node.compareDocumentPosition() for now