* s3 loading: support ``s3://`` scheme in block loader, allowing for loading index and archive files from s3. ``boto`` library must be installed seperately
via ``pip install boto``. Attempt default boto auth path, and if that fails, attempt anonymous s3 connection.
* Wombat Customizations: Pass ``rewrite_opts.client`` settings from ``config.yaml`` directly to wombat as json. Allow for customizing wombat as needed.
Currently supported: ``no_rewrite_prefixes`` list for skipping rewrite of certain path, and ``skip_dom``, ``skip_setAttribute`` and ``skip_postmessage``
for disabling these overrides, respectively.
* Revamp template setup: All templates now use shared env, which is created on first use or can be explicitly set (if embedding)
via ``J2TemplateView.init_shared_env()`` call. Support for specifiying a base env, as well as custom template lookup paths also provided
* Template lookup paths can also be set via config options ``templates_dirs``. The default list is: ``templates``, ``.``, ``/`` in that order.
* Embedding improvements: move custom env (``REL_REQUEST_URI`` setup) into routers, should be able to call router created by ``create_wb_router()`` directly
with WSGI enviorn and receive a callable response.
* Embedding improvements: If set, contents of ``environ['pywb.template_params']`` dictionary are added directly to Jinja context, allowing for custom template
params to be passed to pywb jinja templates.
* Root collection support: Can specify a route with `''` which will be the root collection. Fix routing paths to ensure root collection is checked last.
* Customization: support custom route_class for cdx server and pass wbrequest to ``not_found_html`` error handlers.
* Manager: Validate collection names to start with word char and contain alphanum or dash only.
* CLI refactor: easier to create custom cli apps and pass params, inherit shared params. ``live-rewrite-server`` uses new system and accepts `-f` and `-x`
params along with standard. Also runs on ``/live/`` path by default. See ``live-rewrite-server -h`` for more details.
* Add ``removeall`` cookie rewriter, which, removes all cookies (from replay)!
* Security: disable file:// altogether for live rewrite path.
* Fuzzy match: better support for custom replace string >1 character: leave string, and strip remainder before fuzzy query.
* Urlrewriter and wburl fixes for various corner cases
* Rangecache: use url as key if digest not present
* Framed replay: attempt to mitigate chrome OS X scrolling issue by disabling `-webkit-transform: none` in framed mode. Improves scrolling
More details at: `Auto-Configuration and Wayback Collections Manager <https://github.com/ikreymer/pywb/wiki/Auto-Configuration-and-Wayback-Collections-Manager>`_
* Support for user metadata via per-collection ``metadata.yaml``
* Templates: improved/simpified home page and collection search page, show user metadata by default.
* Support for writing and reading new cdx JSON format (.cdxj), with searchable key followed by json dictionary: ``urlkey timestamp { ... }`` on each line
*``cdx-indexer -j``: support for generating cdxj format
*``cdx-indexer -mj``: support for minimal cdx format (in JSON format) only which skips reading the HTTP record.
Fields included in minimal format are: urlkey, timestamp, original url, record length, digest, offset, and filename
* rewrite: fix for redirect loop related to pages with 'www.' prefix. Since canonicalization removes the prefix, treat redirect to 'www.' as self-redirect (for now).
* memento: ensure rel=memento url matches timegate redirect exactly (urls may differ due to canonicalization, use actual instead of requested for both)
- via head-insert, the exact request timestamp is provided as ``wbinfo.request_ts`` and accessible to the banner insert or the top frame when in framed mode.
* new not found Jinja2 template: Add per-collection-overridable ``not_found.html`` template, specified via ``not_found_html`` option. For missing resources, the ``not_found_html`` template is now used instead of the generic ``error_html``
* JS Rewriters: add mixins for link + location (default), link only, location only rewriting by setting ``js_rewrite_location`` to ``all``, ``urls``, ``location``, respectively.
(New: location only rewriting does not change JS urls)
* Minor fixes for extensability and support https://webrecorder.io, easier to override any request (handle_request), handle_replay or handle_query via WBHandler
* Invert framed replay paradigm: Canonical page is always without a modifier (instead of with ``mp_``), if using frames, the page redirects to ``tf_``, and uses replaceState() to change url back to canonical form.
* Easier to customize just the banner html, via ``banner_html`` setting in the config. Default banner uses ui/banner.html and inserts the script default_banner.js, which creates the banner.
* Improved cookie and csrf-token rewriting, including: ability to set ``cookie_scope: root`` per collection to have all replayed cookies have their Path set to application root.
* better framed replay for non-html content -- include live rewrite timestamp via temp 'pywb.timestamp' cookie, updating banner of iframe load. All timestamp formatting moved to client-side for better customization.
* Support for a fallback handler which will be called from a replay handler instead of a 404 response.
The handler, specified via the ``fallback`` option, can be the name of any other replay handler. Typically, it can be used with a live rewrite handler to fetch missing content from live instead of showing a 404.
*``live-rewrite-server`` has optional ``--proxy host:port`` param to specify a loading live web data through an HTTP/S proxy, such as for use with a recording proxy.
* Tests: Additional testing of bad cdx lines, missing revisit records.
* Rewrite: Removal of lxml support for now, as it leads to problematic replay and not much performance improvements.
* Rewrite: Parsing of html as raw bytes instead of decode/encode, detection still needed for non-ascii compatible encoding.
* Indexing: Refactoring of cdx-indexer using a seperate 'archive record iterator' and pluggable cdx writer classes. Groundwork for creating custom indexers.
* Indexing: Support for 9 field cdx formats with -9 flag.
* Rewrite: Improved top -> WB_wombat_top rewriting.
* Rewrite: Better handling of framed replay url notification
* Support for framed or non-framed mode replay, toggleable via the ``framed_replay`` flag in the config.yaml
* Cookie rewriter: remove Max-Age to use ensure session-expiry instead of long-term cookie (experimental).
* Live Rewrite: proxy all headers, instead of a whitelist.
* Fixes to ``<base>`` tag handling, now correctly rewriting remainder of urls with the set base.
*``cdx-indexer`` options for resolving POST requests, and indexing request records. (``-p`` and ``-a``)
* Improved `POST request replay <https://github.com/ikreymer/pywb/wiki/POST-request-replay>`_, allowing for improved replay of many captures relying on POST requests.
* Cookie Rewriting in Archival Mode: HTTP Set-Cookie header rewritten to remove Expires, rewrite Path and Domain. If Domain is used, Path is set to / to ensure cookie is visible from all archival urls.
* Much improved handling of chunk encoded responses, better handling of zero-length chunks and fix bug where not enough gzip data was read for a full chunk to be decoded. Support for chunk-decoding w/o gzip decompression
* Further rewrite of wombat.js: support for window.open, postMessage overrides, additional rewriting at Node creation time, better hash change detection.
* Support for optional LXML html-based parser for fastest possible parsing. If lxml is installed on the system and via ``pip install lxml``, lxml parser is enabled by default.
(This can be turned off by setting ``use_lxml_parser: false`` in the config)
* Full support for `Memento Protocol RFC7089 <http://www.mementoweb.org/guide/rfc/>`_ Memento, TimeGate and TimeMaps. Memento: TimeMaps in ``application/link-format`` provided via the ``/timemap/*/`` query.. eg: http://localhost:8080/pywb/timemap/\*/http://example.com
* pywb now features new `domain-specific rules <https://github.com/ikreymer/pywb/blob/master/pywb/rules.yaml>`_ which are applied to resolve and render certain difficult and dynamic content, in order to make accurate web replay work.
This ruleset will be under further iteration to address further challenges as the web evoles.