The pywb `Deployment Examples <>`_ include working examples of deploying pywb with Nginx, Apache and OutbackCDX
in Docker using Docker Compose, widely available container orchestration tools.
See `Installing Docker <>`_ and `Installing Docker Compose <>`_ for instructions on how to install these tools.
The examples are available in the ``sample-deploy`` directory of the pywb repo. The examples include:
-``docker-compose-outback.yaml`` -- Docker Compose config to start OutbackCDX and pywb, and ingest sample data into OutbackCDX
-``docker-compose-nginx.yaml`` -- Docker Compose config to launch pywb and latest Nginx, with pywb running on subdirectory ``/wayback`` and Nginx serving static files from pywb.
-``docker-compose-apache.yaml`` -- Docker Compose config to launch pywb and latest Apache, with pywb running on subdirectory ``/wayback`` and Apache serving static files from pywb.
The examples are designed to be run one at a time, and assume port 8080 is available.
After installing Docker and Docker Compose, run either of: