diff --git a/README-user.md b/README-user.md
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-# Planet Blupi
-This version contains over 30 missions and a built in editor, which enables you
-to construct your own missions.
-## Configuration
-| Category | Description |
-| -------- | ----------- |
-| OS | At least GNU/Linux 2.6.32, macOS 10.9 or Microsoft Windows Vista |
-| VIDEO | An 3D accelerated video card is highly recommended |
-| SOUND | Any sound card supported by ALSA, PulseAudio, macOS or DirectSound |
-| INPUT | Keyboard and mouse |
-## Screen problems
-What ever your screen resolution is, the game "Planet Blupi" always runs in
-640x480 on full screen. If your screen does not support this mode, you may run
-the game by default in windowed mode. Proceed as follows:
-1. Quit the game _Planet Blupi_.
-2. Open the file `share/planetblupi/data/config.json` with a text editor.
-3. Replace `fullscreen: true` by `fullscreen: false`.
-4. Save and restart the game.
-In this mode the screen is no more scrolled if the mouse touches the window
-border. Use the Keyboard arrows instead.
-> It's possible to start the game with `--fullscreen off` instead of editing
-> the `config.json` file.
-If the problem persists, maybe you should try to start the game with the software
-renderer. Edit the `config.json` file and add `"renderer": "software"` or start
-the game with `--renderer software`.
-On Windows, an other possibility exists. You can try to change the driver used
-by the software renderer. By default it uses `"direct3d"`, you can change by
-`"opengl"` with `"driver": "opengl"` with the `config.json` file or
-`--driver opengl` by command line argument.
-## Mouse
-Left button:
-This button is always used in three steps:
-1. Select a Blupi.
-2. Click where you want him to act.
-3. Click the button corresponding to the required operation.
-If the chosen Blupi is already selected (blue or red circle around him),
-step 1) is not necessary.
-You may select several Blupis by maintaining the Shift button pressed.
-Right button:
-The right button is a shortcut. It orders the selected Blupi to do the most
-useful operation on the selected spot.
-## Keyboard
-| Keys | Description |
-| ------------ | ----------- |
-| Arrows | Scrolls the visible part of the scene. |
-| Spacebar | Shows or hides items. |
-| F1 | Describes the goal without interrupting the game. |
-| F5 | Normal speed (x1). |
-| F6 | Double speed (x2). |
-| Home | Returns to place of mission departure |
-| Ctrl+F9..F12 | Bookmarks a spot. |
-| F9..F12 | Returns to the corresponding bookmarked spot. |
-| Pause | Temporarily suspends the game. |
-When you switch to an other application, the game is automatically paused.
-## Music
-The music is provided in OGG and MIDI formats. The OGG variant is prefered
-because the render is the same for all platforms. For purist fanboys, it's
-possible to enforce the MIDI variant by starting the game with the
-`--restore-midi` command line argument. Note that in this case, it's possible
-to lose some instruments, it depends of your system.
-> You can edit the `share/planetblupi/data/config.json` file and add an entry
-> `"restoremidi": true`, or simply use the new settings available in the global
-> settings screen in the game.
-If you want, you can overload all musics with yours by providing OGG or MIDI
-music files in your user directory.
-On Windows, type `%APPDATA%\Epsitec SA\Planet Blupi` in the file browser,
-on macOS, look at `~/Library/Application Support/Epsitec SA/Planet Blupi`, and
-on Linux, look at `~/.local/share/Epsitec SA/Planet Blupi`.
-You can create a `music` sub-directory with your music. For example:
-`%LOCALAPPDATA%\Epsitec SA\Planet Blupi\music\music000.ogg`.
-Only 10 musics are supported: `music000` to `music009`.
-## Epsitec SA
-_Planet Blupi_ is an original creation of [Epsitec SA][1].
-[1]: http://www.epsitec.ch