- add _get_referrer() access to index source, can pass to loader via cdx['set_referrer']
- make MementoIndexSource more extensible
- move WAYBACK_ORIG_SUFFIX into BaseIndexSource for extensibility
- fix RemoteIndexSource 'closest' not being set, update template to use 'closest' instead of 'timestamp'
- update remote index tests to use 'closest' instead of 'timestamp'
- loader: set referrer via cdx['set_referrer']
- loader: pass cdx to downstream via Webagg-Cdx header
- utils: ParamFormatter also looks for unprefixed key in params
- wb-manager added metadata now loaded dynamically, cached, for search and index pages (#196)
- metadata updated w/o restart (#87)
- per-collection template overrides and per-template static file support
tests: test_auto_colls.py fully ported to new system
(per-collection config.yaml no longer supported)
- check for 'wsgiprox.fixed_host' and use that as host_prefix if set
- don't include Connection/Proxy-Connection headers in upstram request
- ensure proxy response has length or is chunk-encoded
rewriterapp: add 'Content-Location' if fuzzy match, or if using memento
tests: fix test to check for Content-Location for fuzzy match instead of redirect
rewrite_fb_dash() added for rewriting dash xml, embedded in js, embedded in html
todo: refactor to make more general support for custom rewriting functions
regex_rewriter: add ':' to exclude from rewrite again
rewriter: refactor to use mixins to extend base rewriter (todo: more refactoring)
fuzzy-matcher: support for additional 'match_filters' to filter fuzzy results via optional regexes by mime type,
eg. allow more lenient fuzzy matching on DASH manifests than other resources (for now)
fuzzy-matching: add WebAgg-Fuzzy-Match response header if response is fuzzy matched, redirect to exact match in rewriterapp
- webagg-server
- wayback
- live-rewrite-server
support adding custom settings to AutoApp
support for --live flag that automatically adds live-web source at '/live'
tests: disable cdx_server tests as old cdx_server removed
- update ExcludeSpecificHeaders() to be passed directly as a filter to warcio
- add ExcludeHttpOnlyCookiesHeader() to exclude only Set-Cookie if HttpOnly is present
remove unused code
setup.py just loads from requirements.txt
Dockerfile pip installs requirements, then extra requirements for improved cacheing
travis runs setup install, then installs extra requirements