set ( APPIMAGE_ASSISTANT_PROGRAM CACHE FILEPATH "AppImageAssistant executable" ) set ( APPIMAGE_APPRUN_PROGRAM CACHE FILEPATH "AppImage AppRun executable" ) set ( APPIMAGE_WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/deploy/linux-appimage" CACHE PATH "Where to put the AppDir items" ) set ( APPIMAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/package/linux-appimage" CACHE PATH "AppImage output directory" ) set ( APPIMAGE_FOLLOW_STANDARD OFF CACHE BOOL "Whether generator should follow the spec" ) macro( APPIMAGE_PACKAGE TARGET APPIMAGE_TITLE APPIMAGE_DISPLAYNAME CONFIGDIR DATA LIBRARIES LIBRARY_FILES ) string ( TOLOWER "${APPIMAGE_TITLE}" APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME ) string ( MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME}" APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME ) # Some prerequisites # TITLE here is used as the name of the final AppImage as well as the desktop entry's name set ( APPIMAGE_TITLE "${APPIMAGE_TITLE}" ) set ( APPIMAGE_DISPLAYNAME "${APPIMAGE_DISPLAYNAME}" ) set ( APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME "${APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME}" ) set ( APPIMAGE_LIBRARIES ) set ( APPIMAGE_DATA ) set ( APPIMAGE_CONFIG_DIR "${CONFIGDIR}" ) set ( APPIMAGE_DEFAULT_ICON_FILE "${APPIMAGE_CONFIG_DIR}/icon.svg" ) # Icon file to be used for the AppImage, only one in this case, preferrably SVG set ( APPIMAGE_ICON "${APPIMAGE_DEFAULT_ICON_FILE}" ) # We define a way to reference this icon based on where it is located set ( APPIMAGE_ICON_REF "${APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME}" ) # This helps the window manager to recognize the program even if it has no embedded or loaded icon set ( APPIMAGE_EXEC_WM ${TARGET} ) # Sets the launch variable in .desktop entry set ( APPIMAGE_EXEC ${TARGET} ) # This directory is used for temporary files, might get messy set ( APPIMAGE_CACHE_DIR "${APPIMAGE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME}_cache" ) # Where the AppDir is generated set ( APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR "${APPIMAGE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME}" ) set ( APPIMAGE_ICON_TARGET "${APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR}/${APPIMAGE_ICON_REF}" ) set ( APPIMAGE_BINARY_DIR "${APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR}/usr/bin" ) set ( APPIMAGE_ASSET_DIR "${APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR}/usr/share" ) set ( APPIMAGE_LIBRARY_DIR "${APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR}/usr/lib" ) set ( APPIMAGE_FINAL_NAME "${APPIMAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${APPIMAGE_TITLE}.AppImage" ) list ( APPEND APPIMAGE_LIBRARIES ${LIBRARIES} ) list ( APPEND APPIMAGE_DATA ${DATA} ) # Remove the previous AppImage file to avoid confusion when generating a new one add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove "${APPIMAGE_FINAL_NAME}" ) # Create some necessary directory structure in AppDir add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${APPIMAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}" ) add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${APPIMAGE_BINARY_DIR}" ) add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${APPIMAGE_CACHE_DIR}" ) add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${APPIMAGE_LIBRARY_DIR}" ) add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${APPIMAGE_ASSET_DIR}" ) # Copy and configure some data for the AppDir configure_file ( "${APPIMAGE_ICON}" "${APPIMAGE_ICON_TARGET}.svg" COPYONLY ) configure_file ( "${APPIMAGE_ICON}" "${APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR}/.DirIcon" COPYONLY ) configure_file ( "${APPIMAGE_CONFIG_DIR}/" "${APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR}/${APPIMAGE_INTERNALNAME}.desktop" @ONLY ) configure_file ( "${APPIMAGE_APPRUN_PROGRAM}" "${APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR}/AppRun" COPYONLY ) # Copy resources into AppDir foreach ( RESC ${DATA} ) add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${RESC}" "${APPIMAGE_ASSET_DIR}" ) endforeach() # Copy bundled libraries into AppDir foreach ( LIB ${LIBRARY_FILES} ) add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${LIB}" "${APPIMAGE_LIBRARY_DIR}" ) endforeach() foreach ( LIB ${LIBRARIES} ) add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "$" "${APPIMAGE_LIBRARY_DIR}" ) endforeach() # Copy the binary to AppDir add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "$" "${APPIMAGE_BINARY_DIR}" ) # Do the actual packaging step with AppImageKit add_custom_command ( TARGET ${TARGET} POST_BUILD COMMAND "${APPIMAGE_ASSISTANT_PROGRAM}" "${APPIMAGE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR}" "${APPIMAGE_FINAL_NAME}" ) install ( FILES "${APPIMAGE_FINAL_NAME}" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_PACKAGED_OUTPUT_PREFIX}/linux-appimage" PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE ) endmacro()