* js rewriting: default to moden js-proxy based rewriting by default, use legacy rewriting only if browsers are older than minimum, as suggested in #707
* user-agent detection: use ua_parser for user-agent detection instead of obsolete werkzeug.useragent, which also did not support browsers >=100
* tests: additional tests for rewriting with various user-agents, defaulting to new-style rewriting for unknown browsers
* dockerfile: Update Dockerfile to use py3.8
* tests: skip s3 tests dependent on commoncrawl data (for now, need better s3 tests).
* bump to 2.6.6, update CHANGES
* Misc improvements, including fixes from @funkyfuture:
- Dockerfile: Reduces number of created layers and source contents
- Support for automatic collection creation if INIT_COLLECTION is defined
- Add entry point script docker-entrypoint.sh
- update to latest python (3.7.2 currently)
- additions to .dockerignore
- setup.py and requirements cleanup (just use plain 'gevent' requirement)
* docker-entrypoint.sh improvements:
- before running cmd, match uid/gid to that of volume dir (specified via $VOLUME_DIR, defaulting to /webarchive)
- if volume is owned by root (default if none mounted), just run as root
- if volume is owned by different user, create/update user 'archivist' to match the uid/gid of $VOLUME_DIR, then run cmd as 'su archivist'
README: update features list, contributing section, fix typos
docs: update features list, fix wording, add more links to other sections, fix typos
renaming: change 'ikreymer/pywb' -> 'webrecorder/pywb', add Rhizome to copyright statement
Dockerfile: remove deprecated MAINTAINER, add 'ARG PYTHON' to support custom base python image
setup.py just loads from requirements.txt
Dockerfile pip installs requirements, then extra requirements for improved cacheing
travis runs setup install, then installs extra requirements