* html rewrite: when encountering 'text/html' content-type, add html-detection check before assuming content is html (similar to text/plain)
supersedes #426, fixes#424 -- binary files served under mp_/ as text/html should now be served as binary
- when guessing if html, add additional regex to check if text does not start with < -- perhaps html but starting with plain text. only check for text/html content-type and not js_/cs_ mod
* server-side rewrite: tweak 'location' rewrite to ensure $location is not rewritten!
tests: add additional rewrite tests for 'location', 'this.$location' and 'this.location'
- adding the 'xlink:href' attribute to script element attributes to rewrite
Updated html_rewriter.py to better handle self closing tags:
- added boolean set_parsing_context arg to _rewrite_tag_attrs to indicate if the parsing context is to be set
- the call to _rewrite_tag_attrs from handle_startendtag now sets set_parsing_context to false
Added a test to test_html_rewriter.py for rewriting SVGScriptElements
* rewriting fixes:
server side: cookie rewriting: if httponly cookie with mp_/if_ modifier and path ends with '/', add set-cookie for all known modifiers
content length parsing: improve content-length parsing to support 'content-length: num,num', parse out the first number (occasionally seen with range requests when range is dropped for upstream)
wombat: rewrite_elem: use element.ownerDocument for resolving baseUri for parent paths
tests: add tests for cookie all modifier rewrite, bad content-length parsing (skip for py2.7)
- Split wombat and auto-fetch worker into two files (proxy mode and non-proxy mode)
- Renamed preservationWorker to autoFetchWorker in order to better convey what it does
- Root config file control over including wombat and auto-fetch worker in proxy or non-proxy mode
- Added additional proxy mode + auto-fetch worker only route for fetching the auto-fetch worker code nicely for CORS
- templateview: add 'tobool' formatter to more cleanly format python bools to JS 'true'/'false'
- proxy options: config and command line:
'use_auto_fetch_worker' and '--proxy-with-auto-fetch'
'use_wombat' and '--proxy-with-wombat'
- head_insert.html: only include wombat in proxy mode when use_wombat or use_auto_fetch_worker are set.
- wombatProxyMode.js: slimmed down wombat for proxy mode only including auto-fetch support.
- more consistent naming: rename 'preserveWorker' and 'autoArchive' to 'auto-fetch'
Updated tests:
- test_wbrequestresponse.py: added tests covering constructor defaults, _init_derived, options_response, json_response, encode_stream, text_stream
- test_auto_colls.py: fixed broken test test_more_custom_templates, reason using ujson now not json so spacing was off
- test_proxy.py: updated existing tests to reflect splitting wombat into proxy and non-proxy mode, added tests covering auto-fetch worker specific endpoints in proxy mode
removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml
- test_cli.py: updated to properly test the cli with these changes
added ultrajon dep to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py
Fully documented:
- cli.py
- frontendapp.py
- templateview.py
- wbrequestresponse.py
Removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml
Added ultrajson dependency to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py
- only use utf-8 decoding optimization for html
- when parsing as html, if utf-8 encoding fails, default to iso-8859-1/latin-1 for remainder (usually will happen right away
eg. if actually binary content)
- tests: add tests rewriting css and html with wrong charset
- if no encoding is detected, don't default to utf-8
- if no encoding known, encode banner as 'ascii' with 'xmlcharrefreplace', converting to xml entities
- tests: add tests for rewriting with no known encoding
* encoding fix: a better fix from #361:
- when dealing with unicode urls, don't assume always %-encoded. if no change, (eg. anchor), then return url in original encoding
- utf-8 optimization: if content is known to be in utf-8, use utf-8 directly, don't decode as iso-8859-1 and then re-encode to utf-8 for rewriting
* content rewriter decoding fix: use incrementaldecoder for incrementally decoding utf-8 stream
tests: add test which splits utf-8 char along 16k boundary to test incremental decoding
- store original wsgi SCRIPT_NAME (before collection path is pushed) in 'pywb.app_prefix' env var
- set 'pywb.host_prefix' via rewriterapp
- add 'static_prefix' jinja env global which defaults to 'pywb.host_prefix + pywb.app_prefix + static/'
- set 'static_prefix' to absolute url if available (to support proxy mode)
- update existing templates to use '{{ static_prefix }}' instead of '{{ host_prefix }}/{{ static_path }'
- update index.html to use pywb.app_prefix for collection links
- tests: add test_prefixed_deploy.py to ensure all paths are prefixed as expected
rewriterapp: pass environ to content rewriter to allow access to request http headers
tests: test brotli served with 'br' in Accept-Encoding (no change), and without (response auto-decoded)
Detect if .json urls served with mtext/html are actually json and not html.
Tests: updated test_content_rewriter.py to test for json sent as mime text/html
- improved worker rewriting: updated worker rewriting handles non-blob urls, added SharedWorker override
- updated to be a much more complete rewriting system: overrides for importScripts, and fetch
- added wkr_ mod for handling Worker/SharedWorker, follows convention of service worker
- added test for content rewriting of Worker/SharedWorker
* bump version to 2.0.5
* regexrewriter: work on splitting rules into separate class hierarchy from rewriter.
rules logic and regexs can be inited once, while rewriter is per response being rewritten
* regexrewriter: refactor remaining rewriters to use a shared rules factory to avoid reiniting rules
* fix spacing
* fixes: ensure custom rules added first, fix fb rewrite_dash
content_rewriter tests: update tests to check with location-only and js obj proxy rewriter, check fb dash rewriter
* simplify JSNoneRewriter
* Updated html_rewriter.py to account for rewriting of script[src] values that are super relative (http://fotopaulmartens.netcam.nl/vucht.php) and added link rel='import' rewriting
Updated test_html_rewriter.py for super rel script[src] rewriting and link rel='import'
Updated wombat to account for the new rewriting of script[src] (http://fotopaulmartens.netcam.nl/vucht.php)
Changed the postMessage override in wombat to use $wbwindow rather than window to fix google calendar replay / recording (http://qasrcc.org/events/calendar/)
* Updated tests for forcing absolute and fixed merge conflicts
* wombat: extracted removal and retrieval of __wb_original_src into own functions
* service worker rewrite work:
- use sw_ modifier to add Server-Worker-Allowed: <domain root>
- force scope if none set to domain url
- resolve sw url to absolute url
* wombat: don't reinit wombat paths if already inited (eg. from imported documents)
* service-worker rewrite test: add test to verify sw rewrite is identity, Service-Worker-Allowed header is added
- treat as jsonp if url query contains 'callback=jsonp',
- fuzzy match query containing 'callback=jsonp'
- tests: add test for additional jsonp matching
Updated rewrite modifiers for server-side rewriting of `link rel='preload' as='x'`
Added client-side rewriting of `link rel='[preload|import]' as='x'`
Added helper method for determining the correct rewrite modifier to be used in client-side rewriting and updated duplicate modifier logic in wombat
Added Element.insertAdjacentElement override and added special case rewriting of nested elements in insertAdjacentElement and Node.[appendChild|replaceChild|insertBefore]
Add MouseEvent override to account for the view argument which is windowProxy
Fixed implicit variable declaration that resulted in global pollution and possible variable collisions in rewriting logic
Updated wb_unrewrite_rx to now consider protocol and host as optional to fix imgur
Nit document.[write|writeln] override: rather than using Array.apply then Array.join we now use just Array.join as it works on array like objects
- server-side: rewrite '}(this)' or '})(this)' with js object proxy override convert
- client-side: fix typo in 'onstorage' override, fix typo that prevented SameOriginListener() from being used -- ensure
custom 'onstorage' events only sent to original window
* Add representation for Amf requests to index them correctly
* rewind the stream in case of an error append during amf decoding. (pyamf seems to have a problem supporting multi-bytes utf8)
* fix python 2.7 retrocompatibility
* update inputrequest.py
* reorganize import and for appveyor to retest
(Origin header received will be the pywb host, using Referer will result in more accurate Origin, which may not be the target url)
tests: add tests to verify Origin header with and without Referer
* rewrite improvement: better srcset parsing for comma-separated urls
* extensive server-side tests for srcset rewriting (with and without spaces and extra srcset modifiers)
* compile regex once for improved performance
* same regex for server and client side rewriting
Work by @rebeccacremona
* rules work:
- apply 'js_regexs' on json content also, using 'js-proxy' rewriter
- rules for vimeo, disable hls/dash
- add 'live_only' flag 'rewrite' to enable rewrite only when 'is_live' is set
- tests: add test for new vimeo rules, testing live_only
cli: add '--record' cli option to enable quick-recording from live collection
- remove 'force_type', if mixin present ensure text type is set (use 'mixin_type' prop defaulting to 'json')
- rules: add more fuzzy match rules for fb photos
- tests: add tests for find_all
rules system:
- 'mixin' class for adding custom rewrite mixin, initialized with optional 'mixin_params'
- 'force_type' to always force rewriting text type for rule match (eg. if application/octet-stream)
- fuzzy rewrite: 'find_all' mode for matching via regex.findall() instead of search()
- load_function moved to generic load_py_name
- new rules for fb!
- JSReplaceFuzzy mixin to replace content based on query (or POST) regex match
- tests: tests JSReplaceFuzzy rewriting
- append '?' for fuzzy matching if filters are set
- cdx['is_fuzzy'] set to '1' instead of True
client-side: rewrite
- add window.Request object rewrite
- improved rewrite of wb server + path, avoid double-slash
- fetch() rewrite proxy_to_obj()
- proxy_to_obj() null check
- WombatLocation prop change, skip if prop is the same
header_rewriter: check if 'transfer-encoded' header is set to mark for dechunking
update dependency to warcio>=1.5.0 for better detection of chunked data by ChunkedDataReader
tests: add tests to ensure dechunk of chunk encoded response, proper handling of 'transfer-encoded' header present but not chunked case
* support for 'classic' pywb features and misc improvements:
- add support for redirect to exact timestamp mode via 'redirect_to_exact: true' config setting
- tests: ensure memento headers added for redirect-to-exact
- memento: ensure Link header added for intermediate resources, check for 'enable_memento' before adding
- config: config passed to head_insert template as 'config'
- insert legacy 'vidrw.js' script if 'enable_flash_video_rewrite' config is set to true
- config: use_js_obj_proxy now defaults to true
- memento/tests: add proxy with custom accept-datetime test
- client-side script: only rewrite if overridden objects are found in script text
- server-side inline js rewrite: only rewrite if overriden objects are found, don't insert before 'javascript:' marker
- tests: add improved tests for html js in attribute rewriting
- allow custom 'rules.yaml' to be specified via 'rules_file' config entry,
and used by FuzzyMatcher and DefaultRewriter
- default rules file specified by DEFAULT_RULES_FILE in pywb package
- 'archive_paths' is the key for archive paths instead of 'resource'
- 'use_js_obj_proxy' not auto-added to metadata, just set per-deployment
* docs work:
- remove old doc folder
- generate new sphinx docs
rewrite: fix existing docstrings for rst
add 'make apidoc' to rerun apidoc on pywb root
apidocs in docs/code
first pass on usage manual in docs/manual
* use default theme
* docs config work:
- remove modules.rst, use pywb toc directly
- make apidoc force rebuild
- comment out alabaster theme config
* Update usage.rst with working dir info
* docs: add configuring web archive page, ui customizations, custom collections explanations
* work on 'custom collections' section
* docs: update dir tree, switch recording/proxy order
* docs: improve framed vs frameless intro
add 'custom outer replay frame' section
refactor frame/head insert templates:
- content iframe inited with new ContentFrame() which creates iframe
- wb_frame.js: contains ContentFrame system for initing, updating, closing content frame for replayed content.
- wb_frame.js: supports 'app_prefix' and 'content_prefix' or default 'prefix' for replay content
- window.location.hash passed added to init url.
- frame insert and head insert: simplify, remove 'wbrequest'
- frame insert: global wbinfo object no longer needed in top frame, each ContentFrame self-contained.
- wombat.js: next_parent() check does not assume wbinfo is present in top frame
- vidrw.js: only init if wbinfo is present
- wb.js no longer needed, frame check/redirect folded into wombat.js
- default banner self-contained in default_banner.js/default_banner.css, handles both frame and frameless case
- rename wb.css -> default_banner.css
- banner html passed in as 'banner_html' variable to be optionally included, supports per collection banner html.
- templateview: BaseInsertView can accept an option 'banner view', used by HeadInsertView and TopFrameView
- tests: test_auto_colls uses shared app to test dynamic changes, testing both frame and non-frame access, added per-collection banner html check.
proxy mode support readded!
- use wsgiprox wrapper in FrontEndApp.init_proxy() with fixed collection prefix, ca options
- cli --proxy <coll> flag added to specify proxy collection
- cleanup: remove cookie rw (already disabled), fix post handling paths
- headers: ensure request headers are not rewritten when in proxy mode, response headers marked with 'url-rewrite' also no rewritten if no url rewrite/proxy mode
- urlrewriter: add IdentityRewriter with no rewriting as default, instead of SchemeOnlyUrlRewriter
- memento support: for now, only include rel="original" and Memento-Datetime in for proxy replay response
- responseloader: disable urllib3 unsecure response warnings
- tests: add test for proxy replay and proxy record/replay of new collection
server-side rewrite: rewrite '||this' but not '|||this'
client-side rewrite:
- check for null in rewrite_style()
- use proxy_to_obj() in postMessage(), open() rewrite overrides