split replay view into BaseContentView and ReplayView
refactor RewriteLiveHandler into RewriteLiveView
add additional tests for framed and non-framed mode
default to framed replay!
record_loader can optionally parse 'request' records
archiveindexer has -a flag to write all records ('request' included),
-p flag to append post query
post-test.warc.gz and cdx
POST redirects using 307
memento support enabled by default, togglable via 'enable_memento' config property
supporting timegate and memento apis, no timemap yet
supporting pattern 2.3 for archival and pattern 1.3 for proxy modes
simplify exception hierarchy a bit more, move down to utils
make WbRequest and WbResponse extensible with mixins (eg for memento)
add sample warc and cdx for url-agnostic revisits
add unit test and integration test
resolvingloader: pass callback instead of full cdx server
for use for loading cdx in case of url-agnostic revisit
create 'framework' subpackage for general purpose components!
contains routing, request/response, exceptions and wsgi wrappers
update framework package for pep8
dsrules: using load_config_yaml() (pushed to utils)
to init default config
archivalrouter: support empty collection, with and without SCRIPT_NAME
cdx: remove cdx source test, including access denied
replay: when content-type present, limit the decompressed stream to content-length
(this ensures last 4 bytes in warc/arc record are not read)
integration tests for identity replay
- dispatching: cleanup wbrequestresponse, move tests to a seperate file
- wbrequest: store both rel_prefix and host_prefix, with wb_prefix either full
or rel path as needed, so that full and relative paths are
both available in wbrequest
- create WbUrlHandler to differentiate handlers which
support WbUrl (timestamp[mod]/url) semantic vs other request handlers.
remove max_len from DecompressingBufferedReader as it applied to
the compressed size, not original size.
Add integration test for verifying content length of larger file
and 'fuzzy' matching when not found
handled via cdxdomainspecific.py
BaseCDXServer contains a canonicalizer object and a fuzzy query
canonicalizer abstracted to seperate class (in canonicalizer.py)
clean up cdx related exceptions
default rules read from cdx/rules.yaml
filename configurable via 'domain_specific_rules' setting in config.yaml
fix typo in pywb/rewrite
move to distinct packages: pywb.utils, pywb.cdx, pywb.warc, pywb.util, pywb.rewrite!
each package will have its own README and tests
shared sample_data and install