* proxy mode options: #316
- add 'use_banner' option, if false, will disable standard banner.html from being added
- add 'use_head_insert' option, if false, will disable injecting head_insert.html in proxy mode
both options default to true
* docs: add docs for new proxy options
* also add 'override_route' option and docs for extending proxy routing
- don't include wombat.js in banner only mode, including in proxy mode
(instead, do set devicePixelRatio to fix certain fidelity issues)
- default_banner: set title to document.title on load when frameless, including in proxy mode
- improve docs for configuring proxy mode cert
- tests: update tests to ensure no wombat.js injected in proxy or banner-only mode
* query fix:
setup: ensure all static files included in package_data recursively to add new query assets
test: add test for nested static asset
query: correctly display 0 captures, 'capture' and 'captures' text moved to Text block
- move scripts to query.js, fix formatting
- init ui from cdx list, refactor into single script
- use cdx api to retrieve query via ajax
- tests: update query tests to use cdx lookup instead
- remove server-side cdx lookup for /*/ endpoint
- add 'ww_rw' for injecting into webworkers via importScript() added when loading web workers as blobs
- 'WB_wombat_location' override checks for defaultView more consistently if _WB_wombat_location is null/undefined
- custom overrides __WB_pmw, WB_wombat_frameElement just fail silently instead of raising exception on assignment
* support for 'classic' pywb features and misc improvements:
- add support for redirect to exact timestamp mode via 'redirect_to_exact: true' config setting
- tests: ensure memento headers added for redirect-to-exact
- memento: ensure Link header added for intermediate resources, check for 'enable_memento' before adding
- config: config passed to head_insert template as 'config'
- insert legacy 'vidrw.js' script if 'enable_flash_video_rewrite' config is set to true
- config: use_js_obj_proxy now defaults to true
- memento/tests: add proxy with custom accept-datetime test
refactor frame/head insert templates:
- content iframe inited with new ContentFrame() which creates iframe
- wb_frame.js: contains ContentFrame system for initing, updating, closing content frame for replayed content.
- wb_frame.js: supports 'app_prefix' and 'content_prefix' or default 'prefix' for replay content
- window.location.hash passed added to init url.
- frame insert and head insert: simplify, remove 'wbrequest'
- frame insert: global wbinfo object no longer needed in top frame, each ContentFrame self-contained.
- wombat.js: next_parent() check does not assume wbinfo is present in top frame
- vidrw.js: only init if wbinfo is present
- wb.js no longer needed, frame check/redirect folded into wombat.js
- default banner self-contained in default_banner.js/default_banner.css, handles both frame and frameless case
- rename wb.css -> default_banner.css
- banner html passed in as 'banner_html' variable to be optionally included, supports per collection banner html.
- templateview: BaseInsertView can accept an option 'banner view', used by HeadInsertView and TopFrameView
- tests: test_auto_colls uses shared app to test dynamic changes, testing both frame and non-frame access, added per-collection banner html check.
* client-side rewrite (wombat) fixes:
- ensure make_parser() calls createElement() on associated document if rewriting within an element
- ensure host-relative urls are rewritten as host-relative, eg.. a.href = "/path" stay host-relative when unrewritten
* head_insert: use request_ts instead of actual ts for client-side rewriting, consistent with server-side
- wb-manager added metadata now loaded dynamically, cached, for search and index pages (#196)
- metadata updated w/o restart (#87)
- per-collection template overrides and per-template static file support
tests: test_auto_colls.py fully ported to new system
(per-collection config.yaml no longer supported)
frontendapp compatibility
- add support for separate not found page for 404s (not_found.html)
- support for exception handling with error template (error.html)
- support for home page (index.html)
- add memento headers for replay
- add referrer fallback check
- tests: port integration tests for front-end replay, cdx server
- not included: proxy mode, exact redirect mode, non-framed replay
- move unused tests to tests_disabled
- cli: add optional werkzeug profiler with --profile flag
- disable most overrides when in proxy mode
- if using rewrite_url(), keep current scheme, instead of defaulting to http
- use 'window._wb_js' to check init
the value fo collinfo.json template. Default template returns an entry for each handler route,
including the route path (id), title (name) and memento timegate and timemap paths, to be used with
an aggregator. Using a custom 'info_json' template can specify a different collinfo template, alternative to #69 (local aggregation)
to wombat.js #96
currently supporting no_rewrite_prefixes, and skipping dom, setAttribute and postmessage overrides
(used by via.hypothes.is) -- other options to be added later
setting default mod to be top-frame and inner frame to be 'mp_' #92
can enable this mode by setting framed_replay: inverse instead of true
modifiers passed to client side script via wbinfo as well
cdx field renaming: canonical cdx field name changes
statuscode -> status
mimetype -> mime
original -> url
old names still accept for query/filtering, however, cdx json will use new names
ensures consistency between .cdxj field names and names used by cdx server json output
collections manager now creates .cdxj by default
bump version to 0.9.0b2!