# How to translate Planet Blupi ## The interface All texts in the interface are using gettext PO files format. The files are located in the `resources/po/` directory. For adding a new translation, open the `resources/po/planetblupi.pot` file with an editor like [poedit][1] for example. It can be a bit difficult to understand the context without playing with your translations but there is a trick. Once you are ready to test your translations, save your `.po` file and the corresponding `.mo` file. Rename the `.mo` file to `planetblupi.mo`. Go to the directory where is installed Planet Blupi and look at (for replacing the french translation by yours for example) `share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/` and put your `.mo` file in this directory. > Under Windows OS, you should find the french translations in > `C:\Program Files\Planet Blupi\share\locale\fr\LC_MESSAGES\`. > With macOS it's possible to open the `Planet Blupi.app` and update the > file directly in the `.app`. But note that it breaks the application > signature. To start the game, maybe it's necessary to open via the > context menu for by passing the macOS security. > For Linux you must unpack the AppImage file somewhere for changing the > files. Then start the game, the interface will use your new translation if you select "Français" in the global settings screen. If you see some strange characters, like a square, then contact me and I will add the necessary glyphs for your language. Planet Blupi is not using a real font but just sprites with a limited range of characters. ## The missions The missions are located in the `resources/data/` directory. Open the `en/stories.blp` with a text editor like Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, etc, ... Ensure to work in UTF-8. Like for the interface, you can replace for example the french file by yours in the `share/planetblupi/data/fr/` directory. ## Some rules 1. The "Planet Blupi" title must not be translated excepted if your language is not using Latin-1 like Hebrew, Korean and Chinese for example. 2. If you plan to translate in Korean, ask me for details because I already have most translations but I must (still) draw all glyphs. 3. Like for the Hebrew translations; I can enable the reversed game layout (right to left reading) for your translation if necessary. ## The voices It's not mandatory but it's very appreciate if you can provide the Blupi voices; check this [README][2]. And if you don't know how to filter the sound in order to produce a voice with an higher ton (like Blupi); contact me and I will help you. --- [1]: https://poedit.net/ [2]: README.voices.md