/* * This file is part of the planetblupi source code * Copyright (C) 1997, Daniel Roux & EPSITEC SA * Copyright (C) 2017, Mathieu Schroeter * http://epsitec.ch; http://www.blupi.org; http://github.com/blupi-games * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #define mkdir(a, b) _mkdir (a) #else /* _WIN32 */ #include #endif /*! _WIN32 */ #include #include #include "blupi.h" #include "def.h" #include "misc.h" // Affiche un message de debug. void OutputDebug (const char * pMessage) { SDL_LogDebug (SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s", pMessage); } // Conversion de la position de la souris. Point ConvLongToPos (LPARAM lParam) { Point pos; pos.x = LOWORD (lParam); // horizontal position of cursor pos.y = HIWORD (lParam); // vertical position of cursor return pos; } static int g_seed; /* Initialize the Microsoft pseudo-random generator */ void InitRandom () { g_seed = 1; // srand (1); } /* We are not using rand from stdlib because on Linux the pseudo-generator * is using an other algorithm. Then the behaviour is not the same on all * platforms. * See http://stackoverflow.com/a/1280765/842097 */ static int ms_rand () { g_seed = g_seed * 0x343fd + 0x269EC3; return (g_seed >> 0x10) & 0x7FFF; } /* Returns a random number between two values (included). */ Sint32 Random (Sint32 min, Sint32 max) { Sint32 n; n = ms_rand (); // replace rand (); n = min + (n % (max - min + 1)); return (Sint32) n; } std::string GetLocale () { return gettext ("en"); } // Retourne le nom de dossier en cours. std::string GetBaseDir () { return GetShareDir () + "planetblupi/"; } std::string GetShareDir () { static std::string basePath; if (!basePath.size ()) { auto sdlBasePath = SDL_GetBasePath (); sdlBasePath[strlen (sdlBasePath) - 1] = '\0'; basePath = sdlBasePath; std::replace (basePath.begin (), basePath.end (), '\\', '/'); basePath = basePath.substr (0, basePath.find_last_of ("//") + 1); SDL_free (sdlBasePath); } return basePath + "share/"; } // Ajoute le chemin permettant de lire un fichier // utilisateur. void AddUserPath (std::string & pFilename) { const char * pText; size_t pos; char last; char * temp = SDL_GetPrefPath ("Epsitec SA", "Planet Blupi"); std::string path = temp; pText = strstr (pFilename.c_str (), "/"); if (pText != nullptr) { pos = path.size () + (pText - pFilename.c_str ()) + 1; path += pFilename; last = path[pos]; path[pos] = 0; mkdir (path.c_str (), 755); path[pos] = last; } else path += pFilename; pFilename = path; SDL_free (temp); }