- Make Vue banner responsive with Bootstrap 4
- Add previous/next year arrows to calendar
- Make navbar background, text color, and button outlines configurable
via config.yaml
- Toggle calendar and timeline separately
- Fix bug preventing title from displaying
- Make app keyboard-navigable
- Fix banner background color configuration
- Comment out vue_navbar_background_hash
- Display linear timeline tooltip centrally on enter
- Improve header styling on small screens
- Add titles to font awesome icons
- Remove old default banner (calendar retained for advanced search
- Fix TimelineLinear TypeError that broke calendar
- Bump version to 2.7.0b2
- Set Cache-Control header on CDXJ API response to mark returned CDX as
stale after 1 day
- Add commented out UI values to config.yaml to aid users
- Remove timeline and calendar card borders
- Fix issues with snapshot navigation
- Center search bar and align with buttons
- Make Vue app bfcache-ineligible: By adding an empty unload event
listener, we make pages serving the Vue app ineligible for bfcache,
which prevents unexpected behavior when navigating via the browser's
back/forward buttons.
* wombat init fix:
- fix change from #339 which removed reiniting of wombat
- allow reiniting of wombat if inited via init_new_window_wombat()
- don't allow if reinited directly from <head>, as happened in document import
* tests: fix tests for 'new _WBWombat -> WombatInit' change
* wombat: window.frames optimization:
- since window.frames === window, no need for separate override!
- ensure init_new_window_wombat() is called on any returned window from object proxy
- store original wsgi SCRIPT_NAME (before collection path is pushed) in 'pywb.app_prefix' env var
- set 'pywb.host_prefix' via rewriterapp
- add 'static_prefix' jinja env global which defaults to 'pywb.host_prefix + pywb.app_prefix + static/'
- set 'static_prefix' to absolute url if available (to support proxy mode)
- update existing templates to use '{{ static_prefix }}' instead of '{{ host_prefix }}/{{ static_path }'
- update index.html to use pywb.app_prefix for collection links
- tests: add test_prefixed_deploy.py to ensure all paths are prefixed as expected