override .href and .hash properties when possible.
.href returns original url, but on assignment rewrites before redirecting
.hash proxies to location.hash
Also added:
- window.top -> window.WB_wombat_top
- document.referrer -> document.WB_wombat_referrer
- <source> html tag rewriting
don't actually output to preserve original
wombat: copy over all Location settings
wburl: convert :/ -> :// if 2nd slash missing, only check for <scheme>:/
and ignore subsequent slashes
- head insert callback passed in with rule, up to template
to handle additional inserts based on rule properties
- ability to pass in custom rules config to both cdx server
and content rewriter
- move canonicalize to utils pkg
- add wombat, modify wb.js to remove wombat-related settings