* Then, ``http://remote-backup.example.com/collections/<coll name>/example.warc.gz`` (if first lookup unsuccessful)
Custom Defined Collections
While pywb can detect automatically collections following the above directory structure,
it may be useful to declare custom collections explicitly.
In addition, several "special" collection definitions are possible.
All custom defined collections are placed under the ``collections`` key in ``config.yaml``
Live Web Collection
The live web collection proxies all data to the live web, and can be defined as follows::
live: $live
This configures the ``/live/`` route to point to the live web.
(As a shortcut, ``wayback --live`` adds this collection via cli w/o modifiying the config.yaml)
This collection can be useful for testing, or even more powerful, when combined with recording.
Auto "All" Aggregate Collection
The aggregate all collections automatically aggregates data from all collections in the ``collections`` directory::
all: $all
Accessing ``/all/<url>`` will cause an aggregate lookup within the collections directory.
Note: It is not (yet) possible to exclude collections from the all collection, although "special" collections are not included.
Generic Collection Definitions
The collection definition syntax allows for explicitly setting the index, archive paths
and all other templates, per collection, for example::
index: ./path/to/indexes
resource: ./some/other/path/to/archive/
query_html: ./path/to/templates/query.html
This configuration supports the full Warcserver config syntax, including
remote archives, aggregation and fallback sequences (link)
This format also makes it easier to move legacy collections that have unique path requirements.
Root Collection
It is also possible to define a "root" collection, for example, accessible at ``http://my-archive.example.com/<url>``
Such a collection must be defined explicitly using the ``$root`` as collection name::
index: ./path/to/indexes
resource: ./path/to/archive/
Note: When a root collection is set, no other collections are currently accessible, they are ignored.
Recording Mode
HTTP/S Proxy Mode
UI Customizations
pywb supports UI customizations, either for an entire archive,
or per-collection.
Static Files
The replay server will automatically support static files placed under the following directories:
* Files under the root ``static`` directory can be accessed via ``http://my-archive.example.com/static/<filename>``
* Files under the per-collection ``./collections/<coll name>/static`` directory can be accessed via ``http://my-archive.example.com/static/_/<coll name>/<filename>``
pywb users Jinja2 templates to render HTML to render the HTML for all aspects of the application.
A version placed in the ``templates`` directory, either in the root or per collection, will override that template.
To copy the default pywb template to the template directory run:
``wb-manager template --add search_html``
The following templates are available:
*``home.html`` -- Home Page Template, used for ``http://my-archive.example.com/``
*``search.html`` -- Collection Template, used for each collection page ``http://my-archive.example.com/<coll name>/``
*``query.html`` -- Capture Query Page for a given url, used for ``http://my-archive.example.com/<coll name/*/<url>``
Error Pages:
*``not_found.html`` -- Page to show when a url is not found in the archive
*``error.html`` -- Generic Error Page for any error (except not found)
Replay and Banner templates:
*``frame_insert.html`` -- Top-frame for framed replay mode (not used with frameless mode)
*``head_insert.html`` -- Rewriting code injected into ``<head>`` of each replayed page.
This template includes the banner template and itself should generally not need to be modified.
*``banner.html`` -- The banner used for frameless replay. Can be set to blank to disable the banner.
Custom Outer Replay Frame
The top-frame used for framed replay can be replaced or augmented
by modifiying the ``frame_insert.html``.
To start with modifiying the default outer page, you can add it to the current
templates directory by running ``wb-frame template --add frame_insert.html``
To initialize the replay, the outer page should include ``wb_frame.js``,
create an ``<iframe>`` element and pass the id (or element itself) to the ``ContentFrame`` constructor: