diff --git a/docs/manual/usage.rst b/docs/manual/usage.rst
index 70db6581..522e35ae 100644
--- a/docs/manual/usage.rst
+++ b/docs/manual/usage.rst
@@ -156,3 +156,36 @@ For larger scale production deployments, running with `uwsgi <http://uwsgi-docs.
 Although uwsgi does not provide a way to specify command line, all command line options can alternatively be configured via ``config.yaml``. See :ref:`configuring-pywb` for more info on available configuration options.
+Sample Nginx Configuration
+The following nginx configuration snippet can be used to deploy pywb with uwsgi and nginx.
+The configuration assumes pywb is running the uwsgi protocol on port 8081, as is the default
+when running ``uwsgi uwsgi.ini``.
+The ``location /static`` block allows nginx to serve static files, and is an optional optimization.
+This configuration can be updated to use HTTPS and run on 443, the ``UWSGI_SCHEME`` param ensures that pywb will use the correct scheme
+when rewriting.
+See the `Nginx Docs <https://nginx.org/en/docs/>`_ for a lot more details on how to configure Nginx.
+.. code:: nginx
+    server {
+        listen 80;
+        location /static {
+            alias /path/to/pywb/static;
+        }
+        location / {
+            uwsgi_pass localhost:8081;
+            include uwsgi_params;
+            uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCHEME $scheme;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/uwsgi.ini b/uwsgi.ini
index 91dad78b..a1347690 100644
--- a/uwsgi.ini
+++ b/uwsgi.ini
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 if-not-env = PORT
 http-socket = :8080
+socket = :8081
 endif =
 master = true