* adaptive rewrite improvements:
- Add 'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl' as HLS type in rules.yaml and default_rewriter.py
- Support setting max resolution and max bandwidth to choose, defaults to 480x854 and 200000 respectively
- LiveWebLoader provides a get_custom_metadata for specifying WARC-JSON-Metadata header, per mime type (TODO: support customization via rules)
- When filtering, first limiting by resolution (if set), then by bandwidth (if set), otherwise default to max bandwidth
- Max resoluton/max bandwidth stored in WARC record under WARC-JSON-Metadata as 'adaptive_max_resolution' and 'adaptive_max_bandwidth' to ensure replayability. If absent, choose absolute max in manifest to be backwards compatible
- Add sample HLS and DASH manifests for testing, with and without max resolution/bandwidth settings.
can be set explicitly or via '!' on the sources list
tests: test invert sources
filters: include params to skip_response() filter
warc headers: change headers for recording from other source to: WARC-Source-URI and WARC-Created-Date
been inserted by the end (and if there was some content written -- don't insert for 0-length responses)
Addresses missing head insert if only head tags are present and no head, as per hypothesis/via#9
refactor poute request parsing to happen in the actual router class instead of in the route
in proxy mode, add support for picking a route via proxy-auth
improve test for 'top' rewriting
contains configs for cdx canon, fuzzy matching and rewriting!
rewriting: ability to add custom regexs per domain
also, ability to toggle js rewriting and custom rewriting file
(default is wombat.js)