/* * This file is part of the planetblupi source code * Copyright (C) 1997, Daniel Roux & EPSITEC SA * Copyright (C) 2017, Mathieu Schroeter * http://epsitec.ch; http://www.blupi.org; http://github.com/blupi-games * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see http://gnu.org/licenses */ #include #include #include "blupi.h" #include "button.h" #include "decor.h" #include "def.h" #include "event.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "menu.h" #include "misc.h" #include "pixmap.h" #include "sound.h" #include "text.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MARGMENU 0 static const Sint16 table_button_icon[] = { 24, // go 40, // stop 32, // mange 30, // carry 31, // depose 22, // abat 27, // roc 28, // cultive 19, // build1 (cabane) 25, // build2 (couveuse) 35, // build3 (laboratoire) 61, // build4 (mine) 59, // build5 (usine) 101, // build6 (téléporteur) 20, // mur 26, // palis 42, // abat n 43, // roc n 23, // pont 33, // tour 34, // boit 39, // labo 54, // fleur 55, // fleur n 41, // dynamite 58, // bateau 60, // djeep 64, // drapeau 62, // extrait du fer 65, // fabrique jeep 63, // fabrique mine 83, // fabrique disciple 100, // repeat 107, // qarmure 106, // fabarmure }; static const char * GetText (Sint32 rank) { static const char * list[] = { translate ("Go"), translate ("Stop"), translate ("Eat"), translate ("Take"), translate ("Drop"), translate ("Cut down a tree"), translate ("Carve a rock"), translate ("Grow tomatoes"), translate ("Garden shed"), translate ("Incubator"), translate ("Laboratory"), translate ("Mine"), translate ("Workshop"), translate ("Teleporter"), translate ("Wall"), translate ("Palisade"), translate ("Cut down trees"), translate ("Carve rocks"), translate ("Bridge"), translate ("Protection tower"), translate ("Drink"), translate ("Transform"), translate ("Make bunch of flowers"), translate ("Make bunches of flowers"), translate ("Blow up"), translate ("Boat"), translate ("Leave Jeep"), translate ("Prospect for iron"), translate ("Extract iron"), translate ("Make a Jeep"), translate ("Make a time bomb"), translate ("Make a helper robot"), translate ("Repeat"), translate ("Quit"), translate ("Make armour"), }; return gettext (list[rank]); } static const char * GetErr (Sint32 rank) { static const char * list[] = { translate ("Impossible"), translate ("Inadequate ground"), translate ("Occupied ground"), translate ("Opposite bank no good"), translate ("Bridge finished"), translate ("(isolated tower)"), translate ("Too close to water"), translate ("Already two teleporters"), translate ("Not enough energy")}; return gettext (list[rank]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructeur. CMenu::CMenu () { m_nbButtons = 0; m_selRank = -1; m_pPixmap = nullptr; m_pDecor = nullptr; m_pSound = nullptr; m_pEvent = nullptr; } // Destructeur. CMenu::~CMenu () { } // Crée un nouveau bouton. bool CMenu::Create ( CPixmap * pPixmap, CSound * pSound, CEvent * pEvent, Point pos, Sint32 nb, Buttons * pButtons, Errors * pErrors, std::unordered_map & texts, Sint32 perso) { pos.x -= DIMBUTTONX / 2; pos.y -= DIMBUTTONY / 2; m_pPixmap = pPixmap; m_pSound = pSound; m_pEvent = pEvent; m_nbButtons = nb; m_pos = pos; m_perso = perso; Update (nb, pButtons, pErrors, texts); if (m_pos.x < POSDRAWX) m_pos.x = POSDRAWX; if (m_pos.y < POSDRAWY) m_pos.y = POSDRAWY; if (m_pos.x > POSDRAWX + DIMDRAWX - 2 - m_dim.x) m_pos.x = POSDRAWX + DIMDRAWX - 2 - m_dim.x; if (m_pos.y > POSDRAWY + DIMDRAWY - 2 - m_dim.y) m_pos.y = POSDRAWY + DIMDRAWY - 2 - m_dim.y; if (m_pos.x != pos.x || m_pos.y != pos.y) { pos = m_pos; pos.x += DIMBUTTONX / 2; pos.y += DIMBUTTONY / 2; SDL_WarpMouseInWindow ( g_window, pos.x * m_pEvent->GetWindowScale (), pos.y * m_pEvent->GetWindowScale ()); } m_selRank = Detect (pos); return true; } // Met à jour le menu. void CMenu::Update ( Sint32 nb, Buttons * pButtons, Errors * pErrors, std::unordered_map & texts) { Sint32 i; m_nbButtons = nb; if (nb < 5) m_nbCel.x = 1; else m_nbCel.x = 2; m_nbCel.y = (nb + m_nbCel.x - 1) / m_nbCel.x; m_dim.x = (DIMBUTTONX + MARGMENU) * m_nbCel.x; m_dim.y = (DIMBUTTONY + MARGMENU) * m_nbCel.y; for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) { m_buttons[i] = pButtons[i]; m_errors[i] = pErrors[i]; } m_texts = texts; } // Détruit le menu. void CMenu::Delete () { m_nbButtons = 0; m_selRank = -1; } // Dessine un bouton dans son état. void CMenu::Draw () { Sint32 i, state, icon; Point pos; Rect oldClip, clipRect; char text[50]; char * pText; if (m_nbButtons == 0) return; oldClip = m_pPixmap->GetClipping (); clipRect.left = POSDRAWX; clipRect.top = POSDRAWY; clipRect.right = POSDRAWX + DIMDRAWX; clipRect.bottom = POSDRAWY + DIMDRAWY; m_pPixmap->SetClipping (clipRect); for (i = 0; i < m_nbButtons; i++) { pos.x = m_pos.x + ((i / m_nbCel.y) * (DIMBUTTONX + MARGMENU)); pos.y = m_pos.y + ((i % m_nbCel.y) * (DIMBUTTONY + MARGMENU)); if (i == m_selRank) state = 2; // hilite else state = 0; // release if ( m_errors[i] != 0 && m_errors[i] != Errors::TOURISOL && m_errors[i] < 100) { state = 4; // disable } m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBUTTON, state, pos); icon = table_button_icon[m_buttons[i]]; if (m_perso == 8) // disciple ? { if (icon == 30) icon = 88; // prend if (icon == 31) icon = 89; // dépose } m_pPixmap->DrawIcon (-1, CHBUTTON, icon + 6, pos); } // Affiche le texte d'aide. if (m_selRank != -1) { i = m_selRank; pos.y = m_pos.y + ((i % m_nbCel.y) * (DIMBUTTONY + MARGMENU)); if (m_errors[i] == 0) pos.y += (DIMBUTTONY - DIMTEXTY) / 2; else pos.y += (DIMBUTTONY - DIMTEXTY * 2) / 2; if (m_errors[i] >= 100) // no ressource au lieu erreur ? { snprintf (text, sizeof (text), "%s", m_texts[i]); pText = strchr (text, '\n'); if (pText != nullptr) *pText = 0; } else { const auto tr = GetText (m_buttons[i]); snprintf (text, sizeof (text), "%s", tr); } if (m_nbCel.x > 1 && i < m_nbCel.y) { pos.x = m_pos.x - 4 - GetTextWidth (text); // texte à gauche } else { pos.x = m_pos.x + m_dim.x + 4; } DrawText (m_pPixmap, pos, text, FONTWHITE); if (m_errors[i] != 0) { if (m_errors[i] >= 100) // no ressource au lieu erreur ? { snprintf (text, sizeof (text), "%s", m_texts[i]); pText = strchr (text, '\n'); if (pText != nullptr) strcpy (text, pText + 1); } else { const auto tr = GetErr (m_errors[i] - 1); // impossible ici snprintf (text, sizeof (text), "%s", tr); } if (m_nbCel.x > 1 && i < m_nbCel.y) { pos.x = m_pos.x - 4 - GetTextWidth (text); } else { pos.x = m_pos.x + m_dim.x + 4; } pos.y += DIMTEXTY; if (m_errors[i] >= 100) // no ressource au lieu erreur ? DrawText (m_pPixmap, pos, text, FONTWHITE); else DrawText (m_pPixmap, pos, text, FONTRED); } } m_pPixmap->SetClipping (oldClip); } // Retourne le bouton sélectionné. Sint32 CMenu::GetSel () { if (m_selRank == -1) return -1; return m_buttons[m_selRank]; } // Retourne le rang sélectionné. Sint32 CMenu::GetRank () { return m_selRank; } // Retourne true si le bouton sélectionné a une erreur. bool CMenu::IsError () { if (m_selRank == -1) return true; if (m_errors[m_selRank] != 0 && m_errors[m_selRank] < 100) return true; return false; } // Indique si le menu existe. bool CMenu::IsExist () { return (m_nbButtons == 0) ? false : true; } // Traitement d'un événement. bool CMenu::TreatEvent (const SDL_Event & event) { Point pos; if (m_nbButtons == 0) return false; // pos = ConvLongToPos(lParam); switch (event.type) { case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if ( event.button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && event.button.button != SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) break; pos.x = event.button.x; pos.y = event.button.y; if (MouseDown (pos)) return true; break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: pos.x = event.motion.x; pos.y = event.motion.y; if (MouseMove (pos)) return true; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if ( event.button.button != SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && event.button.button != SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) break; pos.x = event.button.x; pos.y = event.button.y; if (MouseUp (pos)) return true; break; } return false; } // Détecte dans quel bouton est la souris. Sint32 CMenu::Detect (Point pos) { Sint32 rank; if ( pos.x < m_pos.x || pos.x > m_pos.x + m_dim.x || pos.y < m_pos.y || pos.y > m_pos.y + m_dim.y) return -1; rank = (pos.y - m_pos.y) / (DIMBUTTONY + MARGMENU); rank += ((pos.x - m_pos.x) / (DIMBUTTONX + MARGMENU)) * m_nbCel.y; if (rank >= m_nbButtons) return -1; return rank; } // Bouton de la souris pressé. bool CMenu::MouseDown (Point pos) { return false; } // Souris déplacés. bool CMenu::MouseMove (Point pos) { m_selRank = Detect (pos); if ( pos.x < m_pos.x - (DIMBUTTONX + MARGMENU) || pos.x > m_pos.x + m_dim.x + (DIMBUTTONX + MARGMENU) || pos.y < m_pos.y - (DIMBUTTONY + MARGMENU) || pos.y > m_pos.y + m_dim.y + (DIMBUTTONY + MARGMENU)) { Delete (); // enlève le menu si souris trop loin ! } return false; } // Bouton de la souris relâché. bool CMenu::MouseUp (Point pos) { m_selRank = Detect (pos); return false; } // Envoie le message. void CMenu::Message () { if (m_selRank != -1) CEvent::PushUserEvent (EV_BUTTON0 + m_selRank); }