- Make Vue banner responsive with Bootstrap 4
- Add previous/next year arrows to calendar
- Make navbar background, text color, and button outlines configurable
via config.yaml
- Toggle calendar and timeline separately
- Fix bug preventing title from displaying
- Make app keyboard-navigable
- Fix banner background color configuration
- Comment out vue_navbar_background_hash
- Display linear timeline tooltip centrally on enter
- Improve header styling on small screens
- Add titles to font awesome icons
- Remove old default banner (calendar retained for advanced search
- Fix TimelineLinear TypeError that broke calendar
- Bump version to 2.7.0b2
- Set Cache-Control header on CDXJ API response to mark returned CDX as
stale after 1 day
- Add commented out UI values to config.yaml to aid users
- Remove timeline and calendar card borders
- Fix issues with snapshot navigation
- Center search bar and align with buttons
- Make Vue app bfcache-ineligible: By adding an empty unload event
listener, we make pages serving the Vue app ineligible for bfcache,
which prevents unexpected behavior when navigating via the browser's
back/forward buttons.
- make calendar tooltips into real links and clickable and ctrl+clickable
- ensure advanced view uses old ui (not supported in new ui)
- add language popup on frame_insert for vueui
- i18n: consolidate loc strings for vueui into vue_loc.html
- spinner: for replay, only show over banner
- spinner: show after 500ms delay
- i18n: add one more string ('no captures')
- make calendar popup links regular links to support cmd+click
- i18n: implement lang switcher in vue as well (for query and framed_insert), don't include non-vue language switcher in header
- use rollup to build vue ui, build at vue/vueui.js
- calendar page renders via both /*/ and /*? queries
- banner support for framed mode only for now
- ensure banner updated in response to inner frame events
- combine cdxquery classes into vue build, expose single entrypoint VueUI.main
- initial set of vueui dev, calendar, banner, calendar hover mode
- ensure embedded mode replay is working
- config: rename ui vars to 'vue_calendar_ui' and 'vue_timeline_banner'
- dependencies: update to wombat 3.3.6
- bump to 2.7.0b0
update CHANGES
comment out default locales in config.yaml
only show warning for installing i18n extra when locales actually specified in config
bump to 2.6.0b3
* localization / doc fixes:
- add missing header.html
- docs: support 'i18n' extra, mention in docs
- use 'default_locale' for html lang tag
- access control docs: fix documentation for adding user with acl command
* localization: add compile_catalog after extract as well to simplify updates for identity (en) locale
* ui:
- include locale in home page collection listing
- keep locale on error page home link
* autoescape:
- ensure jinja2 templates are autoescaped to prevent xss issues (thanks @sebastian-nagel for suggested fix)
- ensure banner inserts are not double-escaped
- update tests for template autoescaping
* update CHANGES.rst
* bump version to 2.6.0b1
* add localization utilities:
- add locmanager to support extract, update, remove, list using pybabel
- add po2csv/csv2po conversion with translate-utils
- docs: add localization.rst to manual!
* add language switch header (via header.html) to all pages if more than one locale is present.
* localization: wrap more text strings in templates in existing templates
* docs:
- document `wb-manager i18n` commands
- mention `<html lang>` setting
- include csv example
- add info about adding localizable text in templates
* add localization to CHANGES
* include the collection in Memento Link outputs:
- add new cdx 'source-coll' field, storing only the collection
- ensure rel="collection" property included in the TimeMap and Link header
- tests: update all tests to include the 'source-coll' property
- docs: add 'collection provenance' to auto-all collection configuration docs
- allow custom 'rules.yaml' to be specified via 'rules_file' config entry,
and used by FuzzyMatcher and DefaultRewriter
- default rules file specified by DEFAULT_RULES_FILE in pywb package
- 'archive_paths' is the key for archive paths instead of 'resource'
- 'use_js_obj_proxy' not auto-added to metadata, just set per-deployment
- auto/dyn collections: use overridable 'index_paths' and 'archive_paths', support list for archive_paths
- all-auto collection: supported at warcserver layer via special '$all' index
- cleanup default_config.yaml and config.yaml, remove obsolete properties
- remove obsolete docker-compose.yaml
- default_config: simplify list of managed properties
- test_cli: add tests for cli options
* separate default rules config for query matching: 'not_exts', 'mimes', and new 'url_normalize'
- regexes in 'url_normalize' applied on each cdx entry to see if there's a match with requested url
- jsonp: allow for '/* */' comments prefix in jsonp (experimental)
- fuzzy rule: add rule for '\w+=jquery[\d]+' collapsing, supports any callback name
- fuzzy rule: add rule for more generic 'cache busting' params, 'bust' in name, possible timestamp in value (experimental)
- fuzzy rule add: add ga utm_* rule & tests
tests: improve fuzzy matcher tests to use indexing system, test all new rules
tests: add jsonp_rewriter tests
config: use_js_obj_proxy=true in default config.yaml, setting added to each collection's metadata
* Init commit for Wombat JS Proxies off of https://github.com/ikreymer/pywb/tree/develop
- cli.py: add import os for os.chdir(self.r.directory)
- frontendapp.py: added initial support for cors requests.
- static_handler.py: add import for NotFoundException
- wbrequestresponse.py: added the intital implementation for cors requests, webrecoder needs this for recording!
- default_rewriter.py: added JSWombatProxyRewriter to default js rewriter class for internal testing
- html_rewriter.py: made JSWombatProxyRewriter to be default js rewriter class for internal testing
- regex_rewriters.py: implemented JSWombatProxyRewriter and JSWombatProxyRewriter to support wombat JS Proxy
- wombat.js: added JS Proxy support
- remove print
* wombat proxy: simplify mixin using 'first_buff'
* js local scope rewrite/proxy work:
- add DefaultHandlerWithJSProxy to enable new proxy rewrite (disabled by default)
- new proxy toggleable with 'js_local_scope_rewrite: true'
- work on integrating john's proxy work
- getAllOwnProps() to generate list of functions that need to be rebound
- remove non-proxy related changes for now, remove angular special cases (for now)
* local scope proxy work:
- add back __WB_pmw() prefix for postMessage
- don't override postMessage() in proxy obj
- MessageEvent resolve proxy to original window obj
* js obj proxy: use local_init() to load local vars from proxy obj
* wombat: js object proxy improvements:
- use same object '_WB_wombat_obj_proxy' on window and document objects
- reuse default_proxy_get() for get operation from window or document
- resolve and Window/Document object to the proxy, eg. if '_WB_wombat_obj_proxy' exists, return that
- override MessageEvent.source to return window proxy object
* obj proxy work:
- window proxy: defineProperty() override calls Reflect.defineProperty on dummy object as well as window to avoid exception
- window proxy: set() also sets on dummy object, and returns false if Reflect.set returns false (eg. altered by Reflect.defineProperty disabled writing)
- add override_prop_to_proxy() to add override to return proxy obj for attribute
- add override for Node.ownerDocument and HTMLElement.parentNode to return document proxy
server side rewrite: generalize local proxy insert, add list for local let overrides
* js obj proxy work:
- add default '__WB_pmw' to self if undefined (for service workers)
- document.origin override
- proxy obj: improved defineProperty override to work with safari
- proxy obj: catch any exception in dummy obj setter
* client-side rewriting:
- proxy obj: catch exception (such as cross-domain access) in own props init
- proxy obj: check for self reference '_WB_wombat_obj_proxy' access to avoid infinite recurse
- rewrite style: add 'cursor' attr for css url rewriting
* content rewriter: if is_ajax(), skip JS proxy obj rewriting also (html rewrite also skipped)
* client-side rewrite: rewrite 'data:text/css' as inline stylesheet when set via setAttribute() on 'href' in link
* client-side document override improvements:
- fix document.domain, document.referrer, forms add document.origin overrides to use only the document object
- init_doc_overrides() called as part of proxy init
- move non-document overrides to main init
rewrite: add rewrite for "Function('return this')" pattern to use proxy obj
* js obj proxy: now a per-collection (and even a per-request) setting 'use_js_obj_prox' (defaults to False)
live-rewrite-server: defaults to enabled js obj proxy
metadata: get_metadata() loads metadata.yaml for config settings for dynamic collections),
or collection config for static collections
warcserver: get_coll_config() returns config for static collection
tests: use custom test dir instead of default 'collections' dir
tests: add basic test for js obj proxy
update to warcio>=1.4.0
* karma tests: update to safari >10
* client-side rewrite:
- ensure wombat.js is ES5 compatible (don't use let)
- check if Proxy obj exists before attempting to init
* js proxy obj: RewriteWithProxyObj uses user-agent to determine if Proxy obj can be supported
content_rewriter: add overridable get_rewriter()
content_rewriter: fix elif -> if in should_rw_content()
tests: update js proxy obj test with different user agents (supported and unsupported)
karma: reset test to safari 9
* compatibility: remove shorthand notation from wombat.js
* js obj proxy: override MutationObserver.observe() to retrieve original object from proxy
wombat.js: cleanup, remove commented out code, label new proxy system functions, bump version to 2.40
cdx obj: allow alt field names to be used (eg. mime, mimetype, m)
(status/statuscode/s) in querying and reading cdx
cdx minimal: (#75) now implies cdxj to avoid more formats
minimal includes digest always and mime when warc/revisit
tests for cdxj loading
indexing optimization: reuse same entry obj for records of same type
overriding just the banner (and not the entire head_insert). Setting
banner_html: False will disable the banner, or setting to a custom
template will insert that template. Default template loads
default_banner.js which does the actual initialization.
will run (this was cumbersome to maintain and not really useful)
ReferRedirect just checks that the current request host header, if present, matches that of the referrer
and checks that the coll and script name match.
* removed proxy_pac as it was also unneeded/unused and required use of the hostpaths
* added test for invalid CONNECT usage (405 response)
(todo: add tests for non-ascii compatible encodings)
improved rendering of certain pages, needs more testing
lxml: remove lxml and complexity associated with having the parser,
as its too unpredictable for older html, does its own decoding.
split replay view into BaseContentView and ReplayView
refactor RewriteLiveHandler into RewriteLiveView
add additional tests for framed and non-framed mode
default to framed replay!
memento support enabled by default, togglable via 'enable_memento' config property
supporting timegate and memento apis, no timemap yet
supporting pattern 2.3 for archival and pattern 1.3 for proxy modes
simplify exception hierarchy a bit more, move down to utils
make WbRequest and WbResponse extensible with mixins (eg for memento)
and 'fuzzy' matching when not found
handled via cdxdomainspecific.py
BaseCDXServer contains a canonicalizer object and a fuzzy query
canonicalizer abstracted to seperate class (in canonicalizer.py)
clean up cdx related exceptions
default rules read from cdx/rules.yaml
filename configurable via 'domain_specific_rules' setting in config.yaml
fix typo in pywb/rewrite
- don't store explicit static path, but allow it to be set in the insert
- store host_prefix, which is either server name or empty
- for archival mode, absolute_paths settings controls if using absolute paths,
- for proxy always use absolute_paths
- default static path is: /static/default/
- allow extension apps to provide custom /static/X/ path
Route overriding:
- ability to set Route class
- custom init method
Archival Relative Redirect:
- if starting with timestamp, drop timestamp and assume host-relative path
Integration Tests:
- test proxy mode by using REQUEST_URI
- test archival relative redirect!
adding StaticHandler and loading templates and static resources from current package
add default template and static data to be included in the pywb package
add test for custom static route
* proxy router for handling only proxy
* proxy/archival router for handling both archival and proxy mode,
togglable with 'enable_http_proxy' setting in config
* supports only most recent capture playback -- no support for
selecting replay date/calendar view yet
* not testable with WebTest -- need better way to unit test proxy mode
wrapping previous WbResponse
overhaul yaml config to be much simpler, move best resolver and
best index reader to respective classes
add config_utils for sharing config, standard non-yaml config
provides defaults for testing
fix bug in query.html
* Refactor views class to support more Jinja2 views (J2Template)
* Add a home page, collection search page, and error pages, all optional
* all exceptions appear on error page
* wbrequest supports a request with an empty or / wb_url