- fixed edge case in jsonP rewriting where no callback name is supplied only ? but body has normal jsonP callback (url = https://geolocation.onetrust.com/cookieconsentpub/v1/geo/countries/EU?callback=?)
- made the `!self.__WB_pmw` server side inject match the client side one done via wombat
- added regex's for eval override to JSWombatProxyRules
- added eval override in order to ensure AD network JS does not lockup the browser (cnn.com)
- added returning a proxied value for window.parent from the window proxy object in order to ensure AD network JS does not lock up browser (cnn.com, boston.com, et. al.)
- ensured that the read only storageArea property of 'StorageEvents' fired by the custom storage class is present (spec)
- ensured that userland cannot create new instances of Storage and that localStorage instanceof Storage works with our override (spec)
- ensured that assignments to SomeElement.[innerHTML|outerHTML], iframe.srcdoc, or style.textContent are more correctly handled in particular doing script.[innerHTML|outerHTML] = <JS>
- ensured that the test used in the isArgumentsObj function does not throw errors IFF the pages JS has made it so when toString is called (linkedin.com)
- ensured that Web Worker construction when using the optional options object, the options get supplied to the create worker (spec)
- ensured that the expected TypeError exception thrown from DomConstructors of overridden interfaces are thrown when their pre-conditions are not met (spec)
- ensured that wombat worker rewriting skipes data urls which should not be rewritten
- ensured the bound function returned by the window function is the same on subsequent retrievals fixes#474
- added direct testing of wombat's parts