* post append improvements:
- parse json primitives for post query
- for text/plain, attempt to parse as json, then as binary
- standardize post append indexing
- include '__wb_method' in urlkey
- add 'requestBody' and 'method' to cdxj
- support unique dupe params for json-to-query conversion
* test fixes:
- update tests for test_inputreq,
- update post-test.cdxj and post-test.cdx
* ci: fixes
- tox: run full test suite!
- disable appveyor
* inputrequest buffering fix:
- never truncate reading POST request, must read entire POST data to avoid hung request in live mode
- truncate final query string to 4096
* misc fixes for 2.4.0rc7:
- warcserver: when parsing headers to check for redirect, reserialized headers
may be of different length then original, causing warcserver->app response to hang
now adjusting the content-length on the warc record and also not including a fixed
length when serving warcserver->app, possible fix for ukwa/ukwa-pywb#53
- undo change in path resolvers to use os.path.join, just concatenate full_path + filename
- rewrite 'date' -> 'x-orig-archive-date' header to avoid confusion (eg. #548)
- bump version to rc7
* ci: attempt to fix travis build for 27, 35
record_loader can optionally parse 'request' records
archiveindexer has -a flag to write all records ('request' included),
-p flag to append post query
post-test.warc.gz and cdx
POST redirects using 307
add sample warc and cdx for url-agnostic revisits
add unit test and integration test
resolvingloader: pass callback instead of full cdx server
for use for loading cdx in case of url-agnostic revisit
move to distinct packages: pywb.utils, pywb.cdx, pywb.warc, pywb.util, pywb.rewrite!
each package will have its own README and tests
shared sample_data and install