This template includes the HTML added to all pages other than framed replay. Shared JS and CSS includes meant for pages other than framed replay can be added here.
Note: The default pywb ``head.html`` and ``footer.html`` are currently blank. They can be populated to customize the rendering, add analytics, etc... as needed. Content such as styles or JS code (for example for analytics) must be added to the ``frame_insert.html`` template as well (details on that template below) to also be included in framed replay.
The ``base.html`` template also provides five blocks that can be supplied by templates that extend it.
*``title`` -- Block for supplying the title for the page
*``head`` -- Block for adding content to the ``<head>``, includes ``head.html`` template
*``header`` -- Block for adding content to the ``<body>`` before the ``body`` block, includes the ``header.html`` template
*``body`` -- Block for adding the primary content to template
*``footer`` -- Block for adding content to the ``<body>`` after the ``body`` block, includes the ``footer.html`` template
Home, Collection and Search Templates
Home Page Template
File: ``index.html``
This template renders the home page for pywb, and by default renders a list of available collections.
Template variables:
*``{{ routes }}`` - a list of available collection routes.
*``{{ all_metadata }}`` - a dictionary of all metadata for all collections, keyed by collection id. See :ref:`custom-metadata` for more info on the custom metadata.
Additionally, the :ref:`shared-template-vars` are also available to the home page template, as well as all other templates.
For example, the page ``http://localhost:8080/my-collection/*/`` will be rendered using this template, with functionality provided by a Vue application.
This template represents the top-level frame that is inserted to render the replay in framed mode.
By design, this template does *not* extend from the base template.
This template is responsible for creating the iframe that will render the content.
This template only renders the banner and is designed *not* to set the encoding to allow the browser to 'detect' the encoding for the containing iframe.
For this reason, the template should only contain ASCII text, and %-encode any non-ASCII characters.
if ( == "load" || == "replace-url") {
console.log("New Url: " +;
console.log("New Timestamp: " +;
The ``load`` message is sent when a new page is first loaded, while ``replace-url`` is used
for url changes caused by content frame History navigation.
Error Templates
The following templates are used to render errors.
Page Not Found Template
File: ``not_found.html`` - template for 404 error pages.
This template is used to render any 404/page not found errors that can occur when loading a URL that is not in the web archive.
Template variables:
*``{{ url }}`` - the URL of the page
*``{{ wbrequest }}`` - the full ``WbRequest`` object which can be used to get additional info about the request.
(The default template checks ``{{ wbrequest and wbrequest.env.pywb_proxy_magic }}`` to determine if the request is via an :ref:`https-proxy` connection or a regular request).
Generic Error Template
File: ``error.html`` - generic error template.
This template is used to render all other errors that are not 'page not found'.
Template variables:
*``{{ err_msg }}`` - a shorter error message indicating what went wrong.
*``{{ err_details }}`` - additional details about the error.
Shared Template Variables
The following template variables are available to all templates.
*``{{ env }}`` - contains environment variables passed to pywb.
*``{{ env.pywb_proxy_magic }}`` - if set, indicates pywb is accessed via proxy. See :ref:`https-proxy`
The Localization system (see: :ref:`localization`) adds several additional template globals, to facilitate listing available locales and getting URLs to switch locales, including:
*``{{ env.pywb_lang }}`` - indicates current locale language code used for localization.
*``{{ locales }}`` - a list of all available locale language codes, used for iterating over all locales.
*``{{ get_locale_prefixes() }}`` - a function which returns the prefixes to use to switch locales.
*``{{ switch_locale() }}`` - a function used to render a URL to switch locale for the current page. Ex: ``<a href="{{ switch_locale(locale) }}">{{ locale }}</a>`` renders a link to switch to a specific locale.