/* * This file is part of the planetblupi source code * Copyright (C) 1997, Daniel Roux & EPSITEC SA * Copyright (C) 2017, Mathieu Schroeter * http://epsitec.ch; http://www.blupi.org; http://github.com/blupi-games * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include "decor.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "misc.h" #include "text.h" #define STATNB 12 // clang-format off #define STATBLUPIm 0 #define STATBLUPIf 1 #define STATBLUPI 2 #define STATDISCIPLE 3 #define STATFEU 27 #define STATROBOT 28 #define STATTRACKS 29 #define STATBOMBE 30 #define STATARAIGNEE 31 #define STATVIRUS 32 #define STATELECTRO 33 // clang-format on typedef struct { Sint16 bExist; Sint16 perso; // -1=objet, -2=feu, -3=flèche Sint16 firstIcon; // négatif si sol Sint16 lastIcon; // négatif si sol Sint16 drawIcon; Sint16 bBigIcon; const char * text; Sint16 nb; Sint16 lastShow; } Statistic; // clang-format off static Statistic table_statistic[] = { { // STATBLUPIm = 0 true, 0, // blupi malade 0, 0, // 76, false, translate ("Sick Blupi"), 0, 0, }, { // STATBLUPIf = 1 true, 0, // blupi fatigué 0, 0, // 13, false, translate ("Tired Blupi"), 0, 0, }, { // STATBLUPI = 2 true, 0, // blupi énergique 0, 0, // 14, false, translate ("Blupi"), 0, 0, }, { // STATDISCIPLE = 3 true, 8, // disciple 0, 0, // 85, false, translate ("Helper robot"), 0, 0, }, { // 4 true, -1, // objet 117, 117, // bateau 58, false, translate ("Boat"), 0, 0, }, { // 5 true, -1, // objet 118, 118, // jeep 65, false, translate ("Jeep"), 0, 0, }, { // 6 true, -1, // objet 16, 16, // armure 106, false, translate ("Armour"), 0, 0, }, { // 7 true, -1, // objet 93, 93, // piège 70, false, translate ("Sticky trap"), 0, 0, }, { // 8 true, -1, // objet 92, 92, // poison 71, false, translate ("Poison"), 0, 0, }, { // 9 true, -1, // objet 85, 85, // dynamite 57, false, translate ("Dynamite"), 0, 0, }, { // 10 true, -1, // objet 125, 125, // mine 63, false, translate ("Time bomb"), 0, 0, }, { // 11 true, -1, // objet 60, 60, // tomate 28, false, translate ("Tomatoes"), 0, 0, }, { // 12 true, -1, // objet 80, 80, // bouteille 34, false, translate ("Medical potion"), 0, 0, }, { // 13 true, -1, // objet 36, 36, // planches 22, false, translate ("Planks"), 0, 0, }, { // 14 true, -1, // objet 44, 44, // pierres 27, false, translate ("Stones"), 0, 0, }, { // 15 true, -1, // objet 124, 124, // drapeau 64, true, translate ("Flag"), 0, 0, }, { // 16 true, -1, // objet 123, 123, // fer 62, false, translate ("Iron"), 0, 0, }, { // 17 true, -1, // objet 82, 82, // fleurs1 72, false, translate ("Flowers"), 0, 0, }, { // 18 true, -1, // objet 84, 84, // fleurs2 73, false, translate ("Flowers"), 0, 0, }, { // 19 true, -1, // objet 95, 95, // fleurs3 74, false, translate ("Flowers"), 0, 0, }, { // 20 true, -1, // objet 61, 61, // cabane 19, true, translate ("Garden shed"), 0, 0, }, { // 21 true, -1, // objet -52, -56, // couveuse 25, false, translate ("Incubator"), 0, 0, }, { // 22 true, -1, // objet -80, -84, // téléporteur 101, false, translate ("Teleporter"), 0, 0, }, { // 23 true, -1, // objet 28, 29, // laboratoire 35, true, translate ("Laboratory"), 0, 0, }, { // 24 true, -1, // objet 121, 122, // mine de fer 61, true, translate ("Mine"), 0, 0, }, { // 25 true, -1, // objet 119, 120, // usine 59, true, translate ("Workshop"), 0, 0, }, { // 26 true, -1, // objet 27, 27, // tour 33, true, translate ("Protection tower"), 0, 0, }, { // STATFEU = 27 true, -2, // feu 0, 0, // 37, true, translate ("Fire"), 0, 0, }, { // STATROBOT = 28 true, 4, // robot 0, 0, // 56, false, translate ("Master robot"), 0, 0, }, { // STATTRACKS = 29 true, 3, // tracks 0, 0, // 17, false, translate ("Bulldozer"), 0, 0, }, { // STATBOMBE = 30 true, 5, // bombe 0, 0, // 38, false, translate ("Bouncing bomb"), 0, 0, }, { // STATARAIGNEE = 31 true, 1, // araignée 0, 0, // 15, false, translate ("Spider"), 0, 0, }, { // STATVIRUS = 32 true, 2, // virus 0, 0, // 16, false, translate ("Virus"), 0, 0, }, { // STATELECTRO = 33 true, 7, // électro 0, 0, // 75, false, translate ("Electrocutor"), 0, 0, }, { false, -1, 0, 0, -1, false, "", 999, 999, }, }; // clang-format on // Retourne la statistique correspondant à un rang donné. Statistic * StatisticGet (Sint32 rank) { Statistic * pStatistic; pStatistic = table_statistic; while (pStatistic->nb == 0) pStatistic++; while (rank > 0) { if (pStatistic->bExist) pStatistic++; while (pStatistic->nb == 0) pStatistic++; rank--; } return pStatistic; } // Réinitialise les statistiques. void CDecor::StatisticInit () { Statistic * pStatistic; pStatistic = table_statistic; while (pStatistic->bExist) { pStatistic->lastShow = 0; pStatistic++; } m_statNb = 0; m_statFirst = 0; m_bStatUp = false; m_bStatDown = false; m_statHili = -1; m_bStatRecalc = true; // faudra tout recalculer } // Met à jour tous les compteurs des statistiques. void CDecor::StatisticUpdate () { Sint32 rank, x, y, icon, nb; bool bHach; Statistic * pStatistic; m_nbStatHach = 0; m_nbStatHachBlupi = 0; m_nbStatHachPlanche = 0; m_nbStatHachTomate = 0; m_nbStatHachMetal = 0; m_nbStatHachRobot = 0; m_nbStatHome = 0; m_nbStatHomeBlupi = 0; m_nbStatRobots = 0; pStatistic = table_statistic; while (pStatistic->bExist) { pStatistic->nb = 0; pStatistic++; } for (rank = 0; rank < MAXBLUPI; rank++) { if (m_blupi[rank].bExist) { if (m_blupi[rank].perso == 0) // blupi ? { if (m_blupi[rank].bMalade) table_statistic[STATBLUPIm].nb++; else { if (m_blupi[rank].energy <= MAXENERGY / 4) table_statistic[STATBLUPIf].nb++; else table_statistic[STATBLUPI].nb++; } x = (m_blupi[rank].cel.x / 2) * 2; y = (m_blupi[rank].cel.y / 2) * 2; if ( m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel == CHFLOOR && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon == 17) // dalle hachurée ? m_nbStatHachBlupi++; if ( m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel == CHOBJECT && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon == 113) // maison ? m_nbStatHomeBlupi++; } if (m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ? table_statistic[STATDISCIPLE].nb++; if (m_blupi[rank].perso == 4) // robot ? { table_statistic[STATROBOT].nb++; m_nbStatRobots++; x = (m_blupi[rank].cel.x / 2) * 2; y = (m_blupi[rank].cel.y / 2) * 2; if ( m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel == CHFLOOR && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon == 17) // dalle hachurée ? m_nbStatHachRobot++; } if (m_blupi[rank].perso == 3) // tracks ? { table_statistic[STATTRACKS].nb++; if (!m_term.bHachRobot) // pas robot sur hachures ? m_nbStatRobots++; } if (m_blupi[rank].perso == 1) // araignée ? { table_statistic[STATARAIGNEE].nb++; if (!m_term.bHachRobot) // pas robot sur hachures ? m_nbStatRobots++; } if (m_blupi[rank].perso == 2) // virus ? table_statistic[STATVIRUS].nb++; if (m_blupi[rank].perso == 5) // bombe ? { table_statistic[STATBOMBE].nb++; if (!m_term.bHachRobot) // pas robot sur hachures ? m_nbStatRobots++; } if (m_blupi[rank].perso == 7) // électro ? { table_statistic[STATELECTRO].nb++; if (!m_term.bHachRobot) // pas robot sur hachures ? m_nbStatRobots++; } } } for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX; x += 2) { for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY; y += 2) { bHach = false; if ( m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel == CHFLOOR && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon == 17) // dalle hachurée ? { bHach = true; m_nbStatHach++; } if ( m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel == CHOBJECT && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon == 113) // maison ? m_nbStatHome++; if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel == CHOBJECT) { icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon; pStatistic = table_statistic; while (pStatistic->bExist) { if ( pStatistic->perso == -1 && pStatistic->firstIcon > 0 && icon >= pStatistic->firstIcon && icon <= pStatistic->lastIcon) { pStatistic->nb++; break; } pStatistic++; } if (icon == 36 && bHach) // planches ? m_nbStatHachPlanche++; if (icon == 60 && bHach) // tomates ? m_nbStatHachTomate++; if (icon == 14 && bHach) // métal ? m_nbStatHachMetal++; } if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel == CHFLOOR) { icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon; if ( (icon >= 52 && icon <= 56) || // couveuse ? (icon >= 80 && icon <= 84)) // téléporteur ? { pStatistic = table_statistic; while (pStatistic->bExist) { if ( pStatistic->perso == -1 && pStatistic->firstIcon < 0 && icon >= -(pStatistic->firstIcon) && icon <= -(pStatistic->lastIcon)) { pStatistic->nb++; break; } pStatistic++; } } } if ( m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fire > 0 && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fire < MoveMaxFire ()) { table_statistic[STATFEU].nb++; // un feu de plus } } } pStatistic = table_statistic; m_statNb = 0; while (pStatistic->bExist) { if (pStatistic->nb > 0) m_statNb++; pStatistic++; } if (m_statNb <= STATNB) // tout visible en une page ? { m_bStatUp = false; m_bStatDown = false; m_statFirst = 0; } else { // nb <- nb de pages nécessaires nb = (m_statNb + STATNB - 5) / (STATNB - 2); m_bStatUp = true; m_bStatDown = true; if (m_statFirst >= 1 + (nb - 1) * (STATNB - 2)) { m_statFirst = 1 + (nb - 1) * (STATNB - 2); m_bStatDown = false; } if (m_statFirst == 0) m_bStatUp = false; } m_bStatRecalc = false; // c'est calculé } // Retourne le nombre de blupi. Sint32 CDecor::StatisticGetBlupi () { return table_statistic[STATBLUPIf].nb + table_statistic[STATBLUPIm].nb + table_statistic[STATBLUPI].nb; } // Retourne le nombre de cellules en feu. Sint32 CDecor::StatisticGetFire () { return table_statistic[STATFEU].nb; } // Dessine toutes les statistiques. void CDecor::StatisticDraw () { Point pos; Rect rect; Sint32 rank, icon, nb; Statistic * pStatistic; char text[50]; const char * textRes; pStatistic = table_statistic; while (pStatistic->nb == 0) pStatistic++; nb = m_statFirst; while (nb > 0) { if (pStatistic->bExist) pStatistic++; while (pStatistic->nb == 0) pStatistic++; nb--; } textRes = ""; for (rank = 0; rank < STATNB; rank++) { pos.x = POSSTATX + DIMSTATX * (rank / (STATNB / 2)); pos.y = POSSTATY + DIMSTATY * (rank % (STATNB / 2)); rect.left = pos.x; rect.right = pos.x + DIMSTATX; rect.top = pos.y; rect.bottom = pos.y + DIMSTATY; m_pPixmap->DrawPart (-1, CHBACK, pos, rect, 1); // dessine le fond if (rank == 0 && m_bStatUp) { icon = 6 + 66; // flèche up if (rank == m_statHili) // statistique survolée ? icon++; pos.x -= 3; pos.y -= 5; if (pStatistic->drawIcon == 68) pos.x += 26; m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBUTTON, icon, pos); // flèche up continue; } if (rank == STATNB - 1 && m_bStatDown) { icon = 6 + 68; // flèche down if (rank == m_statHili) // statistique survolée ? icon++; pos.x += 23; pos.y -= 5; m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBUTTON, icon, pos); // flèche down continue; } if (!pStatistic->bExist) goto next; icon = 6 + pStatistic->drawIcon; if (rank == m_statHili) // statistique survolée ? { m_pPixmap->DrawIconDemi (-1, CHBLUPI, ICON_HILI_STAT, pos); textRes = gettext (pStatistic->text); } if (pStatistic->nb > 0) { pos.x -= 3; pos.y -= 5; m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBUTTON, icon, pos); nb = pStatistic->nb; snprintf (text, sizeof (text), "%d", nb); pos.x += 3 + 34; pos.y += 5 + 7; DrawText (m_pPixmap, pos, text); } next: if (pStatistic->bExist) pStatistic++; while (pStatistic->nb == 0) pStatistic++; } // Dans un bouton stop/setup/write ? if (!strlen (textRes) && m_statHili >= 100) { if (m_statHili == 100) textRes = gettext ("Interrupt"); if (m_statHili == 101) textRes = gettext ("Settings"); if (m_statHili == 102) textRes = gettext ("Save"); } // Dessine le nom de la statistique survolée. pos.x = 0; pos.y = 404; rect.left = pos.x; rect.right = pos.x + POSDRAWX; rect.top = pos.y; rect.bottom = pos.y + 16; m_pPixmap->DrawPart (-1, CHBACK, pos, rect, 1); // dessine le fond if (strlen (textRes)) { nb = GetTextWidth (textRes); pos.x += (POSDRAWX - nb) / 2; DrawText (m_pPixmap, pos, textRes); } } // Génère les statistiques. void CDecor::GenerateStatictic () { if (m_bBuild) return; if (m_bStatRecalc || m_phase % 20 == 10) { StatisticUpdate (); // met à jour les compteurs } StatisticDraw (); // redessine tout } // Bouton pressé dans les statistiques. bool CDecor::StatisticDown (Point pos) { Sint32 hili, rank, x, y, show, icon; Point cel; Statistic * pStatistic; StatisticUpdate (); hili = StatisticDetect (pos); if (hili < 0) return false; if (m_bStatUp && hili == 0) // flèche up ? { m_statFirst -= STATNB - 2; if (m_statFirst < STATNB - 1) m_statFirst = 0; StatisticUpdate (); pos.x = LXIMAGE / 2; pos.y = LYIMAGE / 2; m_pSound->PlayImage (SOUND_OPEN, pos); return true; } if (m_bStatDown && hili == STATNB - 1) // flèche down ? { if (m_statFirst == 0) m_statFirst = STATNB - 1; else m_statFirst += STATNB - 2; StatisticUpdate (); pos.x = LXIMAGE / 2; pos.y = LYIMAGE / 2; m_pSound->PlayImage (SOUND_OPEN, pos); return true; } rank = m_statFirst + hili; if (rank > 0 && m_bStatUp) rank--; pStatistic = StatisticGet (rank); if (!pStatistic->bExist) return false; show = pStatistic->lastShow % pStatistic->nb; pStatistic->lastShow++; if (pStatistic->perso >= 0) // blupi/araignée ? { for (rank = 0; rank < MAXBLUPI; rank++) { if (m_blupi[rank].bExist) { if (m_blupi[rank].perso != pStatistic->perso) continue; if ( m_blupi[rank].perso != 0 || (m_blupi[rank].bMalade && pStatistic->drawIcon == 76) || // malade ? (!m_blupi[rank].bMalade && m_blupi[rank].energy <= MAXENERGY / 4 && pStatistic->drawIcon == 13) || // fatigué ? (m_blupi[rank].energy > MAXENERGY / 4 && pStatistic->drawIcon == 14)) // énergique ? { if (show == 0) { if ( m_blupi[rank].perso == 0 || // blupi ? m_blupi[rank].perso == 8) // disciple ? { BlupiDeselect (); m_blupi[rank].bHili = true; m_rankBlupiHili = rank; // sélectionne m_nbBlupiHili = 1; } BlupiSetArrow (rank, true); cel = m_blupi[rank].cel; goto select; } show--; } } } } if ( pStatistic->perso == -1 && // objet ? pStatistic->firstIcon > 0) { for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX; x += 2) { for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY; y += 2) { if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectChannel == CHOBJECT) { icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].objectIcon; if (icon >= pStatistic->firstIcon && icon <= pStatistic->lastIcon) { if (show == 0) { cel = GetCel (x, y); if (pStatistic->bBigIcon) { // Flèche plus haute. m_celArrow = GetCel (cel, -2, -2); } else m_celArrow = cel; goto select; } show--; } } } } } if ( pStatistic->perso == -1 && // sol ? pStatistic->firstIcon < 0) { for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX; x += 2) { for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY; y += 2) { if (m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorChannel == CHFLOOR) { icon = m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].floorIcon; if ( icon >= -(pStatistic->firstIcon) && icon <= -(pStatistic->lastIcon)) { if (show == 0) { cel = GetCel (x, y); if (pStatistic->bBigIcon) { // Flèche plus haute. m_celArrow = GetCel (cel, -2, -2); } else m_celArrow = cel; goto select; } show--; } } } } } if (pStatistic->perso == -2) // feu ? { for (x = 0; x < MAXCELX; x += 2) { for (y = 0; y < MAXCELY; y += 2) { if ( m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fire > 0 && m_decor[x / 2][y / 2].fire < MoveMaxFire ()) { if (show == 0) { cel = GetCel (x, y); m_celArrow = cel; goto select; } show--; } } } } return false; select: SetCoin (cel, true); NextPhase (0); // faudra refaire la carte tout de suite return true; } // Souris déplacée dans les statistiques. bool CDecor::StatisticMove (Point pos) { Sint32 rank; rank = StatisticDetect (pos); if (rank != m_statHili) // autre mise en évidence ? m_statHili = rank; return false; } // Bouton relâché dans les statistiques. bool CDecor::StatisticUp (Point pos) { return false; } // Détecte dans quelle statistique est la souris. Sint32 CDecor::StatisticDetect (Point pos) { Sint32 rank; // Dans un bouton stop/setup/write ? if (pos.x >= 10 && pos.x <= 10 + 42 * 3 && pos.y >= 422 && pos.y <= 422 + 40) { pos.x -= 10; if (pos.x % 42 > 40) return -1; return 100 + pos.x / 42; } if ( pos.x >= POSSTATX && pos.x <= POSSTATX + DIMSTATX * 2 && pos.y >= POSSTATY && pos.y <= POSSTATY + DIMSTATY * (STATNB / 2)) { rank = ((pos.x - POSSTATX) / DIMSTATX) * (STATNB / 2); rank += ((pos.y - POSSTATY) / DIMSTATY); if (rank >= STATNB) return -1; return rank; } return -1; }