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3510 lines
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* This file is part of the planetblupi source code
* Copyright (C) 1997, Daniel Roux & EPSITEC SA
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018, Mathieu Schroeter
* http://epsitec.ch; http://www.blupi.org; http://github.com/blupi-games
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "action.h"
#include "decmove.h"
#include "decor.h"
#include "def.h"
#include "fifo.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "pixmap.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "text.h"
#define TEXTDELAY 10 // délai avant apparition tooltips
GetCel (Sint32 x, Sint32 y)
Point cel;
cel.x = x;
cel.y = y;
return cel;
GetCel (Point cel, Sint32 x, Sint32 y)
cel.x += x;
cel.y += y;
return cel;
// Indique si une coordonnée de cellule est valide.
// On ne peut pas aller dans la dernière cellule tout au
// bord (-2) pour permettre de gérer le brouillard proprement
// jusque dans les bords !
IsValid (Point cel)
if (cel.x < 2 || cel.x >= MAXCELX - 2 || cel.y < 2 || cel.y >= MAXCELX - 2)
return false;
return true;
// Retourne un vecteur orienté dans une direction donnée.
GetVector (Sint32 direct)
Point vector;
vector.x = 0;
vector.y = 0;
switch (direct)
case DIRECT_E:
vector.x = +1;
vector.x = +1;
vector.y = +1;
case DIRECT_S:
vector.y = +1;
vector.x = -1;
vector.y = +1;
case DIRECT_W:
vector.x = -1;
vector.x = -1;
vector.y = -1;
case DIRECT_N:
vector.y = -1;
vector.x = +1;
vector.y = -1;
return vector;
// Constructeur.
CDecor::CDecor ()
m_pSound = nullptr;
m_pUndoDecor = nullptr;
m_celCorner.x = 90;
m_celCorner.y = 98;
m_celHili.x = -1;
m_celOutline1.x = -1;
m_celOutline2.x = -1;
m_bHiliRect = false; // pas de rectangle de sélection
m_shiftHili = 0;
m_shiftOffset.x = 0;
m_shiftOffset.y = 0;
m_nbBlupiHili = 0;
m_rankBlupiHili = -1;
m_rankHili = -1;
m_bFog = false;
m_bBuild = false;
m_bInvincible = false;
m_bSuper = false;
m_bHideTooltips = false;
m_bInfo = false;
m_infoHeight = 100;
m_phase = 0;
m_totalTime = 0;
m_region = 0;
m_lastRegion = 999;
m_skill = 0;
m_SurfaceMap = nullptr;
Init (CHFLOOR, 0);
BlupiFlush ();
MoveFlush ();
InitDrapeau ();
// Destructeur.
CDecor::~CDecor ()
if (m_SurfaceMap)
SDL_FreeSurface (m_SurfaceMap);
UndoClose (); // libère le buffer du undo
// Initialisation générale.
CDecor::Create (CSound * pSound, CPixmap * pPixmap)
m_pSound = pSound;
m_pPixmap = pPixmap;
m_bOutline = false;
// Initialise le décor avec un sol plat partout.
CDecor::Init (Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon)
Sint32 x, y;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++)
m_decor[x][y].floorChannel = channel;
m_decor[x][y].floorIcon = icon;
m_decor[x][y].objectChannel = -1;
m_decor[x][y].objectIcon = -1;
m_decor[x][y].fog = FOGHIDE; // caché
m_decor[x][y].rankMove = -1;
m_decor[x][y].workBlupi = -1;
m_decor[x][y].fire = 0;
m_decorMem[x][y].flagged = false;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY; y++)
m_rankBlupi[x][y] = -1;
m_bOutline = false;
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
// Initialise le décor après une modification.
CDecor::InitAfterBuild ()
ClearFog (); // met tout sous le brouillard
ClearFire ();
MoveFixInit ();
InitDrapeau ();
BlupiDeselect ();
// Initialise les mises en évidence, avant de jouer.
CDecor::ResetHili ()
m_bHiliRect = false; // plus de rectangle
InitOutlineRect ();
// Charge les images nécessaires au décor.
CDecor::LoadImages ()
Point totalDim, iconDim;
char filename[50];
if (m_region == m_lastRegion)
return true;
m_lastRegion = m_region;
totalDim.x = DIMCELX * 2 * 16;
totalDim.y = DIMCELY * 2 * 6;
iconDim.x = DIMCELX * 2;
iconDim.y = DIMCELY * 2;
snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "floor%.3d.png", m_region);
if (!m_pPixmap->Cache (CHFLOOR, filename, totalDim, iconDim))
return false;
totalDim.x = DIMOBJX * 16;
totalDim.y = DIMOBJY * 8;
iconDim.x = DIMOBJX;
iconDim.y = DIMOBJY;
snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "obj%.3d.png", m_region);
if (!m_pPixmap->Cache (CHOBJECT, filename, totalDim, iconDim))
return false;
snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "obj-o%.3d.png", m_region);
if (!m_pPixmap->Cache (CHOBJECTo, filename, totalDim, iconDim))
return false;
MapInitColors (); // init les couleurs pour la carte
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
return true;
// Met partout du brouillard, sauf aux endroits des blupi.
CDecor::ClearFog ()
Sint32 x, y, rank;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++)
m_decor[x][y].fog = FOGHIDE; // caché
for (rank = 0; rank < MAXBLUPI; rank++)
if (m_blupi[rank].bExist)
BlupiPushFog (rank);
m_bOutline = false;
// Permet de nouveau aux cellules brulées de bruler.
CDecor::ClearFire ()
Sint32 x, y;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++)
if (m_decor[x][y].fire >= MoveMaxFire ()) // déjà brulé ?
m_decor[x][y].fire = 0; // pourra de nouveau bruler
if (m_decor[x][y].fire > 1) // en train de bruler ?
m_decor[x][y].fire = 1; // début du feu
// Indique le mode jeu/construction.
CDecor::SetBuild (bool bBuild)
m_bBuild = bBuild;
// Indique s'il faut tenir compte du brouillard.
CDecor::EnableFog (bool bEnable)
m_bFog = bEnable;
m_bOutline = false;
// Gestion du mode invincible.
CDecor::GetInvincible ()
return m_bInvincible;
CDecor::SetInvincible (bool bInvincible)
m_bInvincible = bInvincible;
// Gestion du mode costaud (superblupi).
CDecor::GetSuper ()
return m_bSuper;
CDecor::SetSuper (bool bSuper)
m_bSuper = bSuper;
// Bascule le mode outline.
CDecor::FlipOutline ()
m_bOutline = !m_bOutline;
m_timeFlipOutline = m_timeConst + 50;
// Initialise un sol dans une cellule.
CDecor::PutFloor (Point cel, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorChannel = channel;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorIcon = icon;
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
//? SubDrapeau(cel); // on pourra de nouveau planter un drapeau
return true;
// Initialise un objet dans une cellule.
CDecor::PutObject (Point cel, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
if (icon == -1)
channel = -1;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectChannel = channel;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon = icon;
/* When flagged, it's possible to build a mine for iron */
if (icon == 124)
m_decorMem[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].flagged = true;
SubDrapeau (cel); // on pourra de nouveau planter un drapeau
return true;
// Retourne un sol dans une cellule.
CDecor::GetFloor (Point cel, Sint32 & channel, Sint32 & icon)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
channel = m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorChannel;
icon = m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorIcon;
return true;
// Retourne une objet dans une cellule.
CDecor::GetObject (Point cel, Sint32 & channel, Sint32 & icon)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
channel = m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectChannel;
icon = m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon;
return true;
// Modifie le feu pour une cellule.
CDecor::SetFire (Point cel, bool bFire)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].fire = bFire ? 1 : 0;
return true;
CDecor::FixShifting (Sint32 & nbx, Sint32 & nby, Point & iCel, Point & iPos)
if (m_shiftOffset.x < 0) // décalage à droite ?
nbx += 2;
if (m_shiftOffset.y < 0) // décalage en bas ?
nby += 3;
if (m_shiftOffset.x > 0) // décalage à gauche ?
nbx += 2;
iPos = ConvCelToPos (iCel);
if (m_shiftOffset.y > 0) // décalage en haut ?
nby += 2;
iPos = ConvCelToPos (iCel);
// Modifie l'offset pour le shift.
CDecor::SetShiftOffset (Point offset)
m_shiftOffset = offset;
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
// Convertit la position d'une cellule en coordonnée graphique.
CDecor::ConvCelToPos (Point cel)
Point pos;
pos.x = ((cel.x - m_celCorner.x) - (cel.y - m_celCorner.y)) * (DIMCELX / 2);
pos.y = ((cel.x - m_celCorner.x) + (cel.y - m_celCorner.y)) * (DIMCELY / 2);
pos.x += POSDRAWX + m_shiftOffset.x;
pos.y += POSDRAWY + m_shiftOffset.y;
return pos;
// Convertit une coordonnée graphique en cellule.
CDecor::ConvPosToCel (Point pos, bool bMap)
Point cel;
if (
bMap && pos.x >= POSMAPX && pos.x < POSMAPX + DIMMAPX && pos.y >= POSMAPY &&
pos.x -= POSMAPX;
pos.y -= POSMAPY;
return ConvMapToCel (pos);
pos.x -= POSDRAWX + DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y -= POSDRAWY;
cel.x = (pos.y * DIMCELX + pos.x * DIMCELY) / (DIMCELX * DIMCELY);
// cel.y = (pos.y*DIMCELX - pos.x*DIMCELY) / (DIMCELX*DIMCELY);
cel.y = (pos.y * DIMCELX - pos.x * DIMCELY);
if (cel.y < 0)
cel.y -= (DIMCELX * DIMCELY);
cel.y /= (DIMCELX * DIMCELY);
cel.x += m_celCorner.x;
cel.y += m_celCorner.y;
return cel;
// Convertit une coordonnée graphique en grande cellule (2x2).
CDecor::ConvPosToCel2 (Point pos)
Point cel;
pos.x -= POSDRAWX + DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y -= POSDRAWY;
if (m_celCorner.x % 2 != 0 && m_celCorner.y % 2 == 0)
pos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
if (m_celCorner.x % 2 == 0 && m_celCorner.y % 2 != 0)
pos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
if (m_celCorner.x % 2 != 0 && m_celCorner.y % 2 != 0)
pos.y += DIMCELY;
cel.x =
(pos.y * DIMCELX * 2 + pos.x * DIMCELY * 2) / (DIMCELX * 2 * DIMCELY * 2);
// cel.y = (pos.y*DIMCELX*2 - pos.x*DIMCELY*2) / (DIMCELX*2*DIMCELY*2);
cel.y = (pos.y * DIMCELX * 2 - pos.x * DIMCELY * 2);
if (cel.y < 0)
cel.y -= (DIMCELX * 2 * DIMCELY * 2);
cel.y /= (DIMCELX * 2 * DIMCELY * 2);
cel.x = (cel.x * 2 + m_celCorner.x) / 2 * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y * 2 + m_celCorner.y) / 2 * 2;
return cel;
// Attribution des blupi aux différentes cellules.
// Lorsque un blupi a deux positions (courante et destination),
// il faut toujours mettre blupi le plus au fond possible
// (minimiser x et y).
CDecor::BuildPutBlupi ()
Sint32 x, y, dx, dy, xMin, yMin, rank, clipLeft;
Point pos;
for (rank = 0; rank < MAXBLUPI; rank++)
if (
m_blupi[rank].bExist && m_blupi[rank].channel != -1 &&
m_blupi[rank].icon != -1)
xMin = m_blupi[rank].destCel.x;
if (xMin > m_blupi[rank].cel.x)
xMin = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
yMin = m_blupi[rank].destCel.y;
if (yMin > m_blupi[rank].cel.y)
yMin = m_blupi[rank].cel.y;
// Si blupi entre dans une maison, il faut initialiser
// le clipping à gauche.
m_blupi[rank].clipLeft = 0; // pas de clipping
if (
!m_bOutline && xMin > 0 && xMin % 2 == 1 && yMin % 2 == 1 &&
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectChannel == CHOBJECT &&
(m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 28 || // maison ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 101 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 103 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 105 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 116 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 120 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 18 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 122 || // mine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 113) && // maison ?
m_blupi[rank].posZ > -DIMBLUPIY)
pos = ConvCelToPos (GetCel (xMin, yMin));
clipLeft = pos.x + 34;
if (clipLeft < POSDRAWX)
clipLeft = POSDRAWX;
m_blupi[rank].clipLeft = clipLeft;
x = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
y = m_blupi[rank].cel.y;
dx = m_blupi[rank].destCel.x - x;
dy = m_blupi[rank].destCel.y - y;
if (dx != -dy) // déplacement non horizontal (ne/so) ?
if (dx < 0)
x = m_blupi[rank].destCel.x;
if (dy < 0)
y = m_blupi[rank].destCel.y;
if (dx == -1 && dy == 1) // déplacement "so" ?
x = m_blupi[rank].destCel.x;
y = m_blupi[rank].destCel.y;
if (x % 2 != 0)
if (
IsFreeCelObstacle (GetCel (x, y + 0)) &&
!IsFreeCelObstacle (GetCel (x, y + 1)))
if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 != 0)
if (!IsFreeCelObstacle (GetCel (x + 1, y)))
if (x % 2 != 0 && y % 2 != 0 && dx != 0 && dy == 0)
if (!IsFreeCelObstacle (GetCel (x + 1, y - 1)))
if (m_rankBlupi[x][y] != -1) // déjà occupé ?
if (x == m_blupi[rank].cel.x)
x = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
if (m_rankBlupi[x][y] != -1) // déjà occupé ?
if (y == m_blupi[rank].cel.y)
y = m_blupi[rank].cel.y;
if (m_rankBlupi[x][y] != -1) // déjà occupé ?
/* HACK: It's not right but at least less Blupi are
* lost (invisible). The logic is not very clear, then
* consider the following code as a workaround.
if (x == m_blupi[rank].cel.x)
x -= 2;
x = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
if (m_rankBlupi[x][y] != -1)
continue; // que faire d'autre ?
m_rankBlupi[x][y] = rank;
// Dessine une cellule du décor contenant un sol animé.
CDecor::BuildMoveFloor (Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Point pos, Sint32 rank)
Sint32 icon, nb;
Sint16 * pTable;
if (m_move[rank].rankIcons == 0)
icon = m_move[rank].maskIcon + m_move[rank].cTotal;
m_pPixmap->BuildIconMask (
m_move[rank].maskChannel, icon, m_move[rank].channel, m_move[rank].icon,
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, m_move[rank].channel, 0, pos);
pTable = GetListIcons (m_move[rank].rankIcons);
nb = pTable[0];
icon = pTable[1 + m_move[rank].cTotal % nb];
if (m_move[rank].cel.x % 2 == 1)
pos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
if (m_move[rank].cel.y % 2 == 1)
pos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, m_move[rank].channel, icon, pos);
// Dessine une cellule du décor contenant un objet animé.
CDecor::BuildMoveObject (Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Point pos, Sint32 rank)
Sint32 hBuild, offset, startY, endY;
Sint32 channel, icon, nb;
Sint16 * pTable;
if (m_move[rank].rankMoves != 0)
pTable = GetListMoves (m_move[rank].rankMoves);
offset = m_move[rank].phase;
if (offset < pTable[0])
pos.x += pTable[1 + 2 * offset + 0];
pos.y += pTable[1 + 2 * offset + 1];
m_move[rank].rankMoves = 0;
// Dessine un chiffre par-dessus
if (m_move[rank].icon >= MOVEICONNB && m_move[rank].icon <= MOVEICONNB + 100)
Point textPos;
char string[20];
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel, m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon,
snprintf (string, sizeof (string), "%d", m_move[rank].icon - MOVEICONNB);
textPos.x = pos.x + DIMCELX / 2 + 32;
textPos.y = pos.y + (DIMOBJY - DIMCELY * 2) + 36;
DrawTextCenter (m_pPixmap, textPos, string, FONTLITTLE);
hBuild = (m_move[rank].cTotal * m_move[rank].stepY) / 100;
if (m_move[rank].stepY >= 0)
if (hBuild <= 0)
hBuild = 0;
if (hBuild > DIMOBJY)
hBuild = DIMOBJY;
if (hBuild >= 0)
hBuild = 0;
if (hBuild < -DIMOBJY)
hBuild = -DIMOBJY;
// Dessine l'objet actuellement dans le décor.
if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel >= 0)
if (hBuild >= 0)
startY = 0;
endY = DIMOBJY - hBuild;
startY = -hBuild;
channel = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel;
if (m_bOutline && channel == CHOBJECT)
channel = CHOBJECTo;
m_pPixmap->DrawIconPart (
-1, channel, m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon, pos, startY, endY);
// Dessine le nouvel objet par-dessus.
if (m_move[rank].icon >= 0)
if (hBuild >= 0)
startY = DIMOBJY - hBuild;
startY = 0;
endY = -hBuild;
channel = m_move[rank].channel;
if (m_bOutline && channel == CHOBJECT)
channel = CHOBJECTo;
m_pPixmap->DrawIconPart (
-1, channel, m_move[rank].icon, pos, startY, endY);
// Dessine le feu ou les rayons.
if (m_move[rank].rankIcons != 0)
pTable = GetListIcons (m_move[rank].rankIcons);
nb = pTable[0];
icon = pTable[1 + m_move[rank].cTotal % nb];
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, m_move[rank].channel, icon, pos);
// Déplace l'objet transporté par blupi.
BuildMoveTransport (Sint32 icon, Point & pos)
pos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y -= 96;
// clang-format off
static Sint32 offset_bateau[16 * 2] =
-4, -3, // e
-2, -3,
-1, -3, // se
+1, -3,
+2, -3, // s
+5, -2,
+6, -2, // so
+5, -1,
+1, 0, // o
-1, 0,
-2, 0, // no
-2, 0,
-3, 0, // n
-4, -1,
-5, -1, // ne
-4, -2,
static Sint32 offset_jeep[16 * 2] =
-2, -6, // e
-1, -6,
-1, -6, // se
-1, -6,
+3, -6, // s
+1, -6,
+4, -6, // so
+4, -5,
+4, -5, // o
+2, -5,
+1, -4, // no
+1, -4,
-3, -3, // n
-4, -4,
-3, -4, // ne
-4, -4,
// clang-format on
if (icon >= 0 && icon <= 47)
pos.y -= (icon % 3) * 2;
if (icon == 114) // mange ?
pos.x += 1;
pos.y += 1;
if (icon == 106) // se penche (mèche dynamite) ?
pos.x += 8;
pos.y += 10;
if (icon == 194) // se penche (mèche dynamite) ?
pos.x += 9;
pos.y += 9;
if (icon == 347) // se penche (armure) ?
pos.x += 2;
pos.y += 2;
if (icon >= 234 && icon <= 249) // blupi en bateau ?
pos.x += offset_bateau[(icon - 234) * 2 + 0];
pos.y += offset_bateau[(icon - 234) * 2 + 1];
if (icon >= 250 && icon <= 265) // blupi en jeep ?
pos.x += offset_jeep[(icon - 250) * 2 + 0];
pos.y += offset_jeep[(icon - 250) * 2 + 1];
if (icon == 270)
pos.y += 3; // blupi électrocuté
if (icon == 271)
pos.y -= 2;
if (icon == 272)
pos.y -= 7;
// Construit tous les sols fixes dans CHGROUND.
CDecor::BuildGround (Rect clip)
//? OutputDebug("BuildGround\n");
Sint32 x, y, i, j, nbx, nby, width, height, channel, icon;
Point iCel, mCel, iPos, mPos, cPos, pos;
width = clip.right - clip.left;
height = clip.bottom - clip.top;
pos.x = clip.left;
pos.y = clip.top;
iCel = ConvPosToCel (pos);
mCel = iCel;
if (mCel.x % 2 == 0 && mCel.y % 2 == 0)
iCel.x -= 2;
width += DIMCELX;
height += DIMCELY;
if (mCel.x % 2 != 0 && mCel.y % 2 != 0)
iCel.x -= 3;
iCel.y -= 1;
width += DIMCELX;
height += DIMCELY * 2;
if (mCel.x % 2 == 0 && mCel.y % 2 != 0)
iCel.x -= 2;
iCel.y -= 1;
width += DIMCELX / 2;
height += (DIMCELY / 2) * 3;
if (mCel.x % 2 != 0 && mCel.y % 2 == 0)
iCel.x -= 3;
width += (DIMCELX / 2) * 3;
height += (DIMCELY / 2) * 3;
iPos = ConvCelToPos (iCel);
nbx = (width / DIMCELX) + 2;
nby = (height / (DIMCELY / 2)) + 0;
if (GetInfoHeight () != 0)
nbx += 2;
nby += 2;
this->FixShifting (nbx, nby, iCel, iPos);
// Construit les sols.
mCel = iCel;
mPos = iPos;
for (j = 0; j < nby; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
cPos = mPos;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0)
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y;
if (
x >= 2 && x < MAXCELX - 2 && y >= 2 && y < MAXCELY - 2 &&
m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel >= 0 &&
m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon >= 0)
channel = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel;
icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon;
channel = CHFLOOR;
icon = 78; // losange noir
if (!m_bBuild && icon == 71) // terre à fer ?
icon = 33; // terre normale !
// Dessine l'eau sous les rives et les ponts.
if (
(icon >= 2 && icon <= 13) || // rive ?
(icon >= 59 && icon <= 64)) // pont ?
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (CHGROUND, CHFLOOR, 14, pos); // eau
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (CHGROUND, channel, icon, pos);
cPos.x += DIMCELX;
if (j % 2 == 0)
mPos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
mPos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
m_bGroundRedraw = false;
// Construit le décor dans un pixmap.
CDecor::Build (Rect clip, Point posMouse)
Sint32 x, y, i, j, nbx, nby, width, height, rank, icon, channel, n;
Point iCel, mCel, cel, iPos, mPos, cPos, pos, tPos;
Rect oldClip, clipRect;
static Sint32 table_eau[6] = {70, 68, 14, 69, 14, 68};
static Sint32 table_random_x[10] = {2, 5, 1, 9, 4, 0, 6, 3, 8, 7};
static Sint32 table_random_y[10] = {4, 8, 3, 5, 9, 1, 7, 2, 0, 6};
oldClip = m_pPixmap->GetClipping ();
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clip);
if (m_bGroundRedraw)
BuildGround (clip); // refait les sols fixes
// Dessine tous les sols fixes.
m_pPixmap->DrawImage (-1, CHGROUND, clip);
width = clip.right - clip.left;
height = clip.bottom - clip.top;
pos.x = clip.left;
pos.y = clip.top;
iCel = ConvPosToCel (pos);
mCel = iCel;
if (mCel.x % 2 == 0 && mCel.y % 2 == 0)
iCel.x -= 2;
width += DIMCELX;
height += DIMCELY;
if (mCel.x % 2 != 0 && mCel.y % 2 != 0)
iCel.x -= 3;
iCel.y -= 1;
width += DIMCELX;
height += DIMCELY * 2;
if (mCel.x % 2 == 0 && mCel.y % 2 != 0)
iCel.x -= 2;
iCel.y -= 1;
width += DIMCELX / 2;
height += (DIMCELY / 2) * 3;
if (mCel.x % 2 != 0 && mCel.y % 2 == 0)
iCel.x -= 3;
width += (DIMCELX / 2) * 3;
height += (DIMCELY / 2) * 3;
iPos = ConvCelToPos (iCel);
nbx = (width / DIMCELX) + 2;
nby = (height / (DIMCELY / 2)) + 0;
if (GetInfoHeight () != 0)
nbx += 2;
nby += 2;
this->FixShifting (nbx, nby, iCel, iPos);
// Construit les sols.
mCel = iCel;
mPos = iPos;
for (j = 0; j < nby; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
cPos = mPos;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (x >= 2 && x < MAXCELX - 2 && y >= 2 && y < MAXCELY - 2)
m_rankBlupi[x][y] = -1; // (1), voir BuildPutBlupi
if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0)
icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon;
if (!m_bBuild && icon == 71) // terre à fer ?
icon = 33; // terre normale !
// Dessine l'eau sous les rives et les ponts.
if (
(icon >= 2 && icon <= 14) || // rive ?
(icon >= 59 && icon <= 64)) // pont ?
// Dessine l'eau en mouvement.
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y;
n = table_eau
[(m_timeConst / 2 + // lent !
table_random_x[x % 10] + table_random_y[y % 10]) %
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (CHGROUND, CHFLOOR, n, pos); // eau
if (icon != 14)
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (CHGROUND, CHFLOOR, icon, pos);
rank = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].rankMove;
if (
rank != -1 && // décor animé ?
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y;
BuildMoveFloor (x, y, pos, rank);
if (
m_celHili.x != -1 && x >= m_celHili.x - 1 && x <= m_celHili.x + 2 &&
y >= m_celHili.y - 1 && y <= m_celHili.y + 2)
icon = m_iconHili[x - (m_celHili.x - 1)][y - (m_celHili.y - 1)];
if (icon != -1)
// hilight cellule
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, icon, cPos);
if (m_bHiliRect) // rectangle de sélection existe ?
if (
(m_p1Hili.x == x && m_p1Hili.y == y) ||
(m_p2Hili.x == x && m_p2Hili.y == y))
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, ICON_HILI_SEL, cPos);
cPos.x += DIMCELX;
if (j % 2 == 0)
mPos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
mPos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
for (j = nby; j < nby + 3; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (x >= 2 && x < MAXCELX - 2 && y >= 2 && y < MAXCELY - 2)
m_rankBlupi[x][y] = -1; // (1), voir BuildPutBlupi
if (j % 2 == 0)
BlupiDrawHili (); // dessine le rectangle de sélection
// Construit les objets et les blupi.
BuildPutBlupi (); // m_rankBlupi[x][y] <- rangs des blupi
this->FixShifting (nbx, nby, iCel, iPos);
mCel = iCel;
mPos = iPos;
for (j = 0; j < nby + 3; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
cPos = mPos;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (x >= 2 && x < MAXCELX - 2 && y >= 2 && y < MAXCELY - 2)
rank = m_rankBlupi[x][y];
if (
rank != -1 && // un blupi sur cette cellule ?
!m_blupi[rank].bCache && m_blupi[rank].bExist)
cel.x = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
cel.y = m_blupi[rank].cel.y;
pos = ConvCelToPos (cel);
pos.x += m_blupi[rank].pos.x;
pos.y += m_blupi[rank].pos.y - (DIMBLUPIY - DIMCELY) - SHIFTBLUPIY;
if (m_blupi[rank].bHili)
icon = 120 + (m_blupi[rank].energy * 18) / MAXENERGY;
if (icon < 120)
icon = 120;
if (icon > 137)
icon = 137;
tPos = pos;
tPos.y += DIMCELY;
if (m_blupi[rank].vehicule == 1) // en bateau ?
tPos.y -= 6;
// Dessine la sélection/énergie
if (m_blupi[rank].clipLeft == 0)
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, icon, tPos);
clipRect = clip;
clipRect.left = m_blupi[rank].clipLeft;
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clipRect);
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, icon, tPos);
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clip);
// Dessine la flèche ronde "répète" sous blupi.
if (m_blupi[rank].repeatLevel != -1)
tPos = pos;
tPos.y += DIMCELY;
if (m_blupi[rank].vehicule == 1) // en bateau ?
tPos.y -= 6;
// Dessine la sélection/énergie
if (m_blupi[rank].clipLeft == 0)
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, 116, tPos);
clipRect = clip;
clipRect.left = m_blupi[rank].clipLeft;
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clipRect);
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, 116, tPos);
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clip);
// Dessine la flèche jaune sur blupi.
if (m_blupi[rank].bArrow)
tPos = pos;
if (m_phase % (6 * 2) < 6)
tPos.y -= DIMBLUPIY + (m_phase % 6) * 4;
tPos.y -= DIMBLUPIY + (6 - (m_phase % 6) - 1) * 4;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBLUPI, 132, tPos);
// Dessine le stop sur blupi.
if (m_blupi[rank].stop == 1)
tPos = pos;
tPos.x += 9;
tPos.y -= 24;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, CHBUTTON, IsRightReading () ? 115 : 46, tPos);
// Dessine blupi
pos.y += m_blupi[rank].posZ;
if (m_blupi[rank].clipLeft == 0)
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_blupi[rank].channel, m_blupi[rank].icon, pos);
// Dessine l'objet transporté.
if (m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != -1)
BuildMoveTransport (m_blupi[rank].icon, pos);
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_blupi[rank].takeChannel, m_blupi[rank].takeIcon, pos);
clipRect = clip;
clipRect.left = m_blupi[rank].clipLeft;
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clipRect);
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_blupi[rank].channel, m_blupi[rank].icon, pos);
// Dessine l'objet transporté.
if (m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != -1)
BuildMoveTransport (m_blupi[rank].icon, pos);
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_blupi[rank].takeChannel, m_blupi[rank].takeIcon, pos);
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clip);
if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0)
rank = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].rankMove;
if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel >= 0)
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y - (DIMOBJY - DIMCELY * 2);
// Dessine l'objet
if (
rank == -1 || // décor fixe ?
m_move[rank].bFloor || m_bBuild)
channel = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel;
if (m_bOutline && channel == CHOBJECT)
channel = CHOBJECTo;
if (
m_celOutline1.x != -1 && x >= m_celOutline1.x &&
y >= m_celOutline1.y && x <= m_celOutline2.x &&
y <= m_celOutline2.y)
if (channel == CHOBJECT)
channel = CHOBJECTo;
channel = CHOBJECT;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, channel, m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon, pos);
if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon == 12) // fusée ?
pos.y -= DIMOBJY;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, channel, 13, pos);
else // décor animé ?
BuildMoveObject (x, y, pos, rank);
if (
rank != -1 && // décor animé ?
!m_move[rank].bFloor && !m_bBuild)
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y - (DIMOBJY - DIMCELY * 2);
BuildMoveObject (x, y, pos, rank);
// Dessine le feu en mode construction.
if (
m_bBuild && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fire > 0 &&
m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fire < MoveMaxFire ())
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y - (DIMOBJY - DIMCELY * 2);
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHOBJECT, 49, pos); // petite flamme
cPos.x += DIMCELX;
if (j % 2 == 0)
mPos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
mPos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
// Construit le brouillard.
if (!m_bFog)
goto term;
this->FixShifting (nbx, nby, iCel, iPos);
mCel = iCel;
mPos = iPos;
for (j = 0; j < nby; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
cPos = mPos;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (
x >= 0 && x < MAXCELX && y >= 0 && y < MAXCELY && x % 2 == 0 &&
y % 2 == 0)
icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fog;
icon = FOGHIDE; // caché
if (
abs (x) % 4 == abs (y) % 4 && (abs (x) % 4 == 0 || abs (x) % 4 == 2) &&
icon != -1)
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHFOG, icon, pos);
cPos.x += DIMCELX;
if (j % 2 == 0)
mPos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
mPos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
// Dessine la flèche jaune sur un objet.
if (m_celArrow.x != -1)
tPos = ConvCelToPos (m_celArrow);
if (m_phase % (6 * 2) < 6)
tPos.y -= DIMBLUPIY + (m_phase % 6) * 4;
tPos.y -= DIMBLUPIY + (6 - (m_phase % 6) - 1) * 4;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBLUPI, 132, tPos);
// Dessine le nom de l'objet pointé par la souris.
if (posMouse.x == m_textLastPos.x && posMouse.y == m_textLastPos.y)
if (m_textCount == 0)
const auto text = GetResHili (posMouse);
if (text)
posMouse.x += IsRightReading () ? 0 : 10;
posMouse.y += 20;
DrawText (m_pPixmap, posMouse, text);
m_textLastPos = posMouse;
m_textCount = TEXTDELAY;
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (oldClip);
GenerateMap (); // dessine la carte miniature
GenerateStatictic (); // dessine les statistiques
// Augmente la phase.
// -1 mise à jour continue
// 0 début de mise à jour périodique
// 1 mise à jour périodique suivante
CDecor::NextPhase (Sint32 mode)
if (mode == -1)
m_phase = -1;
if (mode == 0)
m_phase = 0;
if (mode == 1)
// Modifie le temps total passé dans cette partie.
CDecor::SetTotalTime (Sint32 total)
m_totalTime = total;
// Retourne le temps total passé dans cette partie.
CDecor::GetTotalTime ()
return m_totalTime;
// Compte le nombre total de sols contenus dans les décors.
CDecor::CountFloor (Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon)
Sint32 x, y;
Sint32 nb = 0;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++)
if (
channel == m_decor[x][y].floorChannel &&
icon == m_decor[x][y].floorIcon)
return nb;
// Indique si une cellule est ok pour une action.
// Le rang du blupi qui effectuera le travail est donnée dans rank.
// action = 0 sélection jeu
// 1 construction d'une cellule 1x1
// 2 construction d'une cellule 2x2
// EV_ACTION* action
CDecor::CelOkForAction (
Point cel, Sint32 action, Sint32 rank, Sint32 icons[4][4],
Point & celOutline1, Point & celOutline2)
Sint32 x, y, i, j, channel, icon, nb, start, direct;
Errors error = Errors::NONE;
bool bStrong = false;
bool bTransport = false;
bool bVehicule = false;
bool bVehiculeA = false;
Point vector;
for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
icons[x][y] = -1;
celOutline1.x = -1;
celOutline2.x = -1;
if (
action == 2 || action == EV_ACTION_ABAT1 || action == EV_ACTION_ROC1 ||
action == EV_ACTION_DROP || action == EV_ACTION_LABO ||
action == EV_ACTION_FABMINE || action == EV_ACTION_FLOWER1 ||
action == EV_ACTION_CULTIVE || action == EV_ACTION_FLAG)
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
if (rank >= 0)
if (m_blupi[rank].energy > MAXENERGY / 4) // blupi fort ?
bStrong = true;
if (m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != -1) // porte qq chose ?
bTransport = true;
if (m_blupi[rank].vehicule != 0) // pas à pied ?
bVehicule = true;
if (
m_blupi[rank].vehicule != 0 && // pas à pied ?
m_blupi[rank].vehicule != 3) // pas armure ?
bVehiculeA = true;
if (action == 0)
if (IsBlupiHere (cel, false))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_SEL;
if (IsFreeCel (cel, -1) && m_nbBlupiHili > 0)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ANY;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
if (action == 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD; // action
if (action == 2)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
if (action == EV_ACTION_STOP)
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
m_blupi[rank].stop == 0 &&
(m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_GO ||
(m_blupi[rank].goalAction >= EV_ACTION_ABAT1 &&
m_blupi[rank].goalAction <= EV_ACTION_ABAT6) ||
(m_blupi[rank].goalAction >= EV_ACTION_ROC1 &&
m_blupi[rank].goalAction <= EV_ACTION_ROC7) ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_CULTIVE ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_CULTIVE2 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLAG ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLAG2 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLAG3 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLOWER1 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLOWER2 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLOWER3))
error = Errors::NONE;
if (
m_blupi[rank].stop == 0 && m_blupi[rank].goalAction != 0 &&
m_blupi[rank].interrupt == 1)
error = Errors::NONE;
if (m_blupi[rank].repeatLevel != -1)
error = Errors::NONE;
if (action == EV_ACTION_GO)
if (m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon == 113) // maison ?
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2 + 1;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2 + 1;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (m_nbBlupiHili > 0)
nb = m_nbBlupiHili;
if (nb > 16)
nb = 16;
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
x = table_multi_goal[i * 2 + 0];
y = table_multi_goal[i * 2 + 1];
rank = GetHiliRankBlupi (i);
if (
((m_blupi[rank].takeChannel == -1) ||
(m_blupi[rank].energy > MAXENERGY / 4)) &&
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel.x + x, cel.y + y), rank) &&
!IsBlupiHere (GetCel (cel.x + x, cel.y + y), true))
icons[1 + x][1 + y] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
error = Errors::NONE;
icons[1 + x][1 + y] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
if (action == EV_ACTION_ABAT1)
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
bStrong && !bTransport && !bVehicule && channel == CHOBJECT &&
icon >= 6 && icon <= 11 && // arbre ?
!MoveIsUsed (cel) && IsWorkableObject (cel, rank))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
celOutline1 = cel;
celOutline2 = cel;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_ROC1)
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
bStrong && !bTransport && !bVehicule &&
m_blupi[rank].perso != 8 && // pas disciple ?
channel == CHOBJECT && icon >= 37 && icon <= 43 && // rochers ?
!MoveIsUsed (cel) && IsWorkableObject (cel, rank))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
celOutline1 = cel;
celOutline2 = cel;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action >= EV_ACTION_BUILD1 && action <= EV_ACTION_BUILD6)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
if (
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD1 || // cabane ?
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD2 || // couveuse ?
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD6) // téléporteur ?
GetFloor (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel != CHFLOOR || (icon != 1 && // herbe claire ?
(icon < 19 || icon > 32))) // herbe foncée ?
error = Errors::GROUND; // sol pas adéquat
GetFloor (cel, channel, icon);
if ( // mine ?
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD4 &&
((!g_restoreBugs &&
!m_decorMem[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].flagged) || // fixed
(g_restoreBugs && (channel != CHFLOOR || icon != 71)))) // funny bug
error = Errors::GROUND; // sol pas adéquat
if (
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD6 && // téléporteur ?
CountFloor (CHFLOOR, 80) >= 2) // déjà 2 ?
error = Errors::TELE2; // déjà 2 téléporteurs
if (action == EV_ACTION_BUILD3 || action == EV_ACTION_BUILD5)
start = 44; // pierres
start = 36; // planches
if (start == 44 && m_blupi[rank].perso == 8)
start = 999; // disciple ?
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != start) // planches ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de planches !
for (x = -1; x < 3; x++)
for (y = -1; y < 3; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = -1; x < 3; x++)
for (y = -1; y < 3; y++)
if (
(x < 0 || x > 1 || y < 0 || y > 1) &&
!IsFreeCel (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_WALL)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule ||
m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
if (m_blupi[rank].energy <= MAXENERGY / 2)
error = Errors::ENERGY; // not enough energy
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 44) // pierres ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_TOWER)
bool bTour;
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule ||
m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
if (m_blupi[rank].energy <= MAXENERGY / 2)
error = Errors::ENERGY; // not enough energy
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 44) // pierres ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = -1; x < 3; x++)
for (y = -1; y < 3; y++)
if (x < 0 || x > 1 || y < 0 || y > 1) // périphérie ?
GetFloor (GetCel (cel, x, y), channel, icon);
if (channel == CHFLOOR && (icon >= 2 && icon <= 13)) // rive ?
error = Errors::TOUREAU;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (error == 0)
bTour = false;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
vector = GetVector (i * 2 * 16);
x = cel.x;
y = cel.y;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
x += vector.x * 2;
y += vector.y * 2;
if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon == 27) // tour ?
bTour = true;
if (
MoveGetObject (GetCel (x, y), channel, icon) &&
channel == CHOBJECT && icon == 27) // tour en construction ?
bTour = true;
if (!bTour)
error = Errors::TOURISOL;
if (action == EV_ACTION_PALIS)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 36) // planches ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_BRIDGEE)
Point test;
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 36) // planches ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
test = cel;
if (error == 0)
error = IsBuildPont (test, icon);
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_CARRY)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
GetObject (GetCel (cel, -1, -1), channel, icon);
if (
bStrong && !bTransport && !bVehiculeA && channel == CHOBJECT &&
(icon == 14 || // métal ?
icon == 36 || // planches ?
icon == 44 || // pierres ?
icon == 60 || // tomates ?
icon == 63 || // oeufs ?
icon == 80 || // bouteille ?
icon == 82 || // fleurs ?
icon == 84 || // fleurs ?
icon == 95 || // fleurs ?
icon == 85 || // dynamite ?
icon == 92 || // poison ?
icon == 93 || // piège ?
icon == 123 || // fer ?
icon == 125) && // mine ?
(!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, -1, 0), rank, false) ||
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 0, -1), rank, false)))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_DROP)
if (!bTransport || bVehiculeA)
error = Errors::MISC; // ne transporte rien
GetObject (GetCel ((cel.x / 2) * 2, (cel.y / 2) * 2), channel, icon);
if (icon != -1 && icon != 124) // pas drapeau ?
error = Errors::MISC;
start = 0;
if (error == 0)
GetFloor (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel == CHFLOOR && icon == 52 && // nurserie ?
m_blupi[rank].takeChannel == CHOBJECT &&
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon == 63) // oeufs ?
for (x = -1; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (
!IsFreeCelDepose (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank) ||
IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
start = -1;
if (
!IsFreeCelDepose (GetCel (cel, 1, 1), rank) ||
IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 1, 1), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
!IsFreeCelDepose (GetCel (cel, 0, 1), rank) ||
IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 0, 1), rank, false))
if (
!IsFreeCelDepose (GetCel (cel, 1, 0), rank) ||
IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 1, 0), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
for (x = start; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
if (action == EV_ACTION_CULTIVE)
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 61) // maison ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de maison !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_LABO)
if (!bStrong || !bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 28 || // laboratoire ?
m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != CHOBJECT ||
(m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 82 && // fleurs ?
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 84 && // fleurs ?
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 95 && // fleurs ?
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 60)) // tomates ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de laboratoire !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_FLOWER1)
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
bStrong && !bTransport && !bVehicule && channel == CHOBJECT &&
(icon == 81 || icon == 83 || icon == 94) && // fleurs ?
!MoveIsUsed (cel) && IsWorkableObject (cel, rank))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
celOutline1 = cel;
celOutline2 = cel;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_DYNAMITE)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
//? if ( !bStrong || bVehicule )
if (bVehiculeA)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (icon != 85 && icon != 125) // dynamite/mine ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de dynamite !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 1; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 1; y < 2; y++)
if (
(x < 0 || x > 1 || y < 0 || y > 1) &&
!IsFreeCel (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_EAT)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
GetObject (GetCel (cel, -1, -1), channel, icon);
if (
!m_blupi[rank].bMalade && !bVehicule &&
m_blupi[rank].perso != 8 && // pas disciple ?
channel == CHOBJECT && icon == 60 && // tomates ?
(!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, -1, 0), rank, false) ||
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 0, -1), rank, false)))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_DRINK)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
GetObject (GetCel (cel, -1, -1), channel, icon);
if (
m_blupi[rank].bMalade && !bVehicule &&
m_blupi[rank].perso != 8 && // pas disciple ?
channel == CHOBJECT && icon == 80 && // bouteille ?
(!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, -1, 0), rank, false) ||
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 0, -1), rank, false)))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_BOATE)
Point test;
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 36) // planches ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
test = cel;
if (error == 0 && !IsBuildBateau (test, direct))
error = Errors::MISC; // impossible ici !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_DJEEP)
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
m_blupi[rank].vehicule == 2 && // en jeep ?
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon == -1 &&
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorIcon != 80) // pas téléporteur ?
if (
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel, +1, 0), rank) &&
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel, +1, +1), rank) &&
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, +1, 0), rank, false) &&
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, +1, +1), rank, false))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
error = Errors::NONE;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
if (action == EV_ACTION_DARMURE)
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
m_blupi[rank].vehicule == 3 && // armure ?
!bTransport && m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon == -1 &&
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorIcon != 80) // pas téléporteur ?
if (
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel, +1, 0), rank) &&
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel, +1, +1), rank) &&
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, +1, 0), rank, false) &&
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, +1, +1), rank, false))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
error = Errors::NONE;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
if (action == EV_ACTION_FLAG)
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetFloor (cel, channel, icon);
if ((icon < 33 || icon > 48) && icon != 71) // pas terre ?
error = Errors::MISC; // terrain pas adapté
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel == CHOBJECT) // y a-t-il un objet ?
error = Errors::MISC; // terrain pas adapté
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_EXTRAIT)
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 122) // mine de fer ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de mine
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (
action == EV_ACTION_FABJEEP || action == EV_ACTION_FABMINE ||
if (!bStrong || !bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
if (action == EV_ACTION_FABJEEP && m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ?
error = Errors::MISC; // impossible
if (action == EV_ACTION_FABARMURE && m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ?
error = Errors::MISC; // impossible
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 120 || // usine ?
m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != CHOBJECT ||
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 123) // fer ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas d'usine !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_FABDISC)
if (!bStrong || !bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 120 || // usine ?
m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != CHOBJECT ||
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 14) // métal ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas d'usine !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
return error;
// Indique si une cellule est ok pour une action.
// Le rang du blupi qui effectuera le travail est donnée dans rank.
CDecor::CelOkForAction (Point cel, Sint32 action, Sint32 rank)
Sint32 icons[4][4];
Point celOutline1, celOutline2;
return CelOkForAction (cel, action, rank, icons, celOutline1, celOutline2);
// Retourne le rang du nième blupi sélectionné.
CDecor::GetHiliRankBlupi (Sint32 nb)
Sint32 rank;
if (m_nbBlupiHili == 0)
return -1;
if (m_nbBlupiHili == 1)
if (nb == 0)
return m_rankBlupiHili;
return -1;
for (rank = 0; rank < MAXBLUPI; rank++)
if (m_blupi[rank].bExist && m_blupi[rank].bHili)
if (nb == 0)
return rank;
return -1;
// Marque la cellule visée par la souris.
// action = 0 sélection jeu
// 1 construction d'une cellule 1x1
// 2 construction d'une cellule 2x2
CDecor::CelHili (Point pos, Sint32 action)
Sint32 x, y, i, channel, icon, rank, nb;
Point cel;
for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
m_iconHili[x][y] = -1;
m_celOutline1.x = -1;
m_celOutline2.x = -1;
m_rankHili = -1;
if (action == 0) // sélection pendant jeu ?
rank = GetTargetBlupi (pos);
if (rank >= 0)
m_celHili = m_blupi[rank].cel;
m_rankHili = rank;
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_SEL;
m_celHili = ConvPosToCel (pos);
if (IsBlupiHere (m_celHili, false))
m_rankHili = m_blupiHere;
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_SEL;
if (m_nbBlupiHili > 0)
nb = m_nbBlupiHili;
if (nb > 16)
nb = 16;
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
x = table_multi_goal[i * 2 + 0];
y = table_multi_goal[i * 2 + 1];
cel.x = m_celHili.x + x;
cel.y = m_celHili.y + y;
rank = GetHiliRankBlupi (i);
if (IsFreeCelHili (cel, rank))
m_iconHili[1 + x][1 + y] = ICON_HILI_ANY;
m_iconHili[1 + x][1 + y] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
m_celOutline1.x = (m_celHili.x / 2) * 2;
m_celOutline1.y = (m_celHili.y / 2) * 2;
if (
GetObject (m_celOutline1, channel, icon) && channel == CHOBJECT &&
(icon == 14 // métal ?
|| icon == 36 // planches ?
|| icon == 44 // pierres ?
|| icon == 60 // tomates ?
|| icon == 64 // oeufs ?
|| icon == 80 // bouteille ?
|| icon == 82 // fleurs ?
|| icon == 84 // fleurs ?
|| icon == 95 // fleurs ?
|| icon == 85 // dynamite ?
|| icon == 92 // poison ?
|| icon == 93 // piège ?
|| icon == 123 // fer ?
|| icon == 125)) // mine ?
if (m_celHili.x % 2 == 0 || m_celHili.y % 2 == 0)
m_celOutline1.x = -1;
m_celOutline2 = m_celOutline1;
if (action == 1) // construction d'une cellule 1x1 ?
m_celHili = ConvPosToCel (pos);
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD; // action
if (action == 2) // construction d'une cellule 2x2 ?
m_celHili = ConvPosToCel2 (pos);
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD; // action
m_iconHili[2][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
m_iconHili[1][2] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
m_iconHili[2][2] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
// Marque la cellule visée par la souris pour un bouton donné.
CDecor::CelHiliButton (Point cel, Sint32 button)
Point celOutline1, celOutline2;
CelOkForAction (
cel, table_actions[button], m_rankBlupiHili, m_iconHili, celOutline1,
if (
button == BUTTON_ABAT || button == BUTTON_ABATn || button == BUTTON_ROC ||
button == BUTTON_ROCn || button == BUTTON_WALL || button == BUTTON_TOWER ||
button == BUTTON_PALIS || button == BUTTON_BRIDGE ||
button == BUTTON_CULTIVE || button == BUTTON_DEPOSE ||
button == BUTTON_LABO || button == BUTTON_FLOWER ||
button == BUTTON_FLOWERn || button == BUTTON_DYNAMITE ||
button == BUTTON_BOAT || button == BUTTON_DJEEP ||
button == BUTTON_DARMOR || button == BUTTON_FLAG ||
button == BUTTON_EXTRAIT || button == BUTTON_FABJEEP ||
button == BUTTON_MAKEARMOR || button == BUTTON_FABMINE ||
button == BUTTON_FABDISC ||
(button >= BUTTON_BUILD1 && button <= BUTTON_BUILD6))
m_celHili.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
m_celHili.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
m_celHili = cel;
// Marque la cellule visée par la souris pour une répétition donnée.
CDecor::CelHiliRepeat (Sint32 list)
Sint32 rank, button, x, y, i;
Point cel;
for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
m_iconHili[x][y] = -1;
if (m_nbBlupiHili != 1)
rank = m_rankBlupiHili;
i = m_blupi[rank].repeatLevelHope - list;
if (i < 0 || i > m_blupi[rank].repeatLevelHope)
button = m_blupi[rank].listButton[i];
if (
button == BUTTON_ABAT || button == BUTTON_ABATn || button == BUTTON_ROC ||
button == BUTTON_ROCn || button == BUTTON_WALL || button == BUTTON_TOWER ||
button == BUTTON_PALIS || button == BUTTON_BRIDGE ||
button == BUTTON_CULTIVE || button == BUTTON_DEPOSE ||
button == BUTTON_LABO || button == BUTTON_FLOWER ||
button == BUTTON_FLOWERn || button == BUTTON_DYNAMITE ||
button == BUTTON_BOAT || button == BUTTON_DJEEP ||
button == BUTTON_DARMOR || button == BUTTON_FLAG ||
button == BUTTON_EXTRAIT || button == BUTTON_FABJEEP ||
button == BUTTON_MAKEARMOR || button == BUTTON_FABMINE ||
button == BUTTON_FABDISC ||
(button >= BUTTON_BUILD1 && button <= BUTTON_BUILD6))
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
m_iconHili[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
m_iconHili[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
m_iconHili[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
cel = m_blupi[rank].listCel[i];
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
cel = m_blupi[rank].listCel[i];
m_celHili = cel;
// Retourne l'identificateur du texte correspondant à
// l'objet ou au blupi visé par la souris.
const char *
CDecor::GetResHili (Point posMouse)
Sint32 icon;
// The `corner == true` values are corresponding to the objects
// positionned at the bottom/right corner of the cell.
struct object_t {
bool corner;
const char * text;
static const std::unordered_map<size_t, object_t> tableObject = {
{6, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{7, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{8, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{9, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{10, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{11, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{12, {false, translate ("Enemy rocket")}},
{14, {false, translate ("Platinium")}},
{16, {true, translate ("Armour")}},
{17, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{18, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{20, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{21, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{22, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{23, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{24, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{25, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{26, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{27, {false, translate ("Protection tower")}},
{28, {false, translate ("Laboratory")}},
{29, {false, translate ("Laboratory")}},
{30, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{31, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{32, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{33, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{34, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{35, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{36, {true, translate ("Planks")}},
{37, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{38, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{39, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{40, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{41, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{42, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{43, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{44, {true, translate ("Stones")}},
{45, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{46, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{47, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{48, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{49, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{50, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{51, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{52, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{57, {true, translate ("Tomatoes")}},
{58, {true, translate ("Tomatoes")}},
{59, {true, translate ("Tomatoes")}},
{60, {true, translate ("Tomatoes")}},
{61, {false, translate ("Garden shed")}},
{62, {false, translate ("Garden shed")}},
{63, {true, translate ("Eggs")}},
{64, {false, translate ("Eggs")}},
{65, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{66, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{67, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{68, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{69, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{70, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{71, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{72, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{73, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{80, {true, translate ("Medical potion")}},
{81, {false, translate ("Flowers")}},
{82, {true, translate ("Bunch of flowers")}},
{83, {false, translate ("Flowers")}},
{84, {true, translate ("Bunch of flowers")}},
{85, {true, translate ("Dynamite")}},
{86, {true, translate ("Dynamite")}},
{87, {true, translate ("Dynamite")}},
{92, {true, translate ("Poison")}},
{93, {true, translate ("Sticky trap")}},
{94, {false, translate ("Flowers")}},
{95, {true, translate ("Bunch of flowers")}},
{96, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
{97, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
{98, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
{99, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{100, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{101, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{102, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{103, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{104, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{105, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{106, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{107, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{108, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{109, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{110, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{111, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{112, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{113, {false, translate ("Blupi's house")}},
{114, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
{115, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{116, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{117, {true, translate ("Boat")}},
{118, {true, translate ("Jeep")}},
{119, {false, translate ("Workshop")}},
{120, {false, translate ("Workshop")}},
{121, {false, translate ("Mine")}},
{122, {false, translate ("Mine")}},
{123, {true, translate ("Iron")}},
{124, {false, translate ("Flag")}},
{125, {true, translate ("Time bomb")}},
{126, {false, translate ("Mine")}},
{127, {true, translate ("Time bomb")}},
{128, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{129, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{130, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
static const std::unordered_map<size_t, object_t> tableFloor = {
{1, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{2, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{3, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{4, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{5, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{6, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{7, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{8, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{9, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{10, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{11, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{12, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{13, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{14, {false, translate ("Water")}},
{15, {false, translate ("Paving stones")}},
{16, {false, translate ("Paving stones")}},
{17, {false, translate ("Striped paving stones")}},
{18, {false, translate ("Ice")}},
{19, {false, translate ("Burnt ground")}},
{20, {false, translate ("Inflammable ground")}},
{21, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{22, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{23, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{24, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{25, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{26, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{27, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{28, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{29, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{30, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{31, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{32, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{33, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{34, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{35, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{36, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{37, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{38, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{39, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{40, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{41, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{42, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{43, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{44, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{45, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{46, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{47, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{48, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{49, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{50, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{51, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{52, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{53, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{54, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{55, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{56, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{57, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{58, {false, translate ("Inflammable ground")}},
{59, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{60, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{61, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{62, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{63, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{64, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{65, {false, translate ("Enemy ground")}},
{66, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{67, {false, translate ("Enemy ground")}},
{68, {false, translate ("Water")}},
{69, {false, translate ("Water")}},
{70, {false, translate ("Water")}},
{71, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{78, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{79, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{80, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
{81, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
{82, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
{83, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
{84, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
if (m_bHideTooltips)
return nullptr; // rien si menu présent
if (
posMouse.x < POSDRAWX || posMouse.x > POSDRAWX + DIMDRAWX ||
posMouse.y < POSDRAWY || posMouse.y > POSDRAWY + DIMDRAWY)
return nullptr;
if (m_celHili.x != -1)
if (m_rankHili != -1) // blupi visé ?
switch (m_blupi[m_rankHili].perso)
case 0: // blupi ?
if (m_blupi[m_rankHili].energy <= MAXENERGY / 4)
return gettext ("Tired Blupi");
if (m_blupi[m_rankHili].bMalade)
return gettext ("Sick Blupi");
return gettext ("Blupi");
case 1: // spider ?
return gettext ("Spider");
case 2: // virus ?
return gettext ("Virus");
case 3: // tracks ?
return gettext ("Bulldozer");
case 4: // robot ?
return gettext ("Master robot");
case 5: // bombe ?
return gettext ("Bouncing bomb");
case 7: // electro ?
return gettext ("Electrocutor");
case 8: // disciple ?
return gettext ("Helper robot");
return nullptr;
icon = m_decor[m_celHili.x / 2][m_celHili.y / 2].objectIcon;
if (icon != -1)
const auto obj = tableObject.find (icon);
if (obj != tableObject.end ())
if (!obj->second.corner)
return gettext (obj->second.text);
if (m_celHili.x % 2 && m_celHili.y % 2)
return gettext (obj->second.text);
icon = m_decor[m_celHili.x / 2][m_celHili.y / 2].floorIcon;
if (icon != -1)
const auto obj = tableFloor.find (icon);
if (obj != tableFloor.end ())
return gettext (obj->second.text);
return nullptr;
// Indique si le menu est présent et qu'il faut cacher
// les tooltips du décor.
CDecor::HideTooltips (bool bHide)
m_bHideTooltips = bHide;
// Modifie l'origine supérieure/gauche du décor.
CDecor::SetCorner (Point corner, bool bCenter)
if (bCenter)
corner.x -= 10;
corner.y -= 2;
if (corner.x < -8)
corner.x = -8;
if (corner.x > MAXCELX - 12)
corner.x = MAXCELX - 12;
if (corner.y < -2)
corner.y = -2;
if (corner.y > MAXCELY - 4)
corner.y = MAXCELY - 4;
m_celCorner = corner;
m_bGroundRedraw = true; // faudra redessiner les sols
m_celHili.x = -1;
m_textLastPos.x = -1; // tooltips plus lavable !
CDecor::GetCorner ()
return m_celCorner;
CDecor::GetHome ()
return m_celHome;
// Mémoirise une position pendant le jeu.
CDecor::MemoPos (Sint32 rank, bool bRecord)
Point pos;
pos.x = LXIMAGE () / 2;
pos.y = LYIMAGE () / 2;
if (rank < 0 || rank >= 4)
if (bRecord)
m_pSound->PlayImage (SOUND_CLOSE, pos);
m_memoPos[rank] = m_celCorner;
if (m_memoPos[rank].x == 0 && m_memoPos[rank].y == 0)
m_pSound->PlayImage (SOUND_BOING, pos);
m_pSound->PlayImage (SOUND_GOAL, pos);
SetCorner (m_memoPos[rank], false);
// Gestion du temps absolu global.
CDecor::SetTime (Sint32 time)
m_time = time;
m_timeConst = time; // vraiment ?
m_timeFlipOutline = time;
CDecor::GetTime ()
return m_time;
// Gestion de la musique midi.
CDecor::SetMusic (Sint32 music)
m_music = music;
CDecor::GetMusic ()
return m_music;
// Gestion de la difficulté.
CDecor::SetSkill (Sint32 skill)
m_skill = skill;
CDecor::GetSkill ()
return m_skill;
// Gestion de la région.
// 0 = normal
// 1 = palmier
// 2 = hiver
// 3 = sapin
CDecor::SetRegion (Sint32 region)
m_region = region;
CDecor::GetRegion ()
return m_region;
// Gestion des infos.
CDecor::SetInfoMode (bool bInfo)
m_bInfo = bInfo;
m_bGroundRedraw = true; // faudra redessiner les sols
CDecor::GetInfoMode ()
return m_bInfo;
CDecor::SetInfoHeight (Sint32 height)
m_infoHeight = height;
m_bGroundRedraw = true; // faudra redessiner les sols
CDecor::GetInfoHeight ()
if (m_bInfo)
return m_infoHeight;
return 0;
// Retourne le pointeur à la liste des boutons existants.
char *
CDecor::GetButtonExist ()
return m_buttonExist;
// Ouvre le buffer pour le undo pendant la construction.
CDecor::UndoOpen ()
if (m_pUndoDecor == nullptr)
m_pUndoDecor =
(Cellule *) malloc (sizeof (Cellule) * (MAXCELX / 2) * (MAXCELY / 2));
// Ferme le buffer pour le undo pendant la construction.
CDecor::UndoClose ()
if (m_pUndoDecor != nullptr)
free (m_pUndoDecor);
m_pUndoDecor = nullptr;
// Copie le décor dans le buffer pour le undo.
CDecor::UndoCopy ()
UndoOpen (); // ouvre le buffer du undo si nécessaire
if (m_pUndoDecor != nullptr)
memcpy (
m_pUndoDecor, &m_decor, sizeof (Cellule) * (MAXCELX / 2) * (MAXCELY / 2));
// Revient en arrière pour tout le décor.
CDecor::UndoBack ()
if (m_pUndoDecor != nullptr)
memcpy (
&m_decor, m_pUndoDecor, sizeof (Cellule) * (MAXCELX / 2) * (MAXCELY / 2));
UndoClose ();
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
// Indique s'il est possible d'effectuer un undo.
CDecor::IsUndo ()
return (m_pUndoDecor != nullptr);
CDecor::InvalidateGrounds ()
m_bGroundRedraw = true;