mirror of https://github.com/blupi-games/planetblupi synced 2024-12-30 10:15:36 +01:00
Mathieu Schroeter c08b750804 Fix regression where the fire was no longer propagated
It's better to keep the map as it without changing this behaviour. It's
just protected with the map editor; then everything is now working

It fixes issue https://github.com/blupi-games/planetblupi/issues/54
2018-03-14 17:57:53 +01:00

3497 lines
84 KiB

* This file is part of the planetblupi source code
* Copyright (C) 1997, Daniel Roux & EPSITEC SA
* Copyright (C) 2017, Mathieu Schroeter
* http://epsitec.ch; http://www.blupi.org; http://github.com/blupi-games
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "action.h"
#include "decmove.h"
#include "decor.h"
#include "def.h"
#include "fifo.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "pixmap.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "text.h"
#define TEXTDELAY 10 // délai avant apparition tooltips
GetCel (Sint32 x, Sint32 y)
Point cel;
cel.x = x;
cel.y = y;
return cel;
GetCel (Point cel, Sint32 x, Sint32 y)
cel.x += x;
cel.y += y;
return cel;
// Indique si une coordonnée de cellule est valide.
// On ne peut pas aller dans la dernière cellule tout au
// bord (-2) pour permettre de gérer le brouillard proprement
// jusque dans les bords !
IsValid (Point cel)
if (cel.x < 2 || cel.x >= MAXCELX - 2 || cel.y < 2 || cel.y >= MAXCELX - 2)
return false;
return true;
// Retourne un vecteur orienté dans une direction donnée.
GetVector (Sint32 direct)
Point vector;
vector.x = 0;
vector.y = 0;
switch (direct)
case DIRECT_E:
vector.x = +1;
vector.x = +1;
vector.y = +1;
case DIRECT_S:
vector.y = +1;
vector.x = -1;
vector.y = +1;
case DIRECT_W:
vector.x = -1;
vector.x = -1;
vector.y = -1;
case DIRECT_N:
vector.y = -1;
vector.x = +1;
vector.y = -1;
return vector;
// Constructeur.
CDecor::CDecor ()
m_pSound = nullptr;
m_pUndoDecor = nullptr;
m_celCorner.x = 90;
m_celCorner.y = 98;
m_celHili.x = -1;
m_celOutline1.x = -1;
m_celOutline2.x = -1;
m_bHiliRect = false; // pas de rectangle de sélection
m_shiftHili = 0;
m_shiftOffset.x = 0;
m_shiftOffset.y = 0;
m_nbBlupiHili = 0;
m_rankBlupiHili = -1;
m_rankHili = -1;
m_bFog = false;
m_bBuild = false;
m_bInvincible = false;
m_bSuper = false;
m_bHideTooltips = false;
m_bInfo = false;
m_infoHeight = 100;
m_phase = 0;
m_totalTime = 0;
m_region = 0;
m_lastRegion = 999;
m_skill = 0;
m_SurfaceMap = nullptr;
Init (CHFLOOR, 0);
BlupiFlush ();
MoveFlush ();
InitDrapeau ();
// Destructeur.
CDecor::~CDecor ()
if (m_SurfaceMap)
SDL_FreeSurface (m_SurfaceMap);
UndoClose (); // libère le buffer du undo
// Initialisation générale.
CDecor::Create (CSound * pSound, CPixmap * pPixmap)
m_pSound = pSound;
m_pPixmap = pPixmap;
m_bOutline = false;
// Initialise le décor avec un sol plat partout.
CDecor::Init (Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon)
Sint32 x, y;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++)
m_decor[x][y].floorChannel = channel;
m_decor[x][y].floorIcon = icon;
m_decor[x][y].objectChannel = -1;
m_decor[x][y].objectIcon = -1;
m_decor[x][y].fog = FOGHIDE; // caché
m_decor[x][y].rankMove = -1;
m_decor[x][y].workBlupi = -1;
m_decor[x][y].fire = 0;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY; y++)
m_rankBlupi[x][y] = -1;
m_bOutline = false;
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
// Initialise le décor après une modification.
CDecor::InitAfterBuild ()
ClearFog (); // met tout sous le brouillard
ClearFire ();
MoveFixInit ();
InitDrapeau ();
BlupiDeselect ();
// Initialise les mises en évidence, avant de jouer.
CDecor::ResetHili ()
m_bHiliRect = false; // plus de rectangle
InitOutlineRect ();
// Charge les images nécessaires au décor.
CDecor::LoadImages ()
Point totalDim, iconDim;
char filename[50];
if (m_region == m_lastRegion)
return true;
m_lastRegion = m_region;
totalDim.x = DIMCELX * 2 * 16;
totalDim.y = DIMCELY * 2 * 6;
iconDim.x = DIMCELX * 2;
iconDim.y = DIMCELY * 2;
snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "image/floor%.3d.png", m_region);
if (!m_pPixmap->Cache (CHFLOOR, filename, totalDim, iconDim))
return false;
totalDim.x = DIMOBJX * 16;
totalDim.y = DIMOBJY * 8;
iconDim.x = DIMOBJX;
iconDim.y = DIMOBJY;
snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "image/obj%.3d.png", m_region);
if (!m_pPixmap->Cache (CHOBJECT, filename, totalDim, iconDim))
return false;
snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "image/obj-o%.3d.png", m_region);
if (!m_pPixmap->Cache (CHOBJECTo, filename, totalDim, iconDim))
return false;
MapInitColors (); // init les couleurs pour la carte
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
return true;
// Met partout du brouillard, sauf aux endroits des blupi.
CDecor::ClearFog ()
Sint32 x, y, rank;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++)
m_decor[x][y].fog = FOGHIDE; // caché
for (rank = 0; rank < MAXBLUPI; rank++)
if (m_blupi[rank].bExist)
BlupiPushFog (rank);
m_bOutline = false;
// Permet de nouveau aux cellules brulées de bruler.
CDecor::ClearFire ()
Sint32 x, y;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++)
if (m_decor[x][y].fire >= MoveMaxFire ()) // déjà brulé ?
m_decor[x][y].fire = 0; // pourra de nouveau bruler
if (m_decor[x][y].fire > 1) // en train de bruler ?
m_decor[x][y].fire = 1; // début du feu
// Indique le mode jeu/construction.
CDecor::SetBuild (bool bBuild)
m_bBuild = bBuild;
// Indique s'il faut tenir compte du brouillard.
CDecor::EnableFog (bool bEnable)
m_bFog = bEnable;
m_bOutline = false;
// Gestion du mode invincible.
CDecor::GetInvincible ()
return m_bInvincible;
CDecor::SetInvincible (bool bInvincible)
m_bInvincible = bInvincible;
// Gestion du mode costaud (superblupi).
CDecor::GetSuper ()
return m_bSuper;
CDecor::SetSuper (bool bSuper)
m_bSuper = bSuper;
// Bascule le mode outline.
CDecor::FlipOutline ()
m_bOutline = !m_bOutline;
m_timeFlipOutline = m_timeConst + 50;
// Initialise un sol dans une cellule.
CDecor::PutFloor (Point cel, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorChannel = channel;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorIcon = icon;
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
//? SubDrapeau(cel); // on pourra de nouveau planter un drapeau
return true;
// Initialise un objet dans une cellule.
CDecor::PutObject (Point cel, Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
if (icon == -1)
channel = -1;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectChannel = channel;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon = icon;
SubDrapeau (cel); // on pourra de nouveau planter un drapeau
return true;
// Retourne un sol dans une cellule.
CDecor::GetFloor (Point cel, Sint32 & channel, Sint32 & icon)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
channel = m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorChannel;
icon = m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorIcon;
return true;
// Retourne une objet dans une cellule.
CDecor::GetObject (Point cel, Sint32 & channel, Sint32 & icon)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
channel = m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectChannel;
icon = m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon;
return true;
// Modifie le feu pour une cellule.
CDecor::SetFire (Point cel, bool bFire)
if (cel.x < 0 || cel.x >= MAXCELX || cel.y < 0 || cel.y >= MAXCELY)
return false;
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].fire = bFire ? 1 : 0;
return true;
CDecor::FixShifting (Sint32 & nbx, Sint32 & nby, Point & iCel, Point & iPos)
if (m_shiftOffset.x < 0) // décalage à droite ?
nbx += 2;
if (m_shiftOffset.y < 0) // décalage en bas ?
nby += 3;
if (m_shiftOffset.x > 0) // décalage à gauche ?
nbx += 2;
iPos = ConvCelToPos (iCel);
if (m_shiftOffset.y > 0) // décalage en haut ?
nby += 2;
iPos = ConvCelToPos (iCel);
// Modifie l'offset pour le shift.
CDecor::SetShiftOffset (Point offset)
m_shiftOffset = offset;
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
// Convertit la position d'une cellule en coordonnée graphique.
CDecor::ConvCelToPos (Point cel)
Point pos;
pos.x = ((cel.x - m_celCorner.x) - (cel.y - m_celCorner.y)) * (DIMCELX / 2);
pos.y = ((cel.x - m_celCorner.x) + (cel.y - m_celCorner.y)) * (DIMCELY / 2);
pos.x += POSDRAWX + m_shiftOffset.x;
pos.y += POSDRAWY + m_shiftOffset.y;
return pos;
// Convertit une coordonnée graphique en cellule.
CDecor::ConvPosToCel (Point pos, bool bMap)
Point cel;
if (
bMap && pos.x >= POSMAPX && pos.x < POSMAPX + DIMMAPX && pos.y >= POSMAPY &&
pos.x -= POSMAPX;
pos.y -= POSMAPY;
return ConvMapToCel (pos);
pos.x -= POSDRAWX + DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y -= POSDRAWY;
cel.x = (pos.y * DIMCELX + pos.x * DIMCELY) / (DIMCELX * DIMCELY);
// cel.y = (pos.y*DIMCELX - pos.x*DIMCELY) / (DIMCELX*DIMCELY);
cel.y = (pos.y * DIMCELX - pos.x * DIMCELY);
if (cel.y < 0)
cel.y -= (DIMCELX * DIMCELY);
cel.y /= (DIMCELX * DIMCELY);
cel.x += m_celCorner.x;
cel.y += m_celCorner.y;
return cel;
// Convertit une coordonnée graphique en grande cellule (2x2).
CDecor::ConvPosToCel2 (Point pos)
Point cel;
pos.x -= POSDRAWX + DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y -= POSDRAWY;
if (m_celCorner.x % 2 != 0 && m_celCorner.y % 2 == 0)
pos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
if (m_celCorner.x % 2 == 0 && m_celCorner.y % 2 != 0)
pos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
if (m_celCorner.x % 2 != 0 && m_celCorner.y % 2 != 0)
pos.y += DIMCELY;
cel.x =
(pos.y * DIMCELX * 2 + pos.x * DIMCELY * 2) / (DIMCELX * 2 * DIMCELY * 2);
// cel.y = (pos.y*DIMCELX*2 - pos.x*DIMCELY*2) / (DIMCELX*2*DIMCELY*2);
cel.y = (pos.y * DIMCELX * 2 - pos.x * DIMCELY * 2);
if (cel.y < 0)
cel.y -= (DIMCELX * 2 * DIMCELY * 2);
cel.y /= (DIMCELX * 2 * DIMCELY * 2);
cel.x = (cel.x * 2 + m_celCorner.x) / 2 * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y * 2 + m_celCorner.y) / 2 * 2;
return cel;
// Attribution des blupi aux différentes cellules.
// Lorsque un blupi a deux positions (courante et destination),
// il faut toujours mettre blupi le plus au fond possible
// (minimiser x et y).
CDecor::BuildPutBlupi ()
Sint32 x, y, dx, dy, xMin, yMin, rank, clipLeft;
Point pos;
for (rank = 0; rank < MAXBLUPI; rank++)
if (
m_blupi[rank].bExist && m_blupi[rank].channel != -1 &&
m_blupi[rank].icon != -1)
xMin = m_blupi[rank].destCel.x;
if (xMin > m_blupi[rank].cel.x)
xMin = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
yMin = m_blupi[rank].destCel.y;
if (yMin > m_blupi[rank].cel.y)
yMin = m_blupi[rank].cel.y;
// Si blupi entre dans une maison, il faut initialiser
// le clipping à gauche.
m_blupi[rank].clipLeft = 0; // pas de clipping
if (
!m_bOutline && xMin > 0 && xMin % 2 == 1 && yMin % 2 == 1 &&
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectChannel == CHOBJECT &&
(m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 28 || // maison ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 101 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 103 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 105 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 116 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 120 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 18 || // usine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 122 || // mine ?
m_decor[xMin / 2][yMin / 2].objectIcon == 113) && // maison ?
m_blupi[rank].posZ > -DIMBLUPIY)
pos = ConvCelToPos (GetCel (xMin, yMin));
clipLeft = pos.x + 34;
if (clipLeft < POSDRAWX)
clipLeft = POSDRAWX;
m_blupi[rank].clipLeft = clipLeft;
x = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
y = m_blupi[rank].cel.y;
dx = m_blupi[rank].destCel.x - x;
dy = m_blupi[rank].destCel.y - y;
if (dx != -dy) // déplacement non horizontal (ne/so) ?
if (dx < 0)
x = m_blupi[rank].destCel.x;
if (dy < 0)
y = m_blupi[rank].destCel.y;
if (dx == -1 && dy == 1) // déplacement "so" ?
x = m_blupi[rank].destCel.x;
y = m_blupi[rank].destCel.y;
if (x % 2 != 0)
if (
IsFreeCelObstacle (GetCel (x, y + 0)) &&
!IsFreeCelObstacle (GetCel (x, y + 1)))
if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 != 0)
if (!IsFreeCelObstacle (GetCel (x + 1, y)))
if (x % 2 != 0 && y % 2 != 0 && dx != 0 && dy == 0)
if (!IsFreeCelObstacle (GetCel (x + 1, y - 1)))
if (m_rankBlupi[x][y] != -1) // déjà occupé ?
if (x == m_blupi[rank].cel.x)
x = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
if (m_rankBlupi[x][y] != -1) // déjà occupé ?
if (y == m_blupi[rank].cel.y)
y = m_blupi[rank].cel.y;
if (m_rankBlupi[x][y] != -1) // déjà occupé ?
/* HACK: It's not right but at least less Blupi are
* lost (invisible). The logic is not very clear, then
* consider the following code as a workaround.
if (x == m_blupi[rank].cel.x)
x -= 2;
x = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
if (m_rankBlupi[x][y] != -1)
continue; // que faire d'autre ?
m_rankBlupi[x][y] = rank;
// Dessine une cellule du décor contenant un sol animé.
CDecor::BuildMoveFloor (Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Point pos, Sint32 rank)
Sint32 icon, nb;
Sint16 * pTable;
if (m_move[rank].rankIcons == 0)
icon = m_move[rank].maskIcon + m_move[rank].cTotal;
m_pPixmap->BuildIconMask (
m_move[rank].maskChannel, icon, m_move[rank].channel, m_move[rank].icon,
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, m_move[rank].channel, 0, pos);
pTable = GetListIcons (m_move[rank].rankIcons);
nb = pTable[0];
icon = pTable[1 + m_move[rank].cTotal % nb];
if (m_move[rank].cel.x % 2 == 1)
pos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
if (m_move[rank].cel.y % 2 == 1)
pos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, m_move[rank].channel, icon, pos);
// Dessine une cellule du décor contenant un objet animé.
CDecor::BuildMoveObject (Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Point pos, Sint32 rank)
Sint32 hBuild, offset, startY, endY;
Sint32 channel, icon, nb;
Sint16 * pTable;
if (m_move[rank].rankMoves != 0)
pTable = GetListMoves (m_move[rank].rankMoves);
offset = m_move[rank].phase;
if (offset < pTable[0])
pos.x += pTable[1 + 2 * offset + 0];
pos.y += pTable[1 + 2 * offset + 1];
m_move[rank].rankMoves = 0;
// Dessine un chiffre par-dessus
if (m_move[rank].icon >= MOVEICONNB && m_move[rank].icon <= MOVEICONNB + 100)
Point textPos;
char string[20];
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel, m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon,
snprintf (string, sizeof (string), "%d", m_move[rank].icon - MOVEICONNB);
textPos.x = pos.x + DIMCELX / 2 + 32;
textPos.y = pos.y + (DIMOBJY - DIMCELY * 2) + 36;
DrawTextCenter (m_pPixmap, textPos, string, FONTLITTLE);
hBuild = (m_move[rank].cTotal * m_move[rank].stepY) / 100;
if (m_move[rank].stepY >= 0)
if (hBuild <= 0)
hBuild = 0;
if (hBuild > DIMOBJY)
hBuild = DIMOBJY;
if (hBuild >= 0)
hBuild = 0;
if (hBuild < -DIMOBJY)
hBuild = -DIMOBJY;
// Dessine l'objet actuellement dans le décor.
if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel >= 0)
if (hBuild >= 0)
startY = 0;
endY = DIMOBJY - hBuild;
startY = -hBuild;
channel = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel;
if (m_bOutline && channel == CHOBJECT)
channel = CHOBJECTo;
m_pPixmap->DrawIconPart (
-1, channel, m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon, pos, startY, endY);
// Dessine le nouvel objet par-dessus.
if (m_move[rank].icon >= 0)
if (hBuild >= 0)
startY = DIMOBJY - hBuild;
startY = 0;
endY = -hBuild;
channel = m_move[rank].channel;
if (m_bOutline && channel == CHOBJECT)
channel = CHOBJECTo;
m_pPixmap->DrawIconPart (
-1, channel, m_move[rank].icon, pos, startY, endY);
// Dessine le feu ou les rayons.
if (m_move[rank].rankIcons != 0)
pTable = GetListIcons (m_move[rank].rankIcons);
nb = pTable[0];
icon = pTable[1 + m_move[rank].cTotal % nb];
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, m_move[rank].channel, icon, pos);
// Déplace l'objet transporté par blupi.
BuildMoveTransport (Sint32 icon, Point & pos)
pos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y -= 96;
// clang-format off
static Sint32 offset_bateau[16 * 2] =
-4, -3, // e
-2, -3,
-1, -3, // se
+1, -3,
+2, -3, // s
+5, -2,
+6, -2, // so
+5, -1,
+1, 0, // o
-1, 0,
-2, 0, // no
-2, 0,
-3, 0, // n
-4, -1,
-5, -1, // ne
-4, -2,
static Sint32 offset_jeep[16 * 2] =
-2, -6, // e
-1, -6,
-1, -6, // se
-1, -6,
+3, -6, // s
+1, -6,
+4, -6, // so
+4, -5,
+4, -5, // o
+2, -5,
+1, -4, // no
+1, -4,
-3, -3, // n
-4, -4,
-3, -4, // ne
-4, -4,
// clang-format on
if (icon >= 0 && icon <= 47)
pos.y -= (icon % 3) * 2;
if (icon == 114) // mange ?
pos.x += 1;
pos.y += 1;
if (icon == 106) // se penche (mèche dynamite) ?
pos.x += 8;
pos.y += 10;
if (icon == 194) // se penche (mèche dynamite) ?
pos.x += 9;
pos.y += 9;
if (icon == 347) // se penche (armure) ?
pos.x += 2;
pos.y += 2;
if (icon >= 234 && icon <= 249) // blupi en bateau ?
pos.x += offset_bateau[(icon - 234) * 2 + 0];
pos.y += offset_bateau[(icon - 234) * 2 + 1];
if (icon >= 250 && icon <= 265) // blupi en jeep ?
pos.x += offset_jeep[(icon - 250) * 2 + 0];
pos.y += offset_jeep[(icon - 250) * 2 + 1];
if (icon == 270)
pos.y += 3; // blupi électrocuté
if (icon == 271)
pos.y -= 2;
if (icon == 272)
pos.y -= 7;
// Construit tous les sols fixes dans CHGROUND.
CDecor::BuildGround (Rect clip)
//? OutputDebug("BuildGround\n");
Sint32 x, y, i, j, nbx, nby, width, height, channel, icon;
Point iCel, mCel, iPos, mPos, cPos, pos;
width = clip.right - clip.left;
height = clip.bottom - clip.top;
pos.x = clip.left;
pos.y = clip.top;
iCel = ConvPosToCel (pos);
mCel = iCel;
if (mCel.x % 2 == 0 && mCel.y % 2 == 0)
iCel.x -= 2;
width += DIMCELX;
height += DIMCELY;
if (mCel.x % 2 != 0 && mCel.y % 2 != 0)
iCel.x -= 3;
iCel.y -= 1;
width += DIMCELX;
height += DIMCELY * 2;
if (mCel.x % 2 == 0 && mCel.y % 2 != 0)
iCel.x -= 2;
iCel.y -= 1;
width += DIMCELX / 2;
height += (DIMCELY / 2) * 3;
if (mCel.x % 2 != 0 && mCel.y % 2 == 0)
iCel.x -= 3;
width += (DIMCELX / 2) * 3;
height += (DIMCELY / 2) * 3;
iPos = ConvCelToPos (iCel);
nbx = (width / DIMCELX) + 2;
nby = (height / (DIMCELY / 2)) + 0;
if (GetInfoHeight () != 0)
nbx += 2;
nby += 2;
this->FixShifting (nbx, nby, iCel, iPos);
// Construit les sols.
mCel = iCel;
mPos = iPos;
for (j = 0; j < nby; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
cPos = mPos;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0)
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y;
if (
x >= 2 && x < MAXCELX - 2 && y >= 2 && y < MAXCELY - 2 &&
m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel >= 0 &&
m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon >= 0)
channel = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel;
icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon;
channel = CHFLOOR;
icon = 78; // losange noir
if (!m_bBuild && icon == 71) // terre à fer ?
icon = 33; // terre normale !
// Dessine l'eau sous les rives et les ponts.
if (
(icon >= 2 && icon <= 13) || // rive ?
(icon >= 59 && icon <= 64)) // pont ?
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (CHGROUND, CHFLOOR, 14, pos); // eau
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (CHGROUND, channel, icon, pos);
cPos.x += DIMCELX;
if (j % 2 == 0)
mPos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
mPos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
m_bGroundRedraw = false;
// Construit le décor dans un pixmap.
CDecor::Build (Rect clip, Point posMouse)
Sint32 x, y, i, j, nbx, nby, width, height, rank, icon, channel, n;
Point iCel, mCel, cel, iPos, mPos, cPos, pos, tPos;
Rect oldClip, clipRect;
static Sint32 table_eau[6] = {70, 68, 14, 69, 14, 68};
static Sint32 table_random_x[10] = {2, 5, 1, 9, 4, 0, 6, 3, 8, 7};
static Sint32 table_random_y[10] = {4, 8, 3, 5, 9, 1, 7, 2, 0, 6};
oldClip = m_pPixmap->GetClipping ();
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clip);
if (m_bGroundRedraw)
BuildGround (clip); // refait les sols fixes
// Dessine tous les sols fixes.
m_pPixmap->DrawImage (-1, CHGROUND, clip);
width = clip.right - clip.left;
height = clip.bottom - clip.top;
pos.x = clip.left;
pos.y = clip.top;
iCel = ConvPosToCel (pos);
mCel = iCel;
if (mCel.x % 2 == 0 && mCel.y % 2 == 0)
iCel.x -= 2;
width += DIMCELX;
height += DIMCELY;
if (mCel.x % 2 != 0 && mCel.y % 2 != 0)
iCel.x -= 3;
iCel.y -= 1;
width += DIMCELX;
height += DIMCELY * 2;
if (mCel.x % 2 == 0 && mCel.y % 2 != 0)
iCel.x -= 2;
iCel.y -= 1;
width += DIMCELX / 2;
height += (DIMCELY / 2) * 3;
if (mCel.x % 2 != 0 && mCel.y % 2 == 0)
iCel.x -= 3;
width += (DIMCELX / 2) * 3;
height += (DIMCELY / 2) * 3;
iPos = ConvCelToPos (iCel);
nbx = (width / DIMCELX) + 2;
nby = (height / (DIMCELY / 2)) + 0;
if (GetInfoHeight () != 0)
nbx += 2;
nby += 2;
this->FixShifting (nbx, nby, iCel, iPos);
// Construit les sols.
mCel = iCel;
mPos = iPos;
for (j = 0; j < nby; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
cPos = mPos;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (x >= 2 && x < MAXCELX - 2 && y >= 2 && y < MAXCELY - 2)
m_rankBlupi[x][y] = -1; // (1), voir BuildPutBlupi
if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0)
icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon;
if (!m_bBuild && icon == 71) // terre à fer ?
icon = 33; // terre normale !
// Dessine l'eau sous les rives et les ponts.
if (
(icon >= 2 && icon <= 14) || // rive ?
(icon >= 59 && icon <= 64)) // pont ?
// Dessine l'eau en mouvement.
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y;
n = table_eau
[(m_timeConst / 2 + // lent !
table_random_x[x % 10] + table_random_y[y % 10]) %
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (CHGROUND, CHFLOOR, n, pos); // eau
if (icon != 14)
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (CHGROUND, CHFLOOR, icon, pos);
rank = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].rankMove;
if (
rank != -1 && // décor animé ?
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y;
BuildMoveFloor (x, y, pos, rank);
if (
m_celHili.x != -1 && x >= m_celHili.x - 1 && x <= m_celHili.x + 2 &&
y >= m_celHili.y - 1 && y <= m_celHili.y + 2)
icon = m_iconHili[x - (m_celHili.x - 1)][y - (m_celHili.y - 1)];
if (icon != -1)
// hilight cellule
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, icon, cPos);
if (m_bHiliRect) // rectangle de sélection existe ?
if (
(m_p1Hili.x == x && m_p1Hili.y == y) ||
(m_p2Hili.x == x && m_p2Hili.y == y))
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, ICON_HILI_SEL, cPos);
cPos.x += DIMCELX;
if (j % 2 == 0)
mPos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
mPos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
for (j = nby; j < nby + 3; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (x >= 2 && x < MAXCELX - 2 && y >= 2 && y < MAXCELY - 2)
m_rankBlupi[x][y] = -1; // (1), voir BuildPutBlupi
if (j % 2 == 0)
BlupiDrawHili (); // dessine le rectangle de sélection
// Construit les objets et les blupi.
BuildPutBlupi (); // m_rankBlupi[x][y] <- rangs des blupi
this->FixShifting (nbx, nby, iCel, iPos);
mCel = iCel;
mPos = iPos;
for (j = 0; j < nby + 3; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
cPos = mPos;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (x >= 2 && x < MAXCELX - 2 && y >= 2 && y < MAXCELY - 2)
rank = m_rankBlupi[x][y];
if (
rank != -1 && // un blupi sur cette cellule ?
cel.x = m_blupi[rank].cel.x;
cel.y = m_blupi[rank].cel.y;
pos = ConvCelToPos (cel);
pos.x += m_blupi[rank].pos.x;
pos.y += m_blupi[rank].pos.y - (DIMBLUPIY - DIMCELY) - SHIFTBLUPIY;
if (m_blupi[rank].bHili)
icon = 120 + (m_blupi[rank].energy * 18) / MAXENERGY;
if (icon < 120)
icon = 120;
if (icon > 137)
icon = 137;
tPos = pos;
tPos.y += DIMCELY;
if (m_blupi[rank].vehicule == 1) // en bateau ?
tPos.y -= 6;
// Dessine la sélection/énergie
if (m_blupi[rank].clipLeft == 0)
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, icon, tPos);
clipRect = clip;
clipRect.left = m_blupi[rank].clipLeft;
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clipRect);
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, icon, tPos);
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clip);
// Dessine la flèche ronde "répète" sous blupi.
if (m_blupi[rank].repeatLevel != -1)
tPos = pos;
tPos.y += DIMCELY;
if (m_blupi[rank].vehicule == 1) // en bateau ?
tPos.y -= 6;
// Dessine la sélection/énergie
if (m_blupi[rank].clipLeft == 0)
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, 116, tPos);
clipRect = clip;
clipRect.left = m_blupi[rank].clipLeft;
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clipRect);
m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, 116, tPos);
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clip);
// Dessine la flèche jaune sur blupi.
if (m_blupi[rank].bArrow)
tPos = pos;
if (m_phase % (6 * 2) < 6)
tPos.y -= DIMBLUPIY + (m_phase % 6) * 4;
tPos.y -= DIMBLUPIY + (6 - (m_phase % 6) - 1) * 4;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBLUPI, 132, tPos);
// Dessine le stop sur blupi.
if (m_blupi[rank].stop == 1)
tPos = pos;
tPos.x += 9;
tPos.y -= 24;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBUTTON, 46, tPos);
// Dessine blupi
pos.y += m_blupi[rank].posZ;
if (m_blupi[rank].clipLeft == 0)
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_blupi[rank].channel, m_blupi[rank].icon, pos);
// Dessine l'objet transporté.
if (m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != -1)
BuildMoveTransport (m_blupi[rank].icon, pos);
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_blupi[rank].takeChannel, m_blupi[rank].takeIcon, pos);
clipRect = clip;
clipRect.left = m_blupi[rank].clipLeft;
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clipRect);
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_blupi[rank].channel, m_blupi[rank].icon, pos);
// Dessine l'objet transporté.
if (m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != -1)
BuildMoveTransport (m_blupi[rank].icon, pos);
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, m_blupi[rank].takeChannel, m_blupi[rank].takeIcon, pos);
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clip);
if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0)
rank = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].rankMove;
if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel >= 0)
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y - (DIMOBJY - DIMCELY * 2);
// Dessine l'objet
if (
rank == -1 || // décor fixe ?
m_move[rank].bFloor || m_bBuild)
channel = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel;
if (m_bOutline && channel == CHOBJECT)
channel = CHOBJECTo;
if (
m_celOutline1.x != -1 && x >= m_celOutline1.x &&
y >= m_celOutline1.y && x <= m_celOutline2.x &&
y <= m_celOutline2.y)
if (channel == CHOBJECT)
channel = CHOBJECTo;
channel = CHOBJECT;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (
-1, channel, m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon, pos);
if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon == 12) // fusée ?
pos.y -= DIMOBJY;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, channel, 13, pos);
else // décor animé ?
BuildMoveObject (x, y, pos, rank);
if (
rank != -1 && // décor animé ?
!m_move[rank].bFloor && !m_bBuild)
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y - (DIMOBJY - DIMCELY * 2);
BuildMoveObject (x, y, pos, rank);
// Dessine le feu en mode construction.
if (
m_bBuild && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fire > 0 &&
m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fire < MoveMaxFire ())
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y - (DIMOBJY - DIMCELY * 2);
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHOBJECT, 49, pos); // petite flamme
cPos.x += DIMCELX;
if (j % 2 == 0)
mPos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
mPos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
// Construit le brouillard.
if (!m_bFog)
goto term;
this->FixShifting (nbx, nby, iCel, iPos);
mCel = iCel;
mPos = iPos;
for (j = 0; j < nby; j++)
x = mCel.x;
y = mCel.y;
cPos = mPos;
for (i = 0; i < nbx; i++)
if (
x >= 0 && x < MAXCELX && y >= 0 && y < MAXCELY && x % 2 == 0 &&
y % 2 == 0)
icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fog;
icon = FOGHIDE; // caché
if (
abs (x) % 4 == abs (y) % 4 && (abs (x) % 4 == 0 || abs (x) % 4 == 2) &&
icon != -1)
pos.x = cPos.x - DIMCELX / 2;
pos.y = cPos.y;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHFOG, icon, pos);
cPos.x += DIMCELX;
if (j % 2 == 0)
mPos.x -= DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
mPos.x += DIMCELX / 2;
mPos.y += DIMCELY / 2;
// Dessine la flèche jaune sur un objet.
if (m_celArrow.x != -1)
tPos = ConvCelToPos (m_celArrow);
if (m_phase % (6 * 2) < 6)
tPos.y -= DIMBLUPIY + (m_phase % 6) * 4;
tPos.y -= DIMBLUPIY + (6 - (m_phase % 6) - 1) * 4;
m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBLUPI, 132, tPos);
// Dessine le nom de l'objet pointé par la souris.
if (posMouse.x == m_textLastPos.x && posMouse.y == m_textLastPos.y)
if (m_textCount == 0)
const auto text = GetResHili (posMouse);
if (text)
posMouse.x += 10;
posMouse.y += 20;
DrawText (m_pPixmap, posMouse, text);
m_textLastPos = posMouse;
m_textCount = TEXTDELAY;
m_pPixmap->SetClipping (oldClip);
GenerateMap (); // dessine la carte miniature
GenerateStatictic (); // dessine les statistiques
// Augmente la phase.
// -1 mise à jour continue
// 0 début de mise à jour périodique
// 1 mise à jour périodique suivante
CDecor::NextPhase (Sint32 mode)
if (mode == -1)
m_phase = -1;
if (mode == 0)
m_phase = 0;
if (mode == 1)
// Modifie le temps total passé dans cette partie.
CDecor::SetTotalTime (Sint32 total)
m_totalTime = total;
// Retourne le temps total passé dans cette partie.
CDecor::GetTotalTime ()
return m_totalTime;
// Compte le nombre total de sols contenus dans les décors.
CDecor::CountFloor (Sint32 channel, Sint32 icon)
Sint32 x, y;
Sint32 nb = 0;
for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++)
if (
channel == m_decor[x][y].floorChannel &&
icon == m_decor[x][y].floorIcon)
return nb;
// Indique si une cellule est ok pour une action.
// Le rang du blupi qui effectuera le travail est donnée dans rank.
// action = 0 sélection jeu
// 1 construction d'une cellule 1x1
// 2 construction d'une cellule 2x2
// EV_ACTION* action
CDecor::CelOkForAction (
Point cel, Sint32 action, Sint32 rank, Sint32 icons[4][4],
Point & celOutline1, Point & celOutline2)
Sint32 x, y, i, j, channel, icon, nb, start, direct;
Errors error = Errors::NONE;
bool bStrong = false;
bool bTransport = false;
bool bVehicule = false;
bool bVehiculeA = false;
Point vector;
for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
icons[x][y] = -1;
celOutline1.x = -1;
celOutline2.x = -1;
if (
action == 2 || action == EV_ACTION_ABAT1 || action == EV_ACTION_ROC1 ||
action == EV_ACTION_DROP || action == EV_ACTION_LABO ||
action == EV_ACTION_FABMINE || action == EV_ACTION_FLOWER1 ||
action == EV_ACTION_CULTIVE || action == EV_ACTION_FLAG)
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
if (rank >= 0)
if (m_blupi[rank].energy > MAXENERGY / 4) // blupi fort ?
bStrong = true;
if (m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != -1) // porte qq chose ?
bTransport = true;
if (m_blupi[rank].vehicule != 0) // pas à pied ?
bVehicule = true;
if (
m_blupi[rank].vehicule != 0 && // pas à pied ?
m_blupi[rank].vehicule != 3) // pas armure ?
bVehiculeA = true;
if (action == 0)
if (IsBlupiHere (cel, false))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_SEL;
if (IsFreeCel (cel, -1) && m_nbBlupiHili > 0)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ANY;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
if (action == 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD; // action
if (action == 2)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
if (action == EV_ACTION_STOP)
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
m_blupi[rank].stop == 0 &&
(m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_GO ||
(m_blupi[rank].goalAction >= EV_ACTION_ABAT1 &&
m_blupi[rank].goalAction <= EV_ACTION_ABAT6) ||
(m_blupi[rank].goalAction >= EV_ACTION_ROC1 &&
m_blupi[rank].goalAction <= EV_ACTION_ROC7) ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_CULTIVE ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_CULTIVE2 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLAG ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLAG2 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLAG3 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLOWER1 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLOWER2 ||
m_blupi[rank].goalAction == EV_ACTION_FLOWER3))
error = Errors::NONE;
if (
m_blupi[rank].stop == 0 && m_blupi[rank].goalAction != 0 &&
m_blupi[rank].interrupt == 1)
error = Errors::NONE;
if (m_blupi[rank].repeatLevel != -1)
error = Errors::NONE;
if (action == EV_ACTION_GO)
if (m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon == 113) // maison ?
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2 + 1;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2 + 1;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (m_nbBlupiHili > 0)
nb = m_nbBlupiHili;
if (nb > 16)
nb = 16;
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
x = table_multi_goal[i * 2 + 0];
y = table_multi_goal[i * 2 + 1];
rank = GetHiliRankBlupi (i);
if (
((m_blupi[rank].takeChannel == -1) ||
(m_blupi[rank].energy > MAXENERGY / 4)) &&
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel.x + x, cel.y + y), rank) &&
!IsBlupiHere (GetCel (cel.x + x, cel.y + y), true))
icons[1 + x][1 + y] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
error = Errors::NONE;
icons[1 + x][1 + y] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
if (action == EV_ACTION_ABAT1)
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
bStrong && !bTransport && !bVehicule && channel == CHOBJECT &&
icon >= 6 && icon <= 11 && // arbre ?
!MoveIsUsed (cel) && IsWorkableObject (cel, rank))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
celOutline1 = cel;
celOutline2 = cel;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_ROC1)
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
bStrong && !bTransport && !bVehicule &&
m_blupi[rank].perso != 8 && // pas disciple ?
channel == CHOBJECT && icon >= 37 && icon <= 43 && // rochers ?
!MoveIsUsed (cel) && IsWorkableObject (cel, rank))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
celOutline1 = cel;
celOutline2 = cel;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action >= EV_ACTION_BUILD1 && action <= EV_ACTION_BUILD6)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
if (
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD1 || // cabane ?
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD2 || // couveuse ?
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD6) // téléporteur ?
GetFloor (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel != CHFLOOR || (icon != 1 && // herbe claire ?
(icon < 19 || icon > 32))) // herbe foncée ?
error = Errors::GROUND; // sol pas adéquat
if (action == EV_ACTION_BUILD4) // mine ?
GetFloor (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHFLOOR || icon != 71) // terre à fer ?
error = Errors::GROUND; // sol pas adéquat
if (
action == EV_ACTION_BUILD6 && // téléporteur ?
CountFloor (CHFLOOR, 80) >= 2) // déjà 2 ?
error = Errors::TELE2; // déjà 2 téléporteurs
if (action == EV_ACTION_BUILD3 || action == EV_ACTION_BUILD5)
start = 44; // pierres
start = 36; // planches
if (start == 44 && m_blupi[rank].perso == 8)
start = 999; // disciple ?
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != start) // planches ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de planches !
for (x = -1; x < 3; x++)
for (y = -1; y < 3; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = -1; x < 3; x++)
for (y = -1; y < 3; y++)
if (
(x < 0 || x > 1 || y < 0 || y > 1) &&
!IsFreeCel (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_WALL)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule ||
m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
if (m_blupi[rank].energy <= MAXENERGY / 2)
error = Errors::ENERGY; // not enough energy
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 44) // pierres ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_TOWER)
bool bTour;
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule ||
m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
if (m_blupi[rank].energy <= MAXENERGY / 2)
error = Errors::ENERGY; // not enough energy
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 44) // pierres ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = -1; x < 3; x++)
for (y = -1; y < 3; y++)
if (x < 0 || x > 1 || y < 0 || y > 1) // périphérie ?
GetFloor (GetCel (cel, x, y), channel, icon);
if (channel == CHFLOOR && (icon >= 2 && icon <= 13)) // rive ?
error = Errors::TOUREAU;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (error == 0)
bTour = false;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
vector = GetVector (i * 2 * 16);
x = cel.x;
y = cel.y;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
x += vector.x * 2;
y += vector.y * 2;
if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon == 27) // tour ?
bTour = true;
if (
MoveGetObject (GetCel (x, y), channel, icon) &&
channel == CHOBJECT && icon == 27) // tour en construction ?
bTour = true;
if (!bTour)
error = Errors::TOURISOL;
if (action == EV_ACTION_PALIS)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 36) // planches ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_BRIDGEE)
Point test;
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 36) // planches ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
test = cel;
if (error == 0)
error = IsBuildPont (test, icon);
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_CARRY)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
GetObject (GetCel (cel, -1, -1), channel, icon);
if (
bStrong && !bTransport && !bVehiculeA && channel == CHOBJECT &&
(icon == 14 || // métal ?
icon == 36 || // planches ?
icon == 44 || // pierres ?
icon == 60 || // tomates ?
icon == 63 || // oeufs ?
icon == 80 || // bouteille ?
icon == 82 || // fleurs ?
icon == 84 || // fleurs ?
icon == 95 || // fleurs ?
icon == 85 || // dynamite ?
icon == 92 || // poison ?
icon == 93 || // piège ?
icon == 123 || // fer ?
icon == 125) && // mine ?
(!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, -1, 0), rank, false) ||
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 0, -1), rank, false)))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_DROP)
if (!bTransport || bVehiculeA)
error = Errors::MISC; // ne transporte rien
GetObject (GetCel ((cel.x / 2) * 2, (cel.y / 2) * 2), channel, icon);
if (icon != -1 && icon != 124) // pas drapeau ?
error = Errors::MISC;
start = 0;
if (error == 0)
GetFloor (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel == CHFLOOR && icon == 52 && // nurserie ?
m_blupi[rank].takeChannel == CHOBJECT &&
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon == 63) // oeufs ?
for (x = -1; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (
!IsFreeCelDepose (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank) ||
IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
start = -1;
if (
!IsFreeCelDepose (GetCel (cel, 1, 1), rank) ||
IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 1, 1), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
!IsFreeCelDepose (GetCel (cel, 0, 1), rank) ||
IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 0, 1), rank, false))
if (
!IsFreeCelDepose (GetCel (cel, 1, 0), rank) ||
IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 1, 0), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
for (x = start; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
if (action == EV_ACTION_CULTIVE)
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 61) // maison ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de maison !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_LABO)
if (!bStrong || !bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 28 || // laboratoire ?
m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != CHOBJECT ||
(m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 82 && // fleurs ?
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 84 && // fleurs ?
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 95 && // fleurs ?
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 60)) // tomates ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de laboratoire !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_FLOWER1)
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
bStrong && !bTransport && !bVehicule && channel == CHOBJECT &&
(icon == 81 || icon == 83 || icon == 94) && // fleurs ?
!MoveIsUsed (cel) && IsWorkableObject (cel, rank))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
celOutline1 = cel;
celOutline2 = cel;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_DYNAMITE)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
//? if ( !bStrong || bVehicule )
if (bVehiculeA)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (icon != 85 && icon != 125) // dynamite/mine ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de dynamite !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 1; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 1; y < 2; y++)
if (
(x < 0 || x > 1 || y < 0 || y > 1) &&
!IsFreeCel (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_EAT)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
GetObject (GetCel (cel, -1, -1), channel, icon);
if (
!m_blupi[rank].bMalade && !bVehicule &&
m_blupi[rank].perso != 8 && // pas disciple ?
channel == CHOBJECT && icon == 60 && // tomates ?
(!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, -1, 0), rank, false) ||
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 0, -1), rank, false)))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_DRINK)
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
GetObject (GetCel (cel, -1, -1), channel, icon);
if (
m_blupi[rank].bMalade && !bVehicule &&
m_blupi[rank].perso != 8 && // pas disciple ?
channel == CHOBJECT && icon == 80 && // bouteille ?
(!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, -1, 0), rank, false) ||
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, 0, -1), rank, false)))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
error = Errors::MISC;
if (action == EV_ACTION_BOATE)
Point test;
if (cel.x % 2 != 1 || cel.y % 2 != 1)
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 36) // planches ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de pierres !
test = cel;
if (error == 0 && !IsBuildBateau (test, direct))
error = Errors::MISC; // impossible ici !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::FREE;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_DJEEP)
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
m_blupi[rank].vehicule == 2 && // en jeep ?
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon == -1 &&
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorIcon != 80) // pas téléporteur ?
if (
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel, +1, 0), rank) &&
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel, +1, +1), rank) &&
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, +1, 0), rank, false) &&
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, +1, +1), rank, false))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
error = Errors::NONE;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
if (action == EV_ACTION_DARMURE)
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
error = Errors::MISC;
if (
m_blupi[rank].vehicule == 3 && // armure ?
!bTransport && m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].objectIcon == -1 &&
m_decor[cel.x / 2][cel.y / 2].floorIcon != 80) // pas téléporteur ?
if (
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel, +1, 0), rank) &&
IsFreeCelGo (GetCel (cel, +1, +1), rank) &&
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, +1, 0), rank, false) &&
!IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, +1, +1), rank, false))
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP;
error = Errors::NONE;
icons[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
icons[2][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[1][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[2][2] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
if (action == EV_ACTION_FLAG)
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetFloor (cel, channel, icon);
if ((icon < 33 || icon > 48) && icon != 71) // pas terre ?
error = Errors::MISC; // terrain pas adapté
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel == CHOBJECT) // y a-t-il un objet ?
error = Errors::MISC; // terrain pas adapté
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_EXTRAIT)
if (!bStrong || bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 122) // mine de fer ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas de mine
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (
action == EV_ACTION_FABJEEP || action == EV_ACTION_FABMINE ||
if (!bStrong || !bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
if (action == EV_ACTION_FABJEEP && m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ?
error = Errors::MISC; // impossible
if (action == EV_ACTION_FABARMURE && m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ?
error = Errors::MISC; // impossible
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 120 || // usine ?
m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != CHOBJECT ||
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 123) // fer ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas d'usine !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
if (action == EV_ACTION_FABDISC)
if (!bStrong || !bTransport || bVehicule)
error = Errors::MISC; // pas assez fort
GetObject (cel, channel, icon);
if (
channel != CHOBJECT || icon != 120 || // usine ?
m_blupi[rank].takeChannel != CHOBJECT ||
m_blupi[rank].takeIcon != 14) // métal ?
error = Errors::MISC; // pas d'usine !
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (error)
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_OP;
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
if (IsBlupiHereEx (GetCel (cel, x, y), rank, false))
error = Errors::MISC;
icons[x + 1][y + 1] = ICON_HILI_ERR; // croix
return error;
// Indique si une cellule est ok pour une action.
// Le rang du blupi qui effectuera le travail est donnée dans rank.
CDecor::CelOkForAction (Point cel, Sint32 action, Sint32 rank)
Sint32 icons[4][4];
Point celOutline1, celOutline2;
return CelOkForAction (cel, action, rank, icons, celOutline1, celOutline2);
// Retourne le rang du nième blupi sélectionné.
CDecor::GetHiliRankBlupi (Sint32 nb)
Sint32 rank;
if (m_nbBlupiHili == 0)
return -1;
if (m_nbBlupiHili == 1)
if (nb == 0)
return m_rankBlupiHili;
return -1;
for (rank = 0; rank < MAXBLUPI; rank++)
if (m_blupi[rank].bExist && m_blupi[rank].bHili)
if (nb == 0)
return rank;
return -1;
// Marque la cellule visée par la souris.
// action = 0 sélection jeu
// 1 construction d'une cellule 1x1
// 2 construction d'une cellule 2x2
CDecor::CelHili (Point pos, Sint32 action)
Sint32 x, y, i, channel, icon, rank, nb;
Point cel;
for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
m_iconHili[x][y] = -1;
m_celOutline1.x = -1;
m_celOutline2.x = -1;
m_rankHili = -1;
if (action == 0) // sélection pendant jeu ?
rank = GetTargetBlupi (pos);
if (rank >= 0)
m_celHili = m_blupi[rank].cel;
m_rankHili = rank;
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_SEL;
m_celHili = ConvPosToCel (pos);
if (IsBlupiHere (m_celHili, false))
m_rankHili = m_blupiHere;
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_SEL;
if (m_nbBlupiHili > 0)
nb = m_nbBlupiHili;
if (nb > 16)
nb = 16;
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++)
x = table_multi_goal[i * 2 + 0];
y = table_multi_goal[i * 2 + 1];
cel.x = m_celHili.x + x;
cel.y = m_celHili.y + y;
rank = GetHiliRankBlupi (i);
if (IsFreeCelHili (cel, rank))
m_iconHili[1 + x][1 + y] = ICON_HILI_ANY;
m_iconHili[1 + x][1 + y] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_ERR;
m_celOutline1.x = (m_celHili.x / 2) * 2;
m_celOutline1.y = (m_celHili.y / 2) * 2;
if (
GetObject (m_celOutline1, channel, icon) && channel == CHOBJECT &&
(icon == 14 // métal ?
|| icon == 36 // planches ?
|| icon == 44 // pierres ?
|| icon == 60 // tomates ?
|| icon == 64 // oeufs ?
|| icon == 80 // bouteille ?
|| icon == 82 // fleurs ?
|| icon == 84 // fleurs ?
|| icon == 95 // fleurs ?
|| icon == 85 // dynamite ?
|| icon == 92 // poison ?
|| icon == 93 // piège ?
|| icon == 123 // fer ?
|| icon == 125)) // mine ?
if (m_celHili.x % 2 == 0 || m_celHili.y % 2 == 0)
m_celOutline1.x = -1;
m_celOutline2 = m_celOutline1;
if (action == 1) // construction d'une cellule 1x1 ?
m_celHili = ConvPosToCel (pos);
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD; // action
if (action == 2) // construction d'une cellule 2x2 ?
m_celHili = ConvPosToCel2 (pos);
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD; // action
m_iconHili[2][1] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
m_iconHili[1][2] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
m_iconHili[2][2] = ICON_HILI_BUILD;
// Marque la cellule visée par la souris pour un bouton donné.
CDecor::CelHiliButton (Point cel, Sint32 button)
Point celOutline1, celOutline2;
CelOkForAction (
cel, table_actions[button], m_rankBlupiHili, m_iconHili, celOutline1,
if (
button == BUTTON_ABAT || button == BUTTON_ABATn || button == BUTTON_ROC ||
button == BUTTON_ROCn || button == BUTTON_WALL || button == BUTTON_TOWER ||
button == BUTTON_PALIS || button == BUTTON_BRIDGE ||
button == BUTTON_CULTIVE || button == BUTTON_DEPOSE ||
button == BUTTON_LABO || button == BUTTON_FLOWER ||
button == BUTTON_FLOWERn || button == BUTTON_DYNAMITE ||
button == BUTTON_BOAT || button == BUTTON_DJEEP ||
button == BUTTON_DARMOR || button == BUTTON_FLAG ||
button == BUTTON_EXTRAIT || button == BUTTON_FABJEEP ||
button == BUTTON_MAKEARMOR || button == BUTTON_FABMINE ||
button == BUTTON_FABDISC ||
(button >= BUTTON_BUILD1 && button <= BUTTON_BUILD6))
m_celHili.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
m_celHili.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
m_celHili = cel;
// Marque la cellule visée par la souris pour une répétition donnée.
CDecor::CelHiliRepeat (Sint32 list)
Sint32 rank, button, x, y, i;
Point cel;
for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
m_iconHili[x][y] = -1;
if (m_nbBlupiHili != 1)
rank = m_rankBlupiHili;
i = m_blupi[rank].repeatLevelHope - list;
if (i < 0 || i > m_blupi[rank].repeatLevelHope)
button = m_blupi[rank].listButton[i];
if (
button == BUTTON_ABAT || button == BUTTON_ABATn || button == BUTTON_ROC ||
button == BUTTON_ROCn || button == BUTTON_WALL || button == BUTTON_TOWER ||
button == BUTTON_PALIS || button == BUTTON_BRIDGE ||
button == BUTTON_CULTIVE || button == BUTTON_DEPOSE ||
button == BUTTON_LABO || button == BUTTON_FLOWER ||
button == BUTTON_FLOWERn || button == BUTTON_DYNAMITE ||
button == BUTTON_BOAT || button == BUTTON_DJEEP ||
button == BUTTON_DARMOR || button == BUTTON_FLAG ||
button == BUTTON_EXTRAIT || button == BUTTON_FABJEEP ||
button == BUTTON_MAKEARMOR || button == BUTTON_FABMINE ||
button == BUTTON_FABDISC ||
(button >= BUTTON_BUILD1 && button <= BUTTON_BUILD6))
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
m_iconHili[2][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
m_iconHili[1][2] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
m_iconHili[2][2] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
cel = m_blupi[rank].listCel[i];
cel.x = (cel.x / 2) * 2;
cel.y = (cel.y / 2) * 2;
m_iconHili[1][1] = ICON_HILI_OP; // action
cel = m_blupi[rank].listCel[i];
m_celHili = cel;
// Retourne l'identificateur du texte correspondant à
// l'objet ou au blupi visé par la souris.
const char *
CDecor::GetResHili (Point posMouse)
Sint32 icon;
// The `corner == true` values are corresponding to the objects
// positionned at the bottom/right corner of the cell.
struct object_t {
bool corner;
const char * text;
static const std::unordered_map<size_t, object_t> tableObject = {
{6, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{7, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{8, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{9, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{10, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{11, {false, translate ("Tree")}},
{12, {false, translate ("Enemy rocket")}},
{14, {false, translate ("Platinium")}},
{16, {true, translate ("Armour")}},
{17, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{18, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{20, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{21, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{22, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{23, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{24, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{25, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{26, {false, translate ("Wall")}},
{27, {false, translate ("Protection tower")}},
{28, {false, translate ("Laboratory")}},
{29, {false, translate ("Laboratory")}},
{30, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{31, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{32, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{33, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{34, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{35, {false, translate ("Tree trunks")}},
{36, {true, translate ("Planks")}},
{37, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{38, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{39, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{40, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{41, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{42, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{43, {false, translate ("Rocks")}},
{44, {true, translate ("Stones")}},
{45, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{46, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{47, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{48, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{49, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{50, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{51, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{52, {false, translate ("Fire")}},
{57, {true, translate ("Tomatoes")}},
{58, {true, translate ("Tomatoes")}},
{59, {true, translate ("Tomatoes")}},
{60, {true, translate ("Tomatoes")}},
{61, {false, translate ("Garden shed")}},
{62, {false, translate ("Garden shed")}},
{63, {true, translate ("Eggs")}},
{64, {false, translate ("Eggs")}},
{65, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{66, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{67, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{68, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{69, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{70, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{71, {false, translate ("Palisade")}},
{72, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{73, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{80, {true, translate ("Medical potion")}},
{81, {false, translate ("Flowers")}},
{82, {true, translate ("Bunch of flowers")}},
{83, {false, translate ("Flowers")}},
{84, {true, translate ("Bunch of flowers")}},
{85, {true, translate ("Dynamite")}},
{86, {true, translate ("Dynamite")}},
{87, {true, translate ("Dynamite")}},
{92, {true, translate ("Poison")}},
{93, {true, translate ("Sticky trap")}},
{94, {false, translate ("Flowers")}},
{95, {true, translate ("Bunch of flowers")}},
{96, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
{97, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
{98, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
{99, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{100, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{101, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{102, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{103, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{104, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{105, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{106, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{107, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{108, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{109, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{110, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{111, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{112, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{113, {false, translate ("Blupi's house")}},
{114, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
{115, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{116, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{117, {true, translate ("Boat")}},
{118, {true, translate ("Jeep")}},
{119, {false, translate ("Workshop")}},
{120, {false, translate ("Workshop")}},
{121, {false, translate ("Mine")}},
{122, {false, translate ("Mine")}},
{123, {true, translate ("Iron")}},
{124, {false, translate ("Flag")}},
{125, {true, translate ("Time bomb")}},
{126, {false, translate ("Mine")}},
{127, {true, translate ("Time bomb")}},
{128, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{129, {false, translate ("Enemy construction")}},
{130, {true, translate ("Trapped enemy")}},
static const std::unordered_map<size_t, object_t> tableFloor = {
{1, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{2, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{3, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{4, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{5, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{6, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{7, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{8, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{9, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{10, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{11, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{12, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{13, {false, translate ("Bank")}},
{14, {false, translate ("Water")}},
{15, {false, translate ("Paving stones")}},
{16, {false, translate ("Paving stones")}},
{17, {false, translate ("Striped paving stones")}},
{18, {false, translate ("Ice")}},
{19, {false, translate ("Burnt ground")}},
{20, {false, translate ("Inflammable ground")}},
{21, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{22, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{23, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{24, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{25, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{26, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{27, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{28, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{29, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{30, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{31, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{32, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{33, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{34, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{35, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{36, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{37, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{38, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{39, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{40, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{41, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{42, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{43, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{44, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{45, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{46, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{47, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{48, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{49, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{50, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{51, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{52, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{53, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{54, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{55, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{56, {false, translate ("Incubator")}},
{57, {false, translate ("Normal ground")}},
{58, {false, translate ("Inflammable ground")}},
{59, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{60, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{61, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{62, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{63, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{64, {false, translate ("Bridge")}},
{65, {false, translate ("Enemy ground")}},
{66, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{67, {false, translate ("Enemy ground")}},
{68, {false, translate ("Water")}},
{69, {false, translate ("Water")}},
{70, {false, translate ("Water")}},
{71, {false, translate ("Sterile ground")}},
{78, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{79, {false, translate ("Miscellaneous ground")}},
{80, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
{81, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
{82, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
{83, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
{84, {false, translate ("Teleporter")}},
if (m_bHideTooltips)
return nullptr; // rien si menu présent
if (
posMouse.x < POSDRAWX || posMouse.x > POSDRAWX + DIMDRAWX ||
posMouse.y < POSDRAWY || posMouse.y > POSDRAWY + DIMDRAWY)
return nullptr;
if (m_celHili.x != -1)
if (m_rankHili != -1) // blupi visé ?
switch (m_blupi[m_rankHili].perso)
case 0: // blupi ?
if (m_blupi[m_rankHili].energy <= MAXENERGY / 4)
return gettext ("Tired Blupi");
if (m_blupi[m_rankHili].bMalade)
return gettext ("Sick Blupi");
return gettext ("Blupi");
case 1: // spider ?
return gettext ("Spider");
case 2: // virus ?
return gettext ("Virus");
case 3: // tracks ?
return gettext ("Bulldozer");
case 4: // robot ?
return gettext ("Master robot");
case 5: // bombe ?
return gettext ("Bouncing bomb");
case 7: // electro ?
return gettext ("Electrocutor");
case 8: // disciple ?
return gettext ("Helper robot");
return nullptr;
icon = m_decor[m_celHili.x / 2][m_celHili.y / 2].objectIcon;
if (icon != -1)
const auto obj = tableObject.find (icon);
if (obj != tableObject.end ())
if (!obj->second.corner)
return gettext (obj->second.text);
if (m_celHili.x % 2 && m_celHili.y % 2)
return gettext (obj->second.text);
icon = m_decor[m_celHili.x / 2][m_celHili.y / 2].floorIcon;
if (icon != -1)
const auto obj = tableFloor.find (icon);
if (obj != tableFloor.end ())
return gettext (obj->second.text);
return nullptr;
// Indique si le menu est présent et qu'il faut cacher
// les tooltips du décor.
CDecor::HideTooltips (bool bHide)
m_bHideTooltips = bHide;
// Modifie l'origine supérieure/gauche du décor.
CDecor::SetCorner (Point corner, bool bCenter)
if (bCenter)
corner.x -= 10;
corner.y -= 2;
if (corner.x < -8)
corner.x = -8;
if (corner.x > MAXCELX - 12)
corner.x = MAXCELX - 12;
if (corner.y < -2)
corner.y = -2;
if (corner.y > MAXCELY - 4)
corner.y = MAXCELY - 4;
m_celCorner = corner;
m_bGroundRedraw = true; // faudra redessiner les sols
m_celHili.x = -1;
m_textLastPos.x = -1; // tooltips plus lavable !
CDecor::GetCorner ()
return m_celCorner;
CDecor::GetHome ()
return m_celHome;
// Mémoirise une position pendant le jeu.
CDecor::MemoPos (Sint32 rank, bool bRecord)
Point pos;
pos.x = LXIMAGE / 2;
pos.y = LYIMAGE / 2;
if (rank < 0 || rank >= 4)
if (bRecord)
m_pSound->PlayImage (SOUND_CLOSE, pos);
m_memoPos[rank] = m_celCorner;
if (m_memoPos[rank].x == 0 && m_memoPos[rank].y == 0)
m_pSound->PlayImage (SOUND_BOING, pos);
m_pSound->PlayImage (SOUND_GOAL, pos);
SetCorner (m_memoPos[rank], false);
// Gestion du temps absolu global.
CDecor::SetTime (Sint32 time)
m_time = time;
m_timeConst = time; // vraiment ?
m_timeFlipOutline = time;
CDecor::GetTime ()
return m_time;
// Gestion de la musique midi.
CDecor::SetMusic (Sint32 music)
m_music = music;
CDecor::GetMusic ()
return m_music;
// Gestion de la difficulté.
CDecor::SetSkill (Sint32 skill)
m_skill = skill;
CDecor::GetSkill ()
return m_skill;
// Gestion de la région.
// 0 = normal
// 1 = palmier
// 2 = hiver
// 3 = sapin
CDecor::SetRegion (Sint32 region)
m_region = region;
CDecor::GetRegion ()
return m_region;
// Gestion des infos.
CDecor::SetInfoMode (bool bInfo)
m_bInfo = bInfo;
m_bGroundRedraw = true; // faudra redessiner les sols
CDecor::GetInfoMode ()
return m_bInfo;
CDecor::SetInfoHeight (Sint32 height)
m_infoHeight = height;
m_bGroundRedraw = true; // faudra redessiner les sols
CDecor::GetInfoHeight ()
if (m_bInfo)
return m_infoHeight;
return 0;
// Retourne le pointeur à la liste des boutons existants.
char *
CDecor::GetButtonExist ()
return m_buttonExist;
// Ouvre le buffer pour le undo pendant la construction.
CDecor::UndoOpen ()
if (m_pUndoDecor == nullptr)
m_pUndoDecor =
(Cellule *) malloc (sizeof (Cellule) * (MAXCELX / 2) * (MAXCELY / 2));
// Ferme le buffer pour le undo pendant la construction.
CDecor::UndoClose ()
if (m_pUndoDecor != nullptr)
free (m_pUndoDecor);
m_pUndoDecor = nullptr;
// Copie le décor dans le buffer pour le undo.
CDecor::UndoCopy ()
UndoOpen (); // ouvre le buffer du undo si nécessaire
if (m_pUndoDecor != nullptr)
memcpy (
m_pUndoDecor, &m_decor, sizeof (Cellule) * (MAXCELX / 2) * (MAXCELY / 2));
// Revient en arrière pour tout le décor.
CDecor::UndoBack ()
if (m_pUndoDecor != nullptr)
memcpy (
&m_decor, m_pUndoDecor, sizeof (Cellule) * (MAXCELX / 2) * (MAXCELY / 2));
UndoClose ();
m_bGroundRedraw = true;
// Indique s'il est possible d'effectuer un undo.
CDecor::IsUndo ()
return (m_pUndoDecor != nullptr);