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* This file is part of the planetblupi source code
* Copyright (C) 1997, Daniel Roux & EPSITEC SA
* Copyright (C) 2017, Mathieu Schroeter
* http://epsitec.ch; http://www.blupi.org; http://github.com/blupi-games
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
#pragma once
#include "def.h"
#include "pixmap.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#define MAXENERGY 4000
#define MAXFIRE 400
// clang-format off
#define ICON_HILI_STAT 112
#define ICON_HILI_SEL 113
#define ICON_HILI_ANY 114
#define ICON_HILI_OP 115
#define ICON_HILI_GO 117
#define ICON_HILI_BUILD 118
#define ICON_HILI_ERR 119
// clang-format on
// Descripteur d'une cellule du décor.
typedef struct {
Sint16 floorChannel;
Sint16 floorIcon;
Sint16 objectChannel;
Sint16 objectIcon;
Sint16 fog; // brouillard
Sint16 rankMove; // rang dans m_move
Sint16 workBlupi; // rang du blupi travaillant ici
Sint16 fire;
} Cellule;
// Cette structure doit être la plus petite possible, car
// il en existe un tableau de 100x100 = 10'000 cellules !
// Descripteur d'un blupi animé.
#define MAXBLUPI 100
#define MAXUSED 50
#define MAXLIST 10
typedef struct {
Sint32 bExist; // true -> utilisé
Sint32 bHili; // true -> sélectionné
Sint16 perso; // personnage, voir (*)
Sint16 goalAction; // action (Sint32 terme)
Sint16 goalPhase; // phase (Sint32 terme)
Point goalCel; // cellule visée (Sint32 terme)
Point passCel; // cellule tranversante
Sint16 energy; // énergie restante
Point cel; // cellule actuelle
Point destCel; // cellule destination
Sint16 action; // action en cours
Sint16 aDirect; // direction actuelle
Sint16 sDirect; // direction souhaitée
Point pos; // position relative à partir de la cellule
Sint16 posZ; // déplacement z
Sint16 channel;
Sint16 lastIcon;
Sint16 icon;
Sint16 phase; // phase dans l'action
Sint16 step; // pas global
Sint16 interrupt; // 0=prioritaire, 1=normal, 2=misc
Sint16 clipLeft;
Sint32 nbUsed; // nb de points déjà visités
char nextRankUsed;
Point posUsed[MAXUSED];
char rankUsed[MAXUSED];
Sint16 takeChannel; // objet transporté
Sint16 takeIcon;
Point fix; // point fixe (cultive, pont)
Sint16 jaugePhase;
Sint16 jaugeMax;
Sint16 stop; // 1 -> devra stopper
Sint16 bArrow; // true -> flèche en dessus de blupi
Sint16 bRepeat; // true -> répète l'action
Sint16 nLoop; // nb de boucles pour GOAL_OTHERLOOP
Sint16 cLoop; // boucle en cours
Sint16 vIcon; // icône variable
Point goalHili; // but visé
Sint16 bMalade; // true -> blupi malade
Sint16 bCache; // true -> caché (pas dessiné)
Sint16 vehicule; // véhicule utilisé par blupi, voir (**)
char busyCount;
char busyDelay;
char clicCount;
char clicDelay;
char reserve2[2];
Sint16 listButton[MAXLIST];
Point listCel[MAXLIST];
Sint16 listParam[MAXLIST];
Sint16 repeatLevelHope;
Sint16 repeatLevel;
Sint16 reserve3[88];
} Blupi;
// (*) Personnages :
// 0 -> blupi
// 1 -> araignée
// 2 -> virus
// 3 -> tracks
// 4 -> robot
// 5 -> bombe
// 6 -> détonnateur de mine (invisible)
// 7 -> électro
// 8 -> disciple (robot2)
// (**) Véhicule :
// 0 -> à pied
// 1 -> en bateau
// 2 -> en jeep
// 3 -> armure
// Descripteur d'un décor animé.
#define MAXMOVE 100
#define MOVEICONNB 1000
typedef struct {
Sint32 bExist; // true -> utilisé
Point cel; // cellule du décor
Sint16 rankBlupi; // blupi travaillant ici
Sint32 bFloor; // true -> floor, false -> object
Sint16 channel;
Sint16 icon;
Sint16 maskChannel;
Sint16 maskIcon;
Sint16 phase; // phase pour pMoves ou pIcon
Sint16 rankMoves; // *nb,dx,dy,...
Sint16 rankIcons; // *nb,i,i,...
Sint16 total; // nb total d'étapes
Sint16 delai; // délai entre deux pas
Sint16 stepY; // pas vertical *100
Sint16 cTotal;
Sint16 cDelai;
} Move;
class CDecor
CDecor ();
~CDecor ();
// Arrange.cpp
void ArrangeFloor (Point cel);
void ArrangeMur (Point cel, Sint32 & icon, Sint32 index);
void ArrangeBuild (Point cel, Sint32 & channel, Sint32 & icon);
void ArrangeObject (Point cel);
bool ArrangeFillTestFloor (Point cel1, Point cel2);
bool ArrangeFillTest (Point pos);
void ArrangeFillPut (Point pos, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon);
void ArrangeFillSearch (Point pos);
void ArrangeFill (Point pos, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon, bool bFloor);
void ArrangeBlupi ();
// Obstacle.cpp
void SearchFloor (Sint32 rank, Sint32 icon, Point cel, Sint32 * pBits);
void SearchObject (Sint32 rank, Sint32 icon, Point cel, Sint32 * pBits);
void AjustFloor (Sint32 rank, Sint32 icon, Point cel, Sint32 * pBits);
void AjustObject (Sint32 rank, Sint32 icon, Point cel, Sint32 * pBits);
bool IsFreeDirect (Point cel, Sint32 direct, Sint32 rank);
bool IsFreeCelObstacle (Point cel);
bool IsFreeCelFloor (Point cel, Sint32 rank);
bool IsFreeCelGo (Point cel, Sint32 rank);
bool IsFreeCelHili (Point cel, Sint32 rank);
bool IsFreeCel (Point cel, Sint32 rank);
bool IsFreeCelDepose (Point cel, Sint32 rank);
IsFreeCelEmbarque (Point cel, Sint32 rank, Sint32 & action, Point & limit);
IsFreeCelDebarque (Point cel, Sint32 rank, Sint32 & action, Point & limit);
bool IsFreeJump (Point cel, Sint32 direct, Sint32 rank, Sint32 & action);
bool IsFreeGlisse (Point cel, Sint32 direct, Sint32 rank, Sint32 & action);
Sint32 DirectSearch (Point cel, Point goal);
void FlushUsed (Sint32 rank);
void AddUsedPos (Sint32 rank, Point pos);
bool IsUsedPos (Sint32 rank, Point pos);
bool SearchBestBase (
Sint32 rank, Sint32 & action, Point & newCel, Sint32 & direct);
bool SearchBestPass (Sint32 rank, Sint32 & action);
bool IsWorkableObject (Point cel, Sint32 rank);
bool SearchOtherObject (
Sint32 rank, Point initCel, Sint32 action, Sint32 distMax, Sint32 channel,
Sint32 firstIcon1, Sint32 lastIcon1, Sint32 firstIcon2, Sint32 lastIcon2,
Point & foundCel, Sint32 & foundIcon);
bool SearchOtherDrapeau (
Sint32 rank, Point initCel, Sint32 distMax, Point & foundCel,
Sint32 & foundIcon);
bool SearchOtherBateau (
Sint32 rank, Point initCel, Sint32 distMax, Point & foundCel,
Sint32 & foundIcon);
bool IsSpiderObject (Sint32 icon);
bool SearchSpiderObject (
Sint32 rank, Point initCel, Sint32 distMax, Point & foundCel,
Sint32 & foundIcon);
bool IsTracksObject (Sint32 icon);
bool SearchTracksObject (
Sint32 rank, Point initCel, Sint32 distMax, Point & foundCel,
Sint32 & foundIcon);
bool IsRobotObject (Sint32 icon);
bool SearchRobotObject (
Sint32 rank, Point initCel, Sint32 distMax, Point & foundCel,
Sint32 & foundIcon, Sint32 & foundAction);
bool IsBombeObject (Sint32 icon);
bool SearchBombeObject (
Sint32 rank, Point initCel, Sint32 distMax, Point & foundCel,
Sint32 & foundIcon);
bool SearchElectroObject (
Sint32 rank, Point initCel, Sint32 distMax, Point & foundCel,
Sint32 & foundIcon);
bool IsUsineBuild (Sint32 rank, Point cel);
bool IsUsineFree (Sint32 rank, Point cel);
bool IsFireCel (Point cel);
bool IsVirusCel (Point cel);
Errors IsBuildPont (Point & cel, Sint32 & iconBuild);
bool IsBuildBateau (Point cel, Sint32 & direct);
void InitDrapeau ();
void AddDrapeau (Point cel);
void SubDrapeau (Point cel);
bool TestDrapeau (Point cel);
// DecBlupi.cpp
void BlupiFlush ();
Sint32 BlupiCreate (
Point cel, Sint32 action, Sint32 direct, Sint32 perso, Sint32 energy);
bool BlupiDelete (Point cel, Sint32 perso = -1);
void BlupiDelete (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiKill (Sint32 exRank, Point cel, Sint32 type);
bool BlupiIfExist (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiCheat (Sint32 cheat);
void BlupiActualise (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiAdaptIcon (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiPushFog (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiSound (Sint32 rank, Sounds sound, Point pos, bool bStop = false);
void BlupiInitAction (Sint32 rank, Sint32 action, Sint32 direct = -1);
void BlupiChangeAction (Sint32 rank, Sint32 action, Sint32 direct = -1);
void ListFlush (Sint32 rank);
Sint32 ListGetParam (Sint32 rank, Buttons button, Point cel);
bool ListPut (Sint32 rank, Buttons button, Point cel, Point cMem);
void ListRemove (Sint32 rank);
Sint32 ListSearch (
Sint32 rank, Buttons button, Point cel, const char *& textForButton);
bool RepeatAdjust (
Sint32 rank, Sint32 button, Point & cel, Point & cMem, Sint32 param,
Sint32 list);
void GoalStart (Sint32 rank, Sint32 action, Point cel);
bool GoalNextPhase (Sint32 rank);
void SetTotalTime (Sint32 total);
Sint32 GetTotalTime ();
void GoalInitJauge (Sint32 rank);
void GoalInitPassCel (Sint32 rank);
void GoalAdjustCel (Sint32 rank, Sint32 & x, Sint32 & y);
bool GoalNextOp (Sint32 rank, Sint16 * pTable);
void GoalUnwork (Sint32 rank);
void GoalStop (Sint32 rank, bool bError = false, bool bSound = true);
bool BlupiIsGoalUsed (Point cel);
void BlupiStartStopRayon (Sint32 rank, Point startCel, Point endCel);
bool BlupiRotate (Sint32 rank);
bool BlupiNextAction (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiNextGoal (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiStep (bool bFirst);
void BlupiGetRect (Sint32 rank, Rect & rect);
Sint32 GetTargetBlupi (Point pos);
void BlupiDeselect ();
void BlupiDeselect (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiSetArrow (Sint32 rank, bool bArrow);
void InitOutlineRect ();
void BlupiHiliDown (Point pos, bool bAdd = false);
void BlupiHiliMove (Point pos);
void BlupiHiliUp (Point pos);
void BlupiDrawHili ();
Buttons GetDefButton (Point cel);
bool BlupiGoal (Sint32 rank, Buttons button, Point cel, Point cMem);
void BlupiGoal (Point cel, Buttons button);
void BlupiDestCel (Sint32 rank);
bool IsTracksHere (Point cel, bool bSkipInMove);
bool IsBlupiHereEx (Point cel1, Point cel2, Sint32 exRank, bool bSkipInMove);
bool IsBlupiHereEx (Point cel, Sint32 exRank, bool bSkipInMove);
bool IsBlupiHere (Point cel, bool bSkipInMove);
bool IsBlupiHere (Point cel, Sint32 direct, bool bSkipInMove);
void GetLevelJauge (Sint32 * pLevels, Sint32 * pTypes);
bool IsWorkBlupi (Sint32 rank);
void BlupiGetButtons (
Point pos, Sint32 & nb, Buttons * pButtons, Errors * pErrors,
std::unordered_map<Sint32, const char *> & texts, Sint32 & perso);
void TerminatedInit ();
Sint32 IsTerminated ();
Term * GetTerminated ();
// DecMove.cpp
bool CanBurn (Point cel);
void MoveFlush ();
Sint32 MoveMaxFire ();
void MoveFixInit ();
bool MoveCreate (
Point cel, Sint32 rankBlupi, bool bFloor, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon,
Sint32 maskChannel, Sint32 maskIcon, Sint32 total, Sint32 delai,
Sint32 stepY, bool bMisc = false, bool bNotIfExist = false);
bool MoveAddMoves (Point cel, Sint32 rankMoves);
bool MoveAddIcons (Point cel, Sint32 rankIcons, bool bContinue = false);
bool MoveStartFire (Point cel);
void MoveProxiFire (Point cel);
void MoveFire (Sint32 rank);
void MoveStep (bool bFirst);
void MoveFinish (Point cel);
void MoveFinish (Sint32 rankBlupi);
bool MoveIsUsed (Point cel);
bool MoveGetObject (Point cel, Sint32 & channel, Sint32 & icon);
bool MovePutObject (Point cel, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon);
// DecIO.cpp
bool Write (Sint32 rank, bool bUser, Sint32 world, Sint32 time, Sint32 total);
Read (Sint32 rank, bool bUser, Sint32 & world, Sint32 & time, Sint32 & total);
bool FileExist (
Sint32 rank, bool bUser, Sint32 & world, Sint32 & time, Sint32 & total);
void Flush ();
// DecMap.cpp
void MapInitColors ();
Point ConvCelToMap (Point cel);
Point ConvMapToCel (Point pos);
bool MapMove (Point pos);
void MapPutCel (Point pos);
bool GenerateMap ();
// DecStat.cpp
void StatisticInit ();
void StatisticUpdate ();
Sint32 StatisticGetBlupi ();
Sint32 StatisticGetFire ();
void StatisticDraw ();
void GenerateStatictic ();
bool StatisticDown (Point pos);
bool StatisticMove (Point pos);
bool StatisticUp (Point pos);
Sint32 StatisticDetect (Point pos);
// Chemin.cpp
void CheminMemPos (Sint32 exRank);
bool CheminTestPos (Point pos, Sint32 & rank);
Sint32 CheminARebours (Sint32 rank);
void CheminFillTerrain (Sint32 rank);
bool CheminTestDirection (
Sint32 rank, Sint32 pos, Sint32 dir, Sint32 & next, Sint32 & ampli,
Sint32 & cout, Sint32 & action);
bool CheminCherche (Sint32 rank, Sint32 & action);
bool IsCheminFree (Sint32 rank, Point dest, Sint32 button);
// Decor.cpp
void FixShifting (Sint32 & nbx, Sint32 & nby, Point & iCel, Point & iPos);
void SetShiftOffset (Point offset);
Point ConvCelToPos (Point cel);
Point ConvPosToCel (Point pos, bool bMap = false);
Point ConvPosToCel2 (Point pos);
void Create (CSound * pSound, CPixmap * pPixmap);
void Init (Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon);
void InitAfterBuild ();
void ResetHili ();
bool LoadImages ();
void ClearFog ();
void ClearFire ();
void SetBuild (bool bBuild);
void EnableFog (bool bEnable);
bool GetInvincible ();
void SetInvincible (bool bInvincible);
bool GetSuper ();
void SetSuper (bool bSuper);
void FlipOutline ();
bool PutFloor (Point cel, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon);
bool PutObject (Point cel, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon);
bool GetFloor (Point cel, Sint32 & channel, Sint32 & icon);
bool GetObject (Point cel, Sint32 & channel, Sint32 & icon);
bool SetFire (Point cel, bool bFire);
void SetCorner (Point corner, bool bCenter = false);
Point GetCorner ();
Point GetHome ();
void MemoPos (Sint32 rank, bool bRecord);
void SetTime (Sint32 time);
Sint32 GetTime ();
void SetMusic (Sint32 music);
Sint32 GetMusic ();
void SetSkill (Sint32 skill);
Sint32 GetSkill ();
void SetRegion (Sint32 region);
Sint32 GetRegion ();
void SetInfoMode (bool bInfo);
bool GetInfoMode ();
void SetInfoHeight (Sint32 height);
Sint32 GetInfoHeight ();
char * GetButtonExist ();
void BuildPutBlupi ();
void BuildMoveFloor (Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Point pos, Sint32 rank);
void BuildMoveObject (Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Point pos, Sint32 rank);
void BuildGround (Rect clip);
void Build (Rect clip, Point posMouse);
void NextPhase (Sint32 mode);
Sint32 CountFloor (Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon);
Errors CelOkForAction (
Point cel, Sint32 action, Sint32 rank, Sint32 icons[4][4],
Point & celOutline1, Point & celOutline2);
Errors CelOkForAction (Point cel, Sint32 action, Sint32 rank);
Sint32 GetHiliRankBlupi (Sint32 nb);
void CelHili (Point pos, Sint32 action);
void CelHiliButton (Point cel, Sint32 button);
void CelHiliRepeat (Sint32 list);
const char * GetResHili (Point posMouse);
void HideTooltips (bool bHide);
void UndoOpen ();
void UndoClose ();
void UndoCopy ();
void UndoBack ();
bool IsUndo ();
bool GetSeeBits (Point cel, char * pBits, Sint32 index);
Sint32 GetSeeIcon (char * pBits, Sint32 index);
CSound * m_pSound;
CPixmap * m_pPixmap;
Cellule * m_pUndoDecor;
Cellule m_decor[MAXCELX / 2][MAXCELY / 2];
Sint16 m_rankBlupi[MAXCELX][MAXCELY];
Blupi m_blupi[MAXBLUPI];
Move m_move[MAXMOVE];
Point m_celCorner; // cellule sup/gauche
Point m_celHome; // pour touche Home
Point m_celHili;
Point m_celOutline1;
Point m_celOutline2;
Point m_shiftOffset;
Sint32 m_iconHili[4][4];
Sint32 m_rankHili; // rang du blupi visé
bool m_bHiliRect;
Point m_p1Hili; // coins rectangle de sélection
Point m_p2Hili;
Sint32 m_shiftHili;
Sint32 m_nbBlupiHili; // nb de blupi sélectionnés
Sint32 m_rankBlupiHili; // rang blupi sélectionné
bool m_bFog; // true -> brouillard (jeu)
bool m_bBuild; // true -> construction
bool m_bInvincible; // true -> cheat code
bool m_bSuper; // true -> cheat code
Uint32 m_colors[100];
Sint32 m_time; // temps relatif global
Sint32 m_timeConst; // temps relatif global constant
Sint32 m_timeFlipOutline; // temps quand basculer mode outline
Sint32 m_totalTime; // temps total passé sur une partie
Sint32 m_phase; // phase pour la carte
Point m_celArrow; // cellule avec flèche
bool m_bOutline;
bool m_bGroundRedraw;
char m_buttonExist[MAXBUTTON];
Sint32 m_statNb; // nb de statistiques
Sint32 m_statFirst; // première statistique visible
Sint32 m_bStatUp; // flèche up statistique
Sint32 m_bStatDown; // flèche down statistique
Sint32 m_statHili; // statistique survolée
bool m_bStatRecalc; // true -> recalcule les statistiques
Sint32 m_nbStatHach; // nb de hachures
Sint32 m_nbStatHachBlupi; // hachures occupées par blupi
Sint32 m_nbStatHachPlanche; // hachures occupées par planches
Sint32 m_nbStatHachTomate; // hachures occupées par tomates
Sint32 m_nbStatHachMetal; // hachures occupées par métal
Sint32 m_nbStatHachRobot; // hachures occupées par robot
Sint32 m_nbStatHome; // nb de maisons
Sint32 m_nbStatHomeBlupi; // maisons occupées par blupi
Sint32 m_nbStatRobots; // nb d'ennemis
Term m_term; // conditions pour gagner
Sint32 m_winCount; // compteur avant gagné
Sint32 m_winLastHachBlupi; // dernier nombre atteint
Sint32 m_winLastHachPlanche; // dernier nombre atteint
Sint32 m_winLastHachTomate; // dernier nombre atteint
Sint32 m_winLastHachMetal; // dernier nombre atteint
Sint32 m_winLastHachRobot; // dernier nombre atteint
Sint32 m_winLastHome; // dernier nombre atteint
Sint32 m_winLastHomeBlupi; // dernier nombre atteint
Sint32 m_winLastRobots; // dernier nombre atteint
Sint32 m_music; // numéro musique
Sint32 m_region; // numéro région (*)
Sint32 m_lastRegion; // numéro dernière région
Sint32 m_blupiHere;
Point m_lastDrapeau[MAXLASTDRAPEAU];
bool m_bHideTooltips; // true -> menu présent
char m_text[50];
Point m_textLastPos;
Sint32 m_textCount;
Sint32 m_skill;
bool m_bInfo;
Sint32 m_infoHeight;
Point m_memoPos[4];
Uint8 m_cheminWork[MAXCELX * MAXCELY];
Sint32 m_cheminNbPos;
Point m_cheminPos[MAXBLUPI * 2];
Sint32 m_cheminRank[MAXBLUPI * 2];
bool m_bFillFloor;
Sint32 m_fillSearchChannel;
Sint32 m_fillSearchIcon;
Sint32 m_fillPutChannel;
Sint32 m_fillPutIcon;
char * m_pFillMap;
SDL_Surface * m_SurfaceMap;
// (*) Régions :
// 0 -> normal
// 1 -> palmier
// 2 -> hiver
// 3 -> sapin
Point GetCel (Sint32 x, Sint32 y);
Point GetCel (Point cel, Sint32 x, Sint32 y);
bool IsValid (Point cel);
Point GetVector (Sint32 direct);
extern Sint32 table_multi_goal[];
extern const Sint16 table_actions[];