Note: The default pywb ``head.html`` and ``footer.html`` are currently blank. They can be populated to customize the rendering, add analytics, etc... as needed.
*``{{ all_metadata }}`` - a dictionary of all metadata for all collections, keyed by collection id. See :ref:`custom-metadata` for more info on the custom metadata.
Additionally, the :ref:`shared-template-vars` are also available to the home page template, as well as all other templates.
This template is rendered for any URL search response pages, either a single URL or more complex queries.
For example, the page ``http://localhost:8080/my-collection/*/`` will be rendered using this template.
The default template supports the standard pywb table view, as well as a conditional new vue-based UI. (See :ref:`new-vue-ui` for more info on the new UI)
*``{{ config }}`` - provides the contents of the ``config.yaml`` as a dictionary.
*``{{ ui }}`` - an optional ``ui`` dictionary from ``config.yaml``, if any.
The default banner creates all UI dynamically via JS. However, a custom banner could also insert HTML to render the banner directly.
By default, the banner checks the ``{{ ui.vue_timeline_banner }}`` and renders the new UI or the standard default UI.
The default UI is created via the ``default_banner.js`` script.
See :ref:`new-vue-ui` for more details on the new Vue UI.
Head Insert Template
File: ``head_insert.html``
This template represents the HTML injected into every replay page to add support for client-side rewriting via ``wombat.js``.
This template is part of the core pywb replay, and modifying this template is not recommended.
For customizing the banner, modify the ``banner.html`` template instead.
Top Frame Template
File: ``frame_insert.html``
This template represents the top-level frame that is inserted to render the replay in framed mode.
By design, this template does *not* extend from the base template.
This template is responsible for creating the iframe that will render the content.
This template only renders the banner and is designed *not* to set the encoding to allow the browser to 'detect' the encoding for the containing iframe.
For this reason, the template should only contain ASCII text, and %-encode any non-ASCII characters.
Template variables:
*``{{ url }}`` - the URL being replayed.
*``{{ wb_url }}`` - A complete ``WbUrl`` object, which contains the ``url``, ``timestamp`` and ``mod`` properties, representing the replay url.
if ( == "load" || == "replace-url") {
console.log("New Url: " +;
console.log("New Timestamp: " +;
The ``load`` message is sent when a new page is first loaded, while ``replace-url`` is used
for url changes caused by content frame History navigation.
Error Templates
The following templates are used to render errors.
Page Not Found Template
File: ``not_found.html`` - template for 404 error pages.
This template is used to render any 404/page not found errors that can occur when loading a URL that is not in the web archive.
Template variables:
*``{{ url }}`` - the URL of the page
*``{{ wbrequest }}`` - the full ``WbRequest`` object which can be used to get additional info about the request.
(The default template checks ``{{ wbrequest and wbrequest.env.pywb_proxy_magic }}`` to determine if the request is via an :ref:`https-proxy` connection or a regular request).
Generic Error Template
File: ``error.html`` - generic error template.
This template is used to render all other errors that are not 'page not found'.
Template variables:
*``{{ err_msg }}`` - a shorter error message indicating what went wrong.
*``{{ err_details }}`` - additional details about the error.
Shared Template Variables
The following template variables are available to all templates.
*``{{ env }}`` - contains environment variables passed to pywb.
*``{{ env.pywb_proxy_magic }}`` - if set, indicates pywb is accessed via proxy. See :ref:`https-proxy`
The Localization system (see: :ref:`localization`) adds several additional template globals, to facilitate listing available locales and getting URLs to switch locales, including:
*``{{ env.pywb_lang }}`` - indicates current locale language code used for localization.
*``{{ locales }}`` - a list of all available locale language codes, used for iterating over all locales.
*``{{ get_locale_prefixes() }}`` - a function which returns the prefixes to use to switch locales.
*``{{ switch_locale() }}`` - a function used to render a URL to switch locale for the current page. Ex: ``<a href="{{ switch_locale(locale) }}">{{ locale }}</a>`` renders a link to switch to a specific locale.