- split out the ui customization documentation into its own file ui-customization.rst
- added initial documentation covering the new template setup to the ui-customization.rst
- set depth in main toc to 3
- add info on cli apps in apps.rst
- fix typos, update links
setup: add 'pywb' cli script to be same as 'wayback'
appveyor: remove coveralls
* docs and version update:
- add docs for compatibility features
- add docs for memento
- updat rewriter docs
- bump version to 2.0.0, update README, and changelist
* docs work:
- remove old doc folder
- generate new sphinx docs
rewrite: fix existing docstrings for rst
add 'make apidoc' to rerun apidoc on pywb root
apidocs in docs/code
first pass on usage manual in docs/manual
* use default theme
* docs config work:
- remove modules.rst, use pywb toc directly
- make apidoc force rebuild
- comment out alabaster theme config
* Update usage.rst with working dir info
* docs: add configuring web archive page, ui customizations, custom collections explanations
* work on 'custom collections' section
* docs: update dir tree, switch recording/proxy order
* docs: improve framed vs frameless intro
add 'custom outer replay frame' section