mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 15:09:54 +01:00
proxy_resolvers: move resolvers to seperate file, default to ProxyAuthResolver (CookieResolver still work-in-progress)
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ import base64
import socket
import ssl
from io import BytesIO
from pywb.rewrite.url_rewriter import HttpsUrlRewriter
from pywb.utils.statusandheaders import StatusAndHeaders
from pywb.utils.wbexception import BadRequestException
from pywb.utils.bufferedreaders import BufferedReader
from certauth import CertificateAuthority
from proxy_resolvers import ProxyAuthResolver
class ProxyArchivalRouter(ArchivalRouter):
@ -267,218 +267,3 @@ class ProxyRouter(object):
content_type = 'application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig'
return WbResponse.text_response(buff, content_type=content_type)
class BaseCollResolver(object):
def __init__(self, routes, config):
self.routes = routes
self.pre_connect = config.get('pre_connect', False)
self.use_default_coll = config.get('use_default_coll', True)
def resolve(self, env):
route = None
coll = None
matcher = None
proxy_coll = self.get_proxy_coll(env)
# invalid parsing
if proxy_coll == '':
return None, None, None, self.select_coll_response(env)
if proxy_coll is None and isinstance(self.use_default_coll, str):
proxy_coll = self.use_default_coll
if proxy_coll:
proxy_coll = '/' + proxy_coll + '/'
for r in self.routes:
matcher, c = r.is_handling(proxy_coll)
if matcher:
route = r
coll = c
# if no match, return coll selection response
if not route:
return None, None, None, self.select_coll_response(env)
# if 'use_default_coll'
elif self.use_default_coll == True or len(self.routes) == 1:
route = self.routes[0]
coll = self.routes[0].path
# otherwise, return the appropriate coll selection response
return None, None, None, self.select_coll_response(env)
return route, coll, matcher, None
class ProxyAuthResolver(BaseCollResolver):
DEFAULT_MSG = 'Please enter name of a collection to use with proxy mode'
def __init__(self, routes, config):
config['pre_connect'] = True
super(ProxyAuthResolver, self).__init__(routes, config)
self.auth_msg = config.get('auth_msg', self.DEFAULT_MSG)
def get_proxy_coll(self, env):
proxy_auth = env.get('HTTP_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION')
if not proxy_auth:
return None
proxy_coll = self.read_basic_auth_coll(proxy_auth)
return proxy_coll
def select_coll_response(self, env):
proxy_msg = 'Basic realm="{0}"'.format(self.auth_msg)
headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'),
('Proxy-Authenticate', proxy_msg)]
status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('407 Proxy Authentication', headers)
value = self.auth_msg
return WbResponse(status_headers, value=[value])
def read_basic_auth_coll(value):
parts = value.split(' ')
if parts[0].lower() != 'basic':
return ''
if len(parts) != 2:
return ''
user_pass = base64.b64decode(parts[1])
return user_pass.split(':')[0]
class CookieResolver(BaseCollResolver):
def __init__(self, routes, config):
config['pre_connect'] = False
super(CookieResolver, self).__init__(routes, config)
self.magic_name = config.get('magic_name', 'pywb-proxy.com')
self.cookie_name = config.get('cookie_name', '__pywb_coll')
self.proxy_select_view = config.get('proxy_select_view')
def get_proxy_coll(self, env):
cookie = self.extract_client_cookie(env, self.cookie_name)
return cookie
def select_coll_response(self, env):
return self.make_magic_response('auto',
def resolve(self, env):
url = env['REL_REQUEST_URI']
if ('.' + self.magic_name) in url:
return None, None, None, self.handle_magic_page(url, env)
return super(CookieResolver, self).resolve(env)
def handle_magic_page(self, url, env):
parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
path_url = parts.path[1:]
if parts.query:
path_url += '?' + parts.query
if parts.netloc.startswith('auto'):
coll = self.extract_client_cookie(env, self.cookie_name)
if coll:
return self.make_sethost_cookie_response(coll, path_url, env)
return self.make_magic_response('select', path_url, env)
elif '.set.' in parts.netloc:
coll = parts.netloc.split('.', 1)[0]
headers = self.make_cookie_headers(coll, self.magic_name)
return self.make_sethost_cookie_response(coll, path_url, env,
elif '.sethost.' in parts.netloc:
host_parts = parts.netloc.split('.', 1)
coll = host_parts[0]
inx = parts.netloc.find('.' + self.magic_name + '.')
domain = parts.netloc[inx + len(self.magic_name) + 2:]
headers = self.make_cookie_headers(coll, domain)
full_url = env['pywb.proxy_scheme'] + '://' + domain
full_url += '/' + path_url
return WbResponse.redir_response(full_url, headers=headers)
elif self.proxy_select_view:
route_temp = env['pywb.proxy_scheme'] + '://%s.set.'
route_temp += self.magic_name + '/' + path_url
return (self.proxy_select_view.
return WbResponse.text_response('select text for ' + path_url)
def make_cookie_headers(self, coll, domain):
cookie_val = '{0}={1}; Path=/; Domain=.{2}; HttpOnly'
cookie_val = cookie_val.format(self.cookie_name, coll, domain)
headers = [('Set-Cookie', cookie_val)]
return headers
def make_sethost_cookie_response(self, coll, path_url, env, headers=None):
path_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(path_url)
new_url = path_parts.path[1:]
if path_parts.query:
new_url += '?' + path_parts.query
return self.make_magic_response(coll + '.sethost', new_url, env,
def make_magic_response(self, prefix, url, env,
suffix=None, headers=None):
full_url = env['pywb.proxy_scheme'] + '://' + prefix + '.'
full_url += self.magic_name
if suffix:
full_url += '.' + suffix
full_url += '/' + url
return WbResponse.redir_response(full_url, headers=headers)
def extract_client_cookie(env, cookie_name):
cookie_header = env.get('HTTP_COOKIE')
if not cookie_header:
return None
# attempt to extract cookie_name only
inx = cookie_header.find(cookie_name)
if inx < 0:
return None
end_inx = cookie_header.find(';', inx)
if end_inx > 0:
value = cookie_header[inx:end_inx]
value = cookie_header[inx:]
value = value.split('=')
if len(value) < 2:
return None
value = value[1].strip()
return value
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
from wbrequestresponse import WbResponse, WbRequest
from pywb.utils.statusandheaders import StatusAndHeaders
import urlparse
import base64
class BaseCollResolver(object):
def __init__(self, routes, config):
self.routes = routes
self.pre_connect = config.get('pre_connect', False)
self.use_default_coll = config.get('use_default_coll', True)
def resolve(self, env):
route = None
coll = None
matcher = None
proxy_coll = self.get_proxy_coll(env)
# invalid parsing
if proxy_coll == '':
return None, None, None, self.select_coll_response(env)
if proxy_coll is None and isinstance(self.use_default_coll, str):
proxy_coll = self.use_default_coll
if proxy_coll:
proxy_coll = '/' + proxy_coll + '/'
for r in self.routes:
matcher, c = r.is_handling(proxy_coll)
if matcher:
route = r
coll = c
# if no match, return coll selection response
if not route:
return None, None, None, self.select_coll_response(env)
# if 'use_default_coll'
elif self.use_default_coll == True or len(self.routes) == 1:
route = self.routes[0]
coll = self.routes[0].path
# otherwise, return the appropriate coll selection response
return None, None, None, self.select_coll_response(env)
return route, coll, matcher, None
class ProxyAuthResolver(BaseCollResolver):
DEFAULT_MSG = 'Please enter name of a collection to use with proxy mode'
def __init__(self, routes, config):
config['pre_connect'] = True
super(ProxyAuthResolver, self).__init__(routes, config)
self.auth_msg = config.get('auth_msg', self.DEFAULT_MSG)
def get_proxy_coll(self, env):
proxy_auth = env.get('HTTP_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION')
if not proxy_auth:
return None
proxy_coll = self.read_basic_auth_coll(proxy_auth)
return proxy_coll
def select_coll_response(self, env):
proxy_msg = 'Basic realm="{0}"'.format(self.auth_msg)
headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'),
('Proxy-Authenticate', proxy_msg)]
status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('407 Proxy Authentication', headers)
value = self.auth_msg
return WbResponse(status_headers, value=[value])
def read_basic_auth_coll(value):
parts = value.split(' ')
if parts[0].lower() != 'basic':
return ''
if len(parts) != 2:
return ''
user_pass = base64.b64decode(parts[1])
return user_pass.split(':')[0]
# Experimental CookieResolver
class CookieResolver(BaseCollResolver): # pragma: no cover
def __init__(self, routes, config):
config['pre_connect'] = False
super(CookieResolver, self).__init__(routes, config)
self.magic_name = config.get('magic_name', 'pywb-proxy.com')
self.cookie_name = config.get('cookie_name', '__pywb_coll')
self.proxy_select_view = config.get('proxy_select_view')
def get_proxy_coll(self, env):
cookie = self.extract_client_cookie(env, self.cookie_name)
return cookie
def select_coll_response(self, env):
return self.make_magic_response('auto',
def resolve(self, env):
url = env['REL_REQUEST_URI']
if ('.' + self.magic_name) in url:
return None, None, None, self.handle_magic_page(url, env)
return super(CookieResolver, self).resolve(env)
def handle_magic_page(self, url, env):
parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
path_url = parts.path[1:]
if parts.query:
path_url += '?' + parts.query
if parts.netloc.startswith('auto'):
coll = self.extract_client_cookie(env, self.cookie_name)
if coll:
return self.make_sethost_cookie_response(coll, path_url, env)
return self.make_magic_response('select', path_url, env)
elif '.set.' in parts.netloc:
coll = parts.netloc.split('.', 1)[0]
headers = self.make_cookie_headers(coll, self.magic_name)
return self.make_sethost_cookie_response(coll, path_url, env,
elif '.sethost.' in parts.netloc:
host_parts = parts.netloc.split('.', 1)
coll = host_parts[0]
inx = parts.netloc.find('.' + self.magic_name + '.')
domain = parts.netloc[inx + len(self.magic_name) + 2:]
headers = self.make_cookie_headers(coll, domain)
full_url = env['pywb.proxy_scheme'] + '://' + domain
full_url += '/' + path_url
return WbResponse.redir_response(full_url, headers=headers)
elif self.proxy_select_view:
route_temp = env['pywb.proxy_scheme'] + '://%s.set.'
route_temp += self.magic_name + '/' + path_url
return (self.proxy_select_view.
return WbResponse.text_response('select text for ' + path_url)
def make_cookie_headers(self, coll, domain):
cookie_val = '{0}={1}; Path=/; Domain=.{2}; HttpOnly'
cookie_val = cookie_val.format(self.cookie_name, coll, domain)
headers = [('Set-Cookie', cookie_val)]
return headers
def make_sethost_cookie_response(self, coll, path_url, env, headers=None):
path_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(path_url)
new_url = path_parts.path[1:]
if path_parts.query:
new_url += '?' + path_parts.query
return self.make_magic_response(coll + '.sethost', new_url, env,
def make_magic_response(self, prefix, url, env,
suffix=None, headers=None):
full_url = env['pywb.proxy_scheme'] + '://' + prefix + '.'
full_url += self.magic_name
if suffix:
full_url += '.' + suffix
full_url += '/' + url
return WbResponse.redir_response(full_url, headers=headers)
def extract_client_cookie(env, cookie_name):
cookie_header = env.get('HTTP_COOKIE')
if not cookie_header:
return None
# attempt to extract cookie_name only
inx = cookie_header.find(cookie_name)
if inx < 0:
return None
end_inx = cookie_header.find(';', inx)
if end_inx > 0:
value = cookie_header[inx:end_inx]
value = cookie_header[inx:]
value = value.split('=')
if len(value) < 2:
return None
value = value[1].strip()
return value
Reference in New Issue
Block a user