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Refactor of auto-fetch worker system with support for proxy mode, fixes https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb/issues/371: (#379) - Split wombat and auto-fetch worker into two files (proxy mode and non-proxy mode) - Renamed preservationWorker to autoFetchWorker in order to better convey what it does - Root config file control over including wombat and auto-fetch worker in proxy or non-proxy mode - Added additional proxy mode + auto-fetch worker only route for fetching the auto-fetch worker code nicely for CORS - templateview: add 'tobool' formatter to more cleanly format python bools to JS 'true'/'false' - proxy options: config and command line: 'use_auto_fetch_worker' and '--proxy-with-auto-fetch' 'use_wombat' and '--proxy-with-wombat' - head_insert.html: only include wombat in proxy mode when use_wombat or use_auto_fetch_worker are set. - wombatProxyMode.js: slimmed down wombat for proxy mode only including auto-fetch support. - more consistent naming: rename 'preserveWorker' and 'autoArchive' to 'auto-fetch' Updated tests: - test_wbrequestresponse.py: added tests covering constructor defaults, _init_derived, options_response, json_response, encode_stream, text_stream - test_auto_colls.py: fixed broken test test_more_custom_templates, reason using ujson now not json so spacing was off - test_proxy.py: updated existing tests to reflect splitting wombat into proxy and non-proxy mode, added tests covering auto-fetch worker specific endpoints in proxy mode removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml - test_cli.py: updated to properly test the cli with these changes added ultrajon dep to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py Fully documented: - cli.py - frontendapp.py - templateview.py - wbrequestresponse.py Removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml Added ultrajson dependency to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py Fixes #371
2018-10-03 16:27:49 -04:00
Wombat.js client-side rewriting engine for web archive replay
2024-04-10 11:45:13 -07:00
Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Webrecorder Software, Rhizome, and Contributors. Released under the GNU Affero General Public License.
Refactor of auto-fetch worker system with support for proxy mode, fixes https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb/issues/371: (#379) - Split wombat and auto-fetch worker into two files (proxy mode and non-proxy mode) - Renamed preservationWorker to autoFetchWorker in order to better convey what it does - Root config file control over including wombat and auto-fetch worker in proxy or non-proxy mode - Added additional proxy mode + auto-fetch worker only route for fetching the auto-fetch worker code nicely for CORS - templateview: add 'tobool' formatter to more cleanly format python bools to JS 'true'/'false' - proxy options: config and command line: 'use_auto_fetch_worker' and '--proxy-with-auto-fetch' 'use_wombat' and '--proxy-with-wombat' - head_insert.html: only include wombat in proxy mode when use_wombat or use_auto_fetch_worker are set. - wombatProxyMode.js: slimmed down wombat for proxy mode only including auto-fetch support. - more consistent naming: rename 'preserveWorker' and 'autoArchive' to 'auto-fetch' Updated tests: - test_wbrequestresponse.py: added tests covering constructor defaults, _init_derived, options_response, json_response, encode_stream, text_stream - test_auto_colls.py: fixed broken test test_more_custom_templates, reason using ujson now not json so spacing was off - test_proxy.py: updated existing tests to reflect splitting wombat into proxy and non-proxy mode, added tests covering auto-fetch worker specific endpoints in proxy mode removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml - test_cli.py: updated to properly test the cli with these changes added ultrajon dep to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py Fully documented: - cli.py - frontendapp.py - templateview.py - wbrequestresponse.py Removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml Added ultrajson dependency to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py Fixes #371
2018-10-03 16:27:49 -04:00
This file is part of wombat.js, see https://github.com/webrecorder/wombat.js for the full source
Wombat.js is part of the Webrecorder project (https://github.com/webrecorder)
Refactor of auto-fetch worker system with support for proxy mode, fixes https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb/issues/371: (#379) - Split wombat and auto-fetch worker into two files (proxy mode and non-proxy mode) - Renamed preservationWorker to autoFetchWorker in order to better convey what it does - Root config file control over including wombat and auto-fetch worker in proxy or non-proxy mode - Added additional proxy mode + auto-fetch worker only route for fetching the auto-fetch worker code nicely for CORS - templateview: add 'tobool' formatter to more cleanly format python bools to JS 'true'/'false' - proxy options: config and command line: 'use_auto_fetch_worker' and '--proxy-with-auto-fetch' 'use_wombat' and '--proxy-with-wombat' - head_insert.html: only include wombat in proxy mode when use_wombat or use_auto_fetch_worker are set. - wombatProxyMode.js: slimmed down wombat for proxy mode only including auto-fetch support. - more consistent naming: rename 'preserveWorker' and 'autoArchive' to 'auto-fetch' Updated tests: - test_wbrequestresponse.py: added tests covering constructor defaults, _init_derived, options_response, json_response, encode_stream, text_stream - test_auto_colls.py: fixed broken test test_more_custom_templates, reason using ujson now not json so spacing was off - test_proxy.py: updated existing tests to reflect splitting wombat into proxy and non-proxy mode, added tests covering auto-fetch worker specific endpoints in proxy mode removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml - test_cli.py: updated to properly test the cli with these changes added ultrajon dep to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py Fully documented: - cli.py - frontendapp.py - templateview.py - wbrequestresponse.py Removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml Added ultrajson dependency to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py Fixes #371
2018-10-03 16:27:49 -04:00
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Refactor of auto-fetch worker system with support for proxy mode, fixes https://github.com/webrecorder/pywb/issues/371: (#379) - Split wombat and auto-fetch worker into two files (proxy mode and non-proxy mode) - Renamed preservationWorker to autoFetchWorker in order to better convey what it does - Root config file control over including wombat and auto-fetch worker in proxy or non-proxy mode - Added additional proxy mode + auto-fetch worker only route for fetching the auto-fetch worker code nicely for CORS - templateview: add 'tobool' formatter to more cleanly format python bools to JS 'true'/'false' - proxy options: config and command line: 'use_auto_fetch_worker' and '--proxy-with-auto-fetch' 'use_wombat' and '--proxy-with-wombat' - head_insert.html: only include wombat in proxy mode when use_wombat or use_auto_fetch_worker are set. - wombatProxyMode.js: slimmed down wombat for proxy mode only including auto-fetch support. - more consistent naming: rename 'preserveWorker' and 'autoArchive' to 'auto-fetch' Updated tests: - test_wbrequestresponse.py: added tests covering constructor defaults, _init_derived, options_response, json_response, encode_stream, text_stream - test_auto_colls.py: fixed broken test test_more_custom_templates, reason using ujson now not json so spacing was off - test_proxy.py: updated existing tests to reflect splitting wombat into proxy and non-proxy mode, added tests covering auto-fetch worker specific endpoints in proxy mode removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml - test_cli.py: updated to properly test the cli with these changes added ultrajon dep to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py Fully documented: - cli.py - frontendapp.py - templateview.py - wbrequestresponse.py Removed duplicate addons key in .travis.yml Added ultrajson dependency to tests_require in setup.py to reflect its usage by wbrequestresponse.py Fixes #371
2018-10-03 16:27:49 -04:00
(function(){function autobind(clazz){for(var prop,propValue,proto=clazz.__proto__||clazz.constructor.prototype||clazz.prototype,clazzProps=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto),len=clazzProps.length,i=0;i<len;i++)prop=clazzProps[i],propValue=clazz[prop],prop!=="constructor"&&typeof propValue==="function"&&(clazz[prop]=propValue.bind(clazz))}function AutoFetcherProxyMode(wombat,config){return this instanceof AutoFetcherProxyMode?void(this.wombat=wombat,this.msgQ=[],this.mutationObz=null,this.styleTag=null,this.elemSelector="img[srcset], img[data-srcset], img[data-src], video[srcset], video[data-srcset], video[data-src], audio[srcset], audio[data-srcset], audio[data-src], picture > source[srcset], picture > source[data-srcset], picture > source[data-src], video > source[srcset], video > source[data-srcset], video > source[data-src], audio > source[srcset], audio > source[data-srcset], audio > source[data-src]",autobind(this),this._init(config,true)):new AutoFetcherProxyMode(wombat,config)}function WombatLite($wbwindow,wbinfo){return this instanceof WombatLite?void(this.wb_info=wbinfo,this.$wbwindow=$wbwindow,this.wb_info.top_host=this.wb_info.top_host||"*",this.wb_info.wombat_opts=this.wb_info.wombat_opts||{},this.WBAutoFetchWorker=null,this.historyCB=null):new WombatLite($wbwindow,wbinfo)}AutoFetcherProxyMode.prototype._init=function(config,first){var afwpm=this,wombat=this.wombat;if(document.readyState==="complete")return this.styleTag=document.createElement("style"),this.styleTag.id="$wrStyleParser$",this.styleTag.disabled=true,document.head.appendChild(this.styleTag),void(config.isTop?fetch(config.workerURL).then(function(res){res.text().then(function(text){var blob=new Blob([text],{type:"text/javascript"});afwpm.worker=new wombat.$wbwindow.Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob),{type:"classic",credentials:"include"}),afwpm.startChecking()}).catch(error=>{console.error("Could not create the backing worker for AutoFetchWorkerProxyMode"),console.error(error)})}):(this.worker={postMessage:function(msg){msg.wb_type||(msg={wb_type:"aaworker",msg:msg}),wombat.$wbwindow.top.postMessage(msg,"*")},terminate:function(){}},this.startChecking()));if(first)var i=setInterval(function(){document.readyState==="complete"&&(afwpm._init(config),clearInterval(i))},1e3)},AutoFetcherProxyMode.prototype.startChecking=function(){for(;this.worker&&this.msgQ.length;)this.postMessage(this.msgQ.shift());this.extractFromLocalDoc(),this.mutationObz=new MutationObserver(this.mutationCB),this.mutationObz.observe(document.documentElement,{characterData:false,characterDataOldValue:false,attributes:true,attributeOldValue:true,subtree:true,childList:true,attributeFilter:["src","srcset"]})},AutoFetcherProxyMode.prototype.terminate=function(){this.worker&&this.worker.terminate()},AutoFetcherProxyMode.prototype.justFetch=function(urls){this.postMessage({type:"fetch-all",values:urls})},AutoFetcherProxyMode.prototype.fetchAsPage=function(url,title){if(url){var headers={"X-Wombat-History-Page":url};if(title){var encodedTitle=encodeURIComponent(title.trim());title&&(headers["X-Wombat-History-Title"]=encodedTitle)}var fetchData={url:url,options:{headers:headers,cache:"no-store"}};this.justFetch([fetchData])}},AutoFetcherProxyMode.prototype.postMessage=function(msg){this.worker?this.worker.postMessage(msg):this.msgQ.push(msg)},AutoFetcherProxyMode.prototype.handleMutatedStyleElem=function(elem,accum,text){var checkNode,baseURI=document.baseURI;if(text){if(!elem.parentNode||elem.parentNode.localName!=="style")return;checkNode=elem.parentNode}else checkNode=elem;try{var extractedMedia=this.extractMediaRules(checkNode.sheet,baseURI);if(extractedMedia.length)return void(accum.media=accum.media.concat(extractedMedia))}catch(e){}!text&&checkNode.href&&accum.deferred.push(this.fetchCSSAndExtract(checkNode.href))},AutoFetcherProxyMode.prototype.handleMutatedElem=function(elem,accum){var baseURI=document.baseURI;if(elem.nodeType===Node.TEXT_NODE)return this.handleMutatedStyleElem(elem,accum,true);switch(elem.localName){case"img":case"video":case"audio":case"source":return this.han