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# pywb config file
# ========================================
# Settings for each collection
use_js_obj_proxy: true
JS Object Proxy Override System (#224) * Init commit for Wombat JS Proxies off of https://github.com/ikreymer/pywb/tree/develop Changes - cli.py: add import os for os.chdir(self.r.directory) - frontendapp.py: added initial support for cors requests. - static_handler.py: add import for NotFoundException - wbrequestresponse.py: added the intital implementation for cors requests, webrecoder needs this for recording! - default_rewriter.py: added JSWombatProxyRewriter to default js rewriter class for internal testing - html_rewriter.py: made JSWombatProxyRewriter to be default js rewriter class for internal testing - regex_rewriters.py: implemented JSWombatProxyRewriter and JSWombatProxyRewriter to support wombat JS Proxy - wombat.js: added JS Proxy support - remove print * wombat proxy: simplify mixin using 'first_buff' * js local scope rewrite/proxy work: - add DefaultHandlerWithJSProxy to enable new proxy rewrite (disabled by default) - new proxy toggleable with 'js_local_scope_rewrite: true' - work on integrating john's proxy work - getAllOwnProps() to generate list of functions that need to be rebound - remove non-proxy related changes for now, remove angular special cases (for now) * local scope proxy work: - add back __WB_pmw() prefix for postMessage - don't override postMessage() in proxy obj - MessageEvent resolve proxy to original window obj * js obj proxy: use local_init() to load local vars from proxy obj * wombat: js object proxy improvements: - use same object '_WB_wombat_obj_proxy' on window and document objects - reuse default_proxy_get() for get operation from window or document - resolve and Window/Document object to the proxy, eg. if '_WB_wombat_obj_proxy' exists, return that - override MessageEvent.source to return window proxy object * obj proxy work: - window proxy: defineProperty() override calls Reflect.defineProperty on dummy object as well as window to avoid exception - window proxy: set() also sets on dummy object, and returns false if Reflect.set returns false (eg. altered by Reflect.defineProperty disabled writing) - add override_prop_to_proxy() to add override to return proxy obj for attribute - add override for Node.ownerDocument and HTMLElement.parentNode to return document proxy server side rewrite: generalize local proxy insert, add list for local let overrides * js obj proxy work: - add default '__WB_pmw' to self if undefined (for service workers) - document.origin override - proxy obj: improved defineProperty override to work with safari - proxy obj: catch any exception in dummy obj setter * client-side rewriting: - proxy obj: catch exception (such as cross-domain access) in own props init - proxy obj: check for self reference '_WB_wombat_obj_proxy' access to avoid infinite recurse - rewrite style: add 'cursor' attr for css url rewriting * content rewriter: if is_ajax(), skip JS proxy obj rewriting also (html rewrite also skipped) * client-side rewrite: rewrite 'data:text/css' as inline stylesheet when set via setAttribute() on 'href' in link * client-side document override improvements: - fix document.domain, document.referrer, forms add document.origin overrides to use only the document object - init_doc_overrides() called as part of proxy init - move non-document overrides to main init rewrite: add rewrite for "Function('return this')" pattern to use proxy obj * js obj proxy: now a per-collection (and even a per-request) setting 'use_js_obj_prox' (defaults to False) live-rewrite-server: defaults to enabled js obj proxy metadata: get_metadata() loads metadata.yaml for config settings for dynamic collections), or collection config for static collections warcserver: get_coll_config() returns config for static collection tests: use custom test dir instead of default 'collections' dir tests: add basic test for js obj proxy update to warcio>=1.4.0 * karma tests: update to safari >10 * client-side rewrite: - ensure wombat.js is ES5 compatible (don't use let) - check if Proxy obj exists before attempting to init * js proxy obj: RewriteWithProxyObj uses user-agent to determine if Proxy obj can be supported content_rewriter: add overridable get_rewriter() content_rewriter: fix elif -> if in should_rw_content() tests: update js proxy obj test with different user agents (supported and unsupported) karma: reset test to safari 9 * compatibility: remove shorthand notation from wombat.js * js obj proxy: override MutationObserver.observe() to retrieve original object from proxy wombat.js: cleanup, remove commented out code, label new proxy system functions, bump version to 2.40
2017-08-05 10:37:32 -07:00
# <name>: <cdx_path>
# collection will be accessed via /<name>
# <cdx_path> is a string or list of:
# - string or list of one or more local .cdx file
# - string or list of one or more local dirs with .cdx files
# - a string value indicating remote http cdx server
pywb: ./sample_archive/cdx/
# ex with filtering: filter CDX lines by filename starting with 'dupe'
#pywb-filt: {'index_paths': './sample_archive/cdx/', 'filters': ['filename:dupe*']}
# indicate if cdx files are sorted by SURT keys -- eg: com,example)/
# SURT keys are recommended for future indices, but non-SURT cdxs
# are also supported
# * Set to true if cdxs start with surts: com,example)/
# * Set to false if cdx start with urls: example.com)/
# default:
# surt_ordered: true
# list of paths prefixes for pywb look to 'resolve' WARC and ARC filenames
# in the cdx to their absolute path
# if path is:
# * local dir, use path as prefix
# * local file, lookup prefix in tab-delimited sorted index
# * http:// path, use path as remote prefix
# * redis:// path, use redis to lookup full path for w:<warc> as key
archive_paths: ./sample_archive/warcs/
# ==== Proxy Mode ====
# Enable simple http proxy mode
enable_http_proxy: true
# Additional proxy options (defaults)
# proxy_options:
# enable HTTPS proxy support (requires openssl library)
# enable_https_proxy: false
# use cookies to switch collections and capture times
# if not enabled, requires use of proxy auth
# cookie_resolver: true
# default collection to start out in proxy mode
# if not set, will ask the first time
# use_default_coll: pywb
# use wildcard certificates when creating certs in proxy mode
# helps lower number of certs created, by may not be compatible
# with older libraries
# use_wildcard_certs: true
# if true, will not add any banner to proxy mode replay
# unaltered_replay: false
# Default settings for CA used by proxy mode:
# root_ca_file: ./ca/pywb-ca.pem
# root_ca_name: pywb https proxy replay CA
# certs_dir: ./ca/certs
# ==== UI: HTML/Jinja2 Templates ====
# The following are default settings -- uncomment to change
# Set to '' to disable the ui
# template for <head> insert into replayed html content
#head_insert_html: ui/head_insert.html
# template for just the banner modifications
# set to False to disable completely
#banner_html: banner.html
# template to for 'calendar' query,
# eg, a listing of captures in response to a ../*/<url>
# may be a simple listing or a more complex 'calendar' UI
# if omitted, will list raw cdx in plain text
#query_html: ui/query.html
# template for search page, which is displayed when no search url is entered
# in a collection
#search_html: ui/search.html
# template for home page.
# if no other route is set, this will be rendered at /, /index.htm and /index.html
#home_html: ui/index.html
# error page temlpate for may formatting error message and details
# if omitted, a text response is returned
#error_html: ui/error.html
# ==== Other Paths ====
# Rewrite urls with absolute paths instead of relative
#absoulte_paths: true
# List of route names:
# <route>: <package or file path>
# default route static/__pywb for pywb bundled static files
# static/__pywb: pywb/static/
# enable cdx server api for querying cdx directly (experimental)
enable_cdx_api: true
# custom rules for domain specific matching
# set to false to disable
#domain_specific_rules: rules.yaml
# Memento support, enable
enable_memento: true
# Replay content in an iframe
framed_replay: true
# debugging utility -- echo request data
# debug_echo_env: false