/* * This file is part of the planetblupi source code * Copyright (C) 1997, Daniel Roux & EPSITEC SA * Copyright (C) 2017, Mathieu Schroeter * http://epsitec.ch; http://www.blupi.org; http://github.com/blupi-games * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "decor.h" #include "def.h" #include "misc.h" typedef struct { Sint16 majRev; Sint16 minRev; Sint32 nbDecor; Sint32 lgDecor; Sint32 nbBlupi; Sint32 lgBlupi; Sint32 nbMove; Sint32 lgMove; Sint16 reserve1[100]; Point celCoin; Sint16 world; Sint32 time; char buttonExist[MAXBUTTON]; Term term; Sint16 music; Sint16 region; Sint32 totalTime; Sint16 skill; Point memoPos[4]; Sint16 reserve2[29]; } DescFile; typedef struct { Sint32 bExist; // true -> utilisé Sint32 bHili; // true -> sélectionné Sint16 perso; // personnage, voir (*) Sint16 goalAction; // action (Sint32 terme) Sint16 goalPhase; // phase (Sint32 terme) Point goalCel; // cellule visée (Sint32 terme) Point passCel; // cellule tranversante Sint16 energy; // énergie restante Point cel; // cellule actuelle Point destCel; // cellule destination Sint16 action; // action en cours Sint16 aDirect; // direction actuelle Sint16 sDirect; // direction souhaitée Point pos; // position relative à partir de la cellule Sint16 posZ; // déplacement z Sint16 channel; Sint16 lastIcon; Sint16 icon; Sint16 phase; // phase dans l'action Sint16 step; // pas global Sint16 interrupt; // 0=prioritaire, 1=normal, 2=misc Sint16 clipLeft; Sint32 nbUsed; // nb de points déjà visités char nextRankUsed; Point posUsed[MAXUSED]; char rankUsed[MAXUSED]; Sint16 takeChannel; // objet transporté Sint16 takeIcon; Point fix; // point fixe (cultive, pont) Sint16 jaugePhase; Sint16 jaugeMax; Sint16 stop; // 1 -> devra stopper Sint16 bArrow; // true -> flèche en dessus de blupi Sint16 bRepeat; // true -> répète l'action Sint16 nLoop; // nb de boucles pour GOAL_OTHERLOOP Sint16 cLoop; // boucle en cours Sint16 vIcon; // icône variable Point goalHili; // but visé Sint16 bMalade; // true -> blupi malade Sint16 bCache; // true -> caché (pas dessiné) Sint16 vehicule; // véhicule utilisé par blupi, voir (**) char busyCount; char busyDelay; char clicCount; char clicDelay; char reserve2[2]; } OldBlupi; // Sauve le décor sur disque. bool CDecor::Write (Sint32 rank, bool bUser, Sint32 world, Sint32 time, Sint32 total) { std::string filename; FILE * file = nullptr; DescFile * pBuffer = nullptr; Sint32 i; size_t nb; if (bUser) { filename = string_format ("data/user%.3d.blp", rank); AddUserPath (filename); } else filename = string_format (GetBaseDir () + "data/world%.3d.blp", rank); file = fopen (filename.c_str (), "wb"); if (file == nullptr) goto error; pBuffer = (DescFile *) malloc (sizeof (DescFile)); if (pBuffer == nullptr) goto error; memset (pBuffer, 0, sizeof (DescFile)); pBuffer->majRev = 1; pBuffer->minRev = 5; pBuffer->celCoin = m_celCoin; pBuffer->world = world; pBuffer->time = time; pBuffer->totalTime = total; pBuffer->term = m_term; pBuffer->music = m_music; pBuffer->region = m_region; pBuffer->skill = m_skill; pBuffer->nbDecor = MAXCELX * MAXCELY; pBuffer->lgDecor = sizeof (Cellule); pBuffer->nbBlupi = MAXBLUPI; pBuffer->lgBlupi = sizeof (Blupi); pBuffer->nbMove = MAXMOVE; pBuffer->lgMove = sizeof (Move); for (i = 0; i < MAXBUTTON; i++) pBuffer->buttonExist[i] = m_buttonExist[i]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) pBuffer->memoPos[i] = m_memoPos[i]; nb = fwrite (pBuffer, sizeof (DescFile), 1, file); if (nb < 1) goto error; nb = fwrite (m_decor, sizeof (Cellule), MAXCELX * MAXCELY / 4, file); if (nb < MAXCELX * MAXCELY / 4) goto error; nb = fwrite (m_blupi, sizeof (Blupi), MAXBLUPI, file); if (nb < MAXBLUPI) goto error; nb = fwrite (m_move, sizeof (Move), MAXMOVE, file); if (nb < MAXMOVE) goto error; nb = fwrite (m_lastDrapeau, sizeof (Point), MAXLASTDRAPEAU, file); if (nb < MAXLASTDRAPEAU) goto error; free (pBuffer); fclose (file); return true; error: if (pBuffer != nullptr) free (pBuffer); if (file != nullptr) fclose (file); return false; } // Lit le décor sur disque. bool CDecor::Read ( Sint32 rank, bool bUser, Sint32 & world, Sint32 & time, Sint32 & total) { std::string filename; FILE * file = nullptr; DescFile * pBuffer = nullptr; Sint32 majRev, minRev; Sint32 i, x, y; size_t nb; OldBlupi oldBlupi; Init (-1, -1); if (bUser) { filename = string_format ("data/user%.3d.blp", rank); AddUserPath (filename); } else filename = string_format (GetBaseDir () + "data/world%.3d.blp", rank); file = fopen (filename.c_str (), "rb"); if (file == nullptr) goto error; pBuffer = (DescFile *) malloc (sizeof (DescFile)); if (pBuffer == nullptr) goto error; nb = fread (pBuffer, sizeof (DescFile), 1, file); if (nb < 1) goto error; majRev = pBuffer->majRev; minRev = pBuffer->minRev; if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 0) goto error; if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 3) { if ( pBuffer->nbDecor != MAXCELX * MAXCELY || pBuffer->lgDecor != sizeof (Cellule) || pBuffer->nbBlupi != MAXBLUPI || pBuffer->lgBlupi != sizeof (OldBlupi) || pBuffer->nbMove != MAXMOVE || pBuffer->lgMove != sizeof (Move)) goto error; } else { if ( pBuffer->nbDecor != MAXCELX * MAXCELY || pBuffer->lgDecor != sizeof (Cellule) || pBuffer->nbBlupi != MAXBLUPI || pBuffer->lgBlupi != sizeof (Blupi) || pBuffer->nbMove != MAXMOVE || pBuffer->lgMove != sizeof (Move)) goto error; } SetCoin (pBuffer->celCoin); if (bUser) { world = pBuffer->world; time = pBuffer->time; total = pBuffer->totalTime; } m_celHome = pBuffer->celCoin; m_term = pBuffer->term; m_music = pBuffer->music; m_region = pBuffer->region; if (bUser) m_skill = pBuffer->skill; for (i = 0; i < MAXBUTTON; i++) m_buttonExist[i] = pBuffer->buttonExist[i]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_memoPos[i] = pBuffer->memoPos[i]; nb = fread (m_decor, sizeof (Cellule), MAXCELX * MAXCELY / 4, file); if (nb < MAXCELX * MAXCELY / 4) goto error; if (majRev == 1 && minRev < 5) { for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX / 2; x++) { for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY / 2; y++) { if (m_decor[x][y].objectIcon >= 128 && m_decor[x][y].objectIcon <= 130) m_decor[x][y].objectIcon -= 128 - 17; } } } if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 3) { memset (m_blupi, 0, sizeof (Blupi) * MAXBLUPI); for (i = 0; i < MAXBLUPI; i++) { nb = fread (&oldBlupi, sizeof (OldBlupi), 1, file); if (nb != 1) goto error; memcpy (m_blupi + i, &oldBlupi, sizeof (OldBlupi)); ListFlush (i); } } else { nb = fread (m_blupi, sizeof (Blupi), MAXBLUPI, file); if (nb < MAXBLUPI) goto error; } nb = fread (m_move, sizeof (Move), MAXMOVE, file); if (nb < MAXMOVE) goto error; nb = fread (m_lastDrapeau, sizeof (Point), MAXLASTDRAPEAU, file); if (nb < MAXLASTDRAPEAU) InitDrapeau (); BlupiDeselect (); // désélectionne tous les blupi free (pBuffer); fclose (file); return true; error: if (pBuffer != nullptr) free (pBuffer); if (file != nullptr) fclose (file); Flush (); // initialise un décor neutre return false; } // Indique si un fichier existe sur disque. bool CDecor::FileExist ( Sint32 rank, bool bUser, Sint32 & world, Sint32 & time, Sint32 & total) { std::string filename; FILE * file = nullptr; DescFile * pBuffer = nullptr; Sint32 majRev, minRev; size_t nb; if (bUser) { filename = string_format ("data/user%.3d.blp", rank); AddUserPath (filename); } else filename = string_format (GetBaseDir () + "data/world%.3d.blp", rank); file = fopen (filename.c_str (), "rb"); if (file == nullptr) goto error; pBuffer = (DescFile *) malloc (sizeof (DescFile)); if (pBuffer == nullptr) goto error; nb = fread (pBuffer, sizeof (DescFile), 1, file); if (nb < 1) goto error; majRev = pBuffer->majRev; minRev = pBuffer->minRev; if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 0) goto error; if (majRev == 1 && minRev == 3) { if ( pBuffer->nbDecor != MAXCELX * MAXCELY || pBuffer->lgDecor != sizeof (Cellule) || pBuffer->nbBlupi != MAXBLUPI || pBuffer->lgBlupi != sizeof (OldBlupi) || pBuffer->nbMove != MAXMOVE || pBuffer->lgMove != sizeof (Move)) goto error; } else { if ( pBuffer->nbDecor != MAXCELX * MAXCELY || pBuffer->lgDecor != sizeof (Cellule) || pBuffer->nbBlupi != MAXBLUPI || pBuffer->lgBlupi != sizeof (Blupi) || pBuffer->nbMove != MAXMOVE || pBuffer->lgMove != sizeof (Move)) goto error; } world = pBuffer->world; time = pBuffer->time; total = pBuffer->totalTime; free (pBuffer); fclose (file); return true; error: if (pBuffer != nullptr) free (pBuffer); if (file != nullptr) fclose (file); return false; } #define MARG 18 // Initialise un décor neutre. void CDecor::Flush () { Sint32 x, y, i, icon; Init (-1, -1); for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX; x += 2) { for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY; y += 2) { if (x < MARG || x > MAXCELX - MARG || y < MARG || y > MAXCELY - MARG) { icon = 14; // eau goto put; } if (x == MARG && y == MARG) { icon = 12; goto put; } if (x == MAXCELX - MARG && y == MARG) { icon = 13; goto put; } if (x == MARG && y == MAXCELY - MARG) { icon = 11; goto put; } if (x == MAXCELX - MARG && y == MAXCELY - MARG) { icon = 10; goto put; } if (x == MARG) { icon = 4; goto put; } if (x == MAXCELX - MARG) { icon = 2; goto put; } if (y == MARG) { icon = 5; goto put; } if (y == MAXCELY - MARG) { icon = 3; goto put; } icon = 1; // terre put: m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel = CHFLOOR; m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon = icon; } } for (i = 0; i < MAXBLUPI; i++) m_blupi[i].bExist = false; BlupiCreate (GetCel (102, 100), ACTION_STOP, DIRECT_S, 0, MAXENERGY); m_decor[98 / 2][100 / 2].floorChannel = CHFLOOR; m_decor[98 / 2][100 / 2].floorIcon = 16; m_decor[98 / 2][100 / 2].objectChannel = CHOBJECT; m_decor[98 / 2][100 / 2].objectIcon = 113; for (i = 0; i < MAXBUTTON; i++) m_buttonExist[i] = 1; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_memoPos[i].x = 0; m_memoPos[i].y = 0; } memset (&m_term, 0, sizeof (Term)); m_term.bHomeBlupi = true; m_term.nbMinBlupi = 1; m_term.nbMaxBlupi = 1; m_music = 0; m_region = 0; m_celHome.x = 90; m_celHome.y = 98; SetCoin (m_celHome); InitAfterBuild (); LoadImages (); }