2014-01-03 21:44:20 -08:00
PyWb 0.0.1
2013-12-18 18:57:55 -08:00
2014-01-03 21:44:20 -08:00
Python implementation of Wayback Machine replay.
2013-12-18 18:57:55 -08:00
2014-01-03 21:44:20 -08:00
Currently, this module handles the replay and routing components.
(The calendar page/query is just a raw CDX stream at the moment)
It read records from WARC and ARC files and rewrites them in
'archival url' format like:
`http://<host>/<collection>/<timestamp>/<original url>`
The Internet Archive Wayback Machine has urls of the form:
Note: The module consumes a CDX stream, currently produced by the [wayback-cdx-server][1] and does not read the CDX index files itself.
### Installation/Reqs
Currently only supports Python 2.7.x
`python setup.py install`
(Tested under 2.7.3 with uWSGI 1.9.20)
Start with `run.sh`
Sample Setup
The main driver is wbapp.py and contains a sample WB declaration.
To declare Wayback with one collection, `mycoll`
and will be accessed by user at:
and will load cdx from cdx server running at:
and look for warcs at paths:
`http://warcs.example.com/servewarc/` and
`http://warcs.example.com/anotherpath/` ,
one could declare a `createWB()` method as follows:
def createWB():
aloader = archiveloader.ArchiveLoader()
query = QueryHandler(indexreader.RemoteCDXServer('http://cdx.example.com/cdx'))
prefixes = [replay.PrefixResolver('http://warcs.example.com/servewarc/'),
replay = replay.RewritingReplayHandler(resolvers = prefixes, archiveloader = aloader, headInsert = headInsert)
return ArchivalRequestRouter(
'mycoll': [WBHandler(query, replay)],
hostpaths = ['http://mywb.example.com:8080/'])
Quick File Reference
- `archivalrouter.py` - Archival mode routing and referer fallback
- `archiveloader.py` - IO for loading W/ARC data
- `indexreader.py` ,`query.py` - CDX reading (from remote cdx server)
and parsing cdx
- `wbarchivalurl.py` - representation of the 'archival url' eg: `/<collection>/<timestamp>/<original url>` form
- `url_rewriter.py` , `header_rewriter.py` , `html_rewriter.py` ,`regex_rewriter.py` - Various types of for rewriters. The urlrewriter converts url -> archival url, and is used by all the others. JS/CSS/XML are rewritten via regexs.
- `wbrequestresponse.py` - Wrappers for request and response for WSGI, and wrapping status and headers
- `replay.py` - drives the replay from archival content, either transparently or with rewriting
- `utils.py` , `wbexceptions.py` - Misc util functions and all exceptions
2014-01-04 05:55:17 +00:00
- `static/wb.css` , `static/wb.js` - static JS files, currently inserted into `<head>` and init the PyWb test banner on page load
2014-01-03 21:44:20 -08:00
[1]: https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback/tree/master/wayback-cdx-server