- I: function overrides applied by wombat now better appear to be the original new function name same as originals when possible
- I: WombatLocation now looks and behaves more like the original Location interface
- I: The custom storage class now looks and behaves more like the original Storage
- I: SVG image rewriting has been improved: both the href and xlink:href deprecated since SVG2 now rewritten always
- I: document.open now handles the case of creation of a new window
- I: Request object rewriting of the readonly href property is now correctly handled
- I: EventTarget.addEventListener, removeEventListener overrides now preserve the original this argument of the wrapped listener
- A: document.close override to ensure wombat is initialized after write or writeln usage
- A: reconstruction of <doctype...> in rewriteHTMLComplete IFF it was included in the original string of HTML
- A: document.body setter override to ensure rewriting of the new body or frameset
- A: Attr.[value, nodeValue, textContent] added setter override to perform URL rewrites
- A: SVGElements rewriting of the filter, style, xlink:href, href, and src attributes
- A: HTMLTrackElement rewriting of the src attribute of the
- A: HTMLQuoteElement and HTMLModElement rewriting of the cite attribute
- A: Worklet.addModule: Loads JS module specified by a URL.
- A: HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils overrides to the areaelement
- A: ShadowRootoverrides to: innerHTML even though inherites from DocumentFragement and Node it still has innerHTML getter setter.
- A: ShadowRoot, Element, DocumentFragment append, prepend: adds strings of HTML or a new Node inherited from ParentNode
- A: StylePropertyMap override: New way to access and set CSS properties.
- A: Response.redirecthttps rewriting of the URL argument.
- A: UIEvent, MouseEvent, TouchEvent, KeyboardEvent, WheelEvent, InputEvent, and CompositionEven constructor and init{even-name} overrides in order to ensure that wombats JS Proxy usage does not affect their defined behaviors
- A: XSLTProcessor override to ensure its usage is not affected by wombats JS Proxy usage.
- A: navigator.unregisterProtocolHandler: Same override as existing navigator.registerProtocolHandler but from the inverse operation
- A: PresentationRequest: Constructor takes a URL or an array of URLs.
- A: EventSource and WebSocket override in order to ensure that they do not cause live leaks
- A: overrides for the child node interface
- Fix: autofetch worker creatation of the backing worker when it is operating within an execution context with a null origin
- A: 559 tests specific to wombat and client side rewritting
- Fix: a few broken tests due to iana.org requiring a user agent in its requests
- introduced a new JSWorkerRewriter class in order to support rewriting via wombat workers in the context of all supported worker variants via
- ensured rewriter app correctly sets the static prefix
- Modified travis.yml to specifically enumerate jobs
- Documented new wombat, wombat proxy moded, wombat workers
- switched to mutation observer when in proxy mode so that the behaviors can operate in tandem with the autofetcher
- attempt to encode headers as utf-8 first for live web, then latin-1 (similar to warcio http header parsing)
- only encode headers for py3 (in py2, headers are already bytestrings)
- tests: add tests for utf-8 in header
bump version to 2.1.1
- proxy and recorder config loaded from 'proxy' and 'recorder' string or dicts in config
- proxy settings loaded from config, wsgiproxmiddleware applied within main init path
- cli --proxy-record add to indicate recording, optional dict to set options
- optional recorder dict to configure other recorder options, file max_size, filename_template, etc..
- proxy tests: add proxy cli tests
- recorder tests: add recorder custom config test
recording support: now available for dynamic collections via config
- config.yaml 'recorder: live' entry enables /record/ subpath which records to any dynamic collections (can record from any collection, though usually live)
- autoindex refactor: simplified, standalone AutoIndexer() -- indexes any changed warc files to autoindex.cdxj
- windows autoindex support: also check for changed file size, as last modified time may not be changing
- manager: remove autoindex, now part of main cli
- tests: updated test_auto_colls with autoindex changes
- tests: add record/replay tests for recording and replay
frontendapp compatibility
- add support for separate not found page for 404s (not_found.html)
- support for exception handling with error template (error.html)
- support for home page (index.html)
- add memento headers for replay
- add referrer fallback check
- tests: port integration tests for front-end replay, cdx server
- not included: proxy mode, exact redirect mode, non-framed replay
- move unused tests to tests_disabled
- cli: add optional werkzeug profiler with --profile flag