mirror of https://github.com/blupi-games/planetblupi synced 2024-12-30 10:15:36 +01:00
Mathieu Schroeter 01c8b5a042 Cosmetic: change coding style with
astyle src/*.{cpp,h} -s4 -Y -m0 -p -xg -xd -H -k3 -W3 -y -xb -xj -O -c -xy -xC80 -U
2017-02-12 13:14:22 +01:00

231 lines
6.1 KiB

// Event.h
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "blupi.h"
#include "jauge.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "button.h"
class CMovie;
typedef struct
Uint32 message;
Sint32 type;
Sint32 iconMenu[20];
Sint32 x, y;
const char *toolTips[16];
typedef struct
Uint32 phase;
char backName[20];
Sint32 bCDrom;
Button buttons[MAXBUTTON];
typedef struct
Sint16 majRev;
Sint16 minRev;
Sint16 bSchool;
Sint16 bPrivate;
Sint16 world;
Sint16 skill;
Sint16 reserve1[99];
typedef struct
Sint32 time;
Uint32 message;
Uint32 wParam; // WPARAM
Uint32 lParam; // LPARAM
class CEvent
POINT GetMousePos();
void Create (CPixmap *pPixmap, CDecor *pDecor, CSound *pSound,
CMovie *pMovie);
void SetFullScreen (bool bFullScreen);
void SetMouseType (Sint32 mouseType);
Sint32 GetWorld();
Sint32 GetPhysicalWorld();
Sint32 GetImageWorld();
bool IsHelpHide();
bool ChangePhase (Uint32 phase);
void MovieToStart();
Uint32 GetPhase();
void TryInsert();
void RestoreGame();
Sint32 GetButtonIndex (Sint32 button);
Sint32 GetState (Sint32 button);
void SetState (Sint32 button, Sint32 state);
bool GetEnable (Sint32 button);
void SetEnable (Sint32 button, bool bEnable);
bool GetHide (Sint32 button);
void SetHide (Sint32 button, bool bHide);
Sint32 GetMenu (Sint32 button);
void SetMenu (Sint32 button, Sint32 menu);
bool DrawButtons();
MouseSprites MousePosToSprite (POINT pos);
void MouseSprite (POINT pos);
void WaitMouse (bool bWait);
void HideMouse (bool bHide);
POINT GetLastMousePos();
bool TreatEvent (const SDL_Event &event);
bool TreatEventBase (const SDL_Event &event);
void DecorAutoShift (POINT pos);
bool StartMovie (const char *pFilename);
void StopMovie();
bool IsMovie();
void Read (Sint32 message);
void Write (Sint32 message);
void SetSpeed (Sint32 speed);
Sint32 GetSpeed();
bool GetPause();
bool IsShift();
void DemoStep();
void IntroStep();
static void PushUserEvent (Sint32 code);
void DrawTextCenter (const char *text, Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Sint32 font = 0);
bool CreateButtons();
bool EventButtons (const SDL_Event &event, POINT pos);
bool MouseOnButton (POINT pos);
Sint32 SearchPhase (Uint32 phase);
void DecorShift (Sint32 dx, Sint32 dy);
bool PlayDown (POINT pos, const SDL_Event &event);
bool PlayMove (POINT pos, Uint16 mod);
bool PlayUp (POINT pos, Uint16 mod);
void ChangeButtons (Sint32 message);
void BuildFloor (POINT cel, Sint32 insIcon);
void BuildWater (POINT cel, Sint32 insIcon);
bool BuildDown (POINT pos, Uint16 mod, bool bMix = true);
bool BuildMove (POINT pos, Uint16 mod, const SDL_Event &event);
bool BuildUp (POINT pos);
void PrivateLibelle();
bool ReadLibelle (Sint32 world, bool bSchool, bool bHelp);
bool WriteInfo();
bool ReadInfo();
void DemoRecStart();
void DemoRecStop();
bool DemoPlayStart();
void DemoPlayStop();
static void WinToSDLEvent (Uint32 msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam,
SDL_Event &event);
void DemoRecEvent (Uint32 message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Sint32 m_speed;
Sint32 m_exercice;
Sint32 m_mission;
Sint32 m_private;
Sint32 m_maxMission;
Uint32 m_phase;
Sint32 m_index;
bool m_bSchool;
bool m_bPrivate;
bool m_bAccessBuild;
bool m_bFullScreen;
Sint32 m_mouseType;
CPixmap *m_pPixmap;
CDecor *m_pDecor;
CSound *m_pSound;
CMovie *m_pMovie;
char m_movieToStart[MAX_PATH];
Sint32 m_phaseAfterMovie;
CButton m_buttons[MAXBUTTON];
Sint32 m_lastFloor[MAXBUTTON];
Sint32 m_lastObject[MAXBUTTON];
Sint32 m_lastHome[MAXBUTTON];
bool m_bRunMovie;
bool m_bBuildModify;
CJauge m_jauges[2];
CMenu m_menu;
bool m_bMenu;
POINT m_menuPos;
Sint32 m_menuNb;
Sint32 m_menuButtons[MAXBUTTON];
Sint32 m_menuErrors[MAXBUTTON];
std::unordered_map<Sint32, const char *> m_menuTexts;
Sint32 m_menuPerso;
POINT m_menuCel;
POINT m_oldMousePos;
bool m_bMouseDown;
bool m_bHili;
Sint32 m_fileWorld[10];
Sint32 m_fileTime[10];
POINT m_posToolTips;
char m_textToolTips[50];
MouseSprites m_mouseSprite;
bool m_bFillMouse;
bool m_bWaitMouse;
bool m_bHideMouse;
Sint32 m_rankCheat;
Sint32 m_posCheat;
bool m_bMovie;
bool m_bSpeed;
bool m_bHelp;
bool m_bAllMissions;
bool m_bChangeCheat;
Sint32 m_scrollSpeed;
bool m_bPause;
bool m_bShift;
Sint32 m_shiftPhase;
POINT m_shiftVector;
POINT m_shiftOffset;
char m_libelle[1000];
Sint32 m_tryPhase;
Sint32 m_tryInsertCount;
POINT m_posInfoButton;
POINT m_posHelpButton;
bool m_bHiliInfoButton;
bool m_bHiliHelpButton;
bool m_bInfoHelp;
bool m_bDemoRec;
bool m_bDemoPlay;
DemoEvent *m_pDemoBuffer;
Sint32 m_demoTime;
size_t m_demoIndex;
size_t m_demoEnd;
Sint32 m_demoNumber;
Uint16 m_keymod;
POINT m_debugPos;
Sint32 m_introTime;