* more locale fixes:
- fix running wb-manager w/o i18n dependencies
- dependencies: move babel to extra_requires, show warning if locale used or 'wb-manager i18n' called and i18n are not installed
- not found page: don't language switch header banner on nested content frame
* add localization utilities:
- add locmanager to support extract, update, remove, list using pybabel
- add po2csv/csv2po conversion with translate-utils
- docs: add localization.rst to manual!
* add language switch header (via header.html) to all pages if more than one locale is present.
* localization: wrap more text strings in templates in existing templates
* docs:
- document `wb-manager i18n` commands
- mention `<html lang>` setting
- include csv example
- add info about adding localizable text in templates
* add localization to CHANGES
* rewrite:
- don't rewrite xml in proxy mode / html-insert only mode
- ajax: if sec-fetch-mode is set to non-navigate, also treat as 'ajax'
* ci: build python 3.8, ignore 2.7 failures
* reqs: use released ujson for extra_reqs
* hmac: add digestmod, fix for py3.8
* Add representation for Amf requests to index them correctly
* rewind the stream in case of an error append during amf decoding. (pyamf seems to have a problem supporting multi-bytes utf8)
* fix python 2.7 retrocompatibility
* update inputrequest.py
* reorganize import and for appveyor to retest
warcserver: SOCKS proxy:
- add support for running warcserver through a socks proxy specified via SOCKS_HOST and SOCKS_PORT
- move socks patch setup, http max_header adjustment to http module
- logging: print stack trace only if debugging
- add pysocks to extra_requirements, enable in ci
- add simple test (not actual proxy) to check that connection through proxy is attempted
- docs: add SOCKS proxy section to docs
windows build fixes: all tests should pass, ci with appveyor
- add appveyor.yml
- path fixes for windows, use os.path.join
- templates_dir: use '/' always for jinja2 paths
- auto colls: ensure chdir before deleting dir
- recorder: ensure warc writer is always closed
- recorder: disable locking in warcwriter on windows for now (read access not avail, shared
lock seems to not be working)
- zipnum: ensure block is closed after read!
- cached dir test: wait before adding file
- tests: adjust timeout tests to allow more leeway in timing
setup.py just loads from requirements.txt
Dockerfile pip installs requirements, then extra requirements for improved cacheing
travis runs setup install, then installs extra requirements