/* * This file is part of the planetblupi source code * Copyright (C) 1997, Daniel Roux & EPSITEC SA * Copyright (C) 2017, Mathieu Schroeter * http://epsitec.ch; http://www.blupi.org; http://github.com/blupi-games * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #pragma once #include // Méta opérations (goal). #define GOAL_TERM 0 // #define GOAL_GOHILI 1 // dx,dy, bPass #define GOAL_GOHILI2 2 // dx,dy, bPass #define GOAL_GOBLUPI 3 // dx,dy, bPass #define GOAL_PUTFLOOR 4 // dx,dy, channel,icon #define GOAL_PUTOBJECT 5 // dx,dy, channel,icon #define GOAL_BUILDFLOOR 6 // dx,dy, ch,i,mch, mi,total,delai,step #define GOAL_BUILDOBJECT 7 // dx,dy, ch,i,mch, mi,total,delai,step #define GOAL_ACTION 8 // action,direction #define GOAL_INTERRUPT 9 // niveau (0..2) #define GOAL_ENERGY 10 // niveau minimum requis #define GOAL_ADDMOVES 11 // dx,dy,no #define GOAL_OTHER 12 // channel,first,last,fitst,last,action #define GOAL_FINISHMOVE 13 // #define GOAL_TAKE 14 // dx,dy #define GOAL_DEPOSE 15 // #define GOAL_GROUP 16 // nb #define GOAL_WORK 17 // dx,dy #define GOAL_TESTOBJECT 18 // dx,dy, channel,icon #define GOAL_FIX 19 // dx,dy #define GOAL_OTHERFIX 20 // channel,first,last,first,last,action #define GOAL_ADDICONS 21 // dx,dy,no #define GOAL_NEWBLUPI 22 // dx,dy #define GOAL_SOUND 23 // sound #define GOAL_REPEAT 24 // true/false #define GOAL_OTHERLOOP 25 // action #define GOAL_NEXTLOOP 26 // #define GOAL_ARRANGEOBJECT 27 // dx,dy #define GOAL_LABO 28 // #define GOAL_CACHE 29 // true/false, bDynamite #define GOAL_DELETE 30 // #define GOAL_ELECTRO 31 // dx,dy,no #define GOAL_NEWPERSO 32 // dx,dy, perso #define GOAL_USINEBUILD 33 // dx,dy, #define GOAL_USINEFREE 34 // dx,dy, #define GOAL_EXPLOSE1 35 // dx,dy #define GOAL_EXPLOSE2 36 // dx,dy #define GOAL_VEHICULE 37 // type #define GOAL_TAKEOBJECT 38 // dx,dy, channel,icon #define GOAL_FLOORJUMP 39 // channel,icon,action #define GOAL_ADDDRAPEAU 40 // dx,dy #define GOAL_AMORCE 41 // dx,dy #define GOAL_MALADE 42 // bMalade #define GOAL_IFTERM 43 // dx,dy #define GOAL_IFDEBARQUE 44 // dx,dy #define GOAL_ISNOMALADE 45 // #define GOAL_SKIPSKILL 46 // skill,d #define GOAL_TELEPORTE 47 // dx,dy #define GOAL_ACTUALISE 48 // #define GOAL_WAITFREE 49 // dx,dy Sint16 *GetTableGoal (Sint32 action); extern Sint16 table_goal_nbop[];