diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
index 8f380a4c..4ca8bc58 100644
--- a/CHANGES.rst
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
@@ -4,33 +4,34 @@ pywb 0.11.0 changelist
* New client-side test system for Wombat.js in place using Karma and SauceLabs with initial set of tests and travis integration.
* Wombat Improvements:
- - Better Safari/IE support: accessors overriden only when actually supported in browser, override gracefully skipped otherwise
- - Use getOwnPropertyDescriptor() to get properties in addition to __lookupGetter__, __lookupSetter__
- - baseURI overriden on correct prototype
- - CSSStyleSheet.href override
- - HTMLAnchorElement.toString() override
- - Avoid making .href read-only
+ - Better Safari/IE support: accessors overriden only when actually supported in browser, override gracefully skipped otherwise
+ - Use ``getOwnPropertyDescriptor()`` to get properties in addition to ``__lookupGetter__``, ``__lookupSetter__``
+ - ``baseURI`` overriden on correct prototype
+ - ``CSSStyleSheet.href`` override
+ - ``HTMLAnchorElement.toString()`` override
+ - Avoid making ``.href`` read-only
* Proxy Mode Improvements:
- - To avoid breaking HTTPS envelope, if no content-length provided, chunked encoding is used (HTTP/1.1) or response is buffered and content-length is computed (HTTP/1.0)
- - Rewriter: Scheme-only rewriter converts embedded urls to http or https to match the scheme of containing page.
- - IP Resolver: Supports IP cache in Redis
- - Default resolver set to cookie resolver, collection/datetime switching options removed from UI in auth or ip resolvers.
+ - To avoid breaking HTTPS envelope, if no content-length provided, chunked encoding is used (HTTP/1.1) or response is buffered and content-length is computed (HTTP/1.0)
+ - Rewriter: Scheme-only rewriter converts embedded urls to http or https to match the scheme of containing page.
+ - IP Resolver: Supports IP cache in Redis
+ - Default resolver set to cookie resolver, eg. ``cookie_resolver: true`` is the default.
+ - Collection/datetime switching options removed from UI when auth or ip resolvers.
-Encoding: Use webencoding lib to better encode head-insert to match page encoding
+* Encoding: Use webencoding lib to better encode head-insert to match page encoding
-Live Proxy: Support for explicit 'recording' mode, decoupled from using http/https proxy. (Before using proxy implied recording)
+* Live Proxy: Support for explicit 'recording' mode, decoupled from using http/https proxy. (Before using proxy implied recording)
-Rewriting: Convert relative urls for `rel=canonical` to absolute urls, even if not rewriting to ensure correct url.
+* Rewriting: Convert relative urls for ``rel=canonical`` to absolute urls, even if not rewriting to ensure correct url.
-UI: Use custom webkit scrollbars to minimize scrollbar-in-iframe issues that sometimes occur in Chrome.
+* UI: Use custom webkit scrollbars to minimize scrollbar-in-iframe issues that sometimes occur in Chrome.
-Memento Improvements:
- - Add /collinfo.json endpoint which by default returns a JSON spec for all collections as Memento endpoints, in a format compatible with MemGator.
- - /collinfo.json endpoint customizable via `templates/collinfo.json` and must be enabled with `enable_coll_info: true`
- - 'Not Found' error for timemap query returns empty timemap instead of standard HTML 404.
+* Memento Improvements:
+ - ``/collinfo.json`` by default returns a JSON spec for all collections as Memento endpoints, in a format compatible with MemGator.
+ - ``Add /collinfo.json`` endpoint customizable via ``templates/collinfo.json`` and must be enabled with ``enable_coll_info: true``
+ - 'Not Found' error for timemap query returns empty timemap instead of standard HTML 404.
-WARC Indexing:
+* WARC Indexing:
- Better detection of content-length < payload, skip to next record boundary and warn, if possible.
- Use ujson if proper version (without forward-slash escaping) is available when writing CDXJ