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multiple IPXWrapper processes without needing a shared router thread. Replaced router/rclient code with a single, per-process router thread. Add addresses to the cache in the router main loop rather than winsock recv functions. Packets are no longer preceeded by an rpacket_header structure when relayed to the local UDP sockets. Each IPXWrapper instance creates a "private" UDP socket bound to a random port on INADDR_ANY which is used for sending all packets and receiving unicast. Bugfix: Check source socket number before relaying to a connected socket.
== IPXWRAPPER README == -- LICENSE -- Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Daniel Collins <solemnwarning@solemnwarning.net> Read license.txt for licensing terms. -- INTRODUCTION -- IPXwrapper is a WinSock wrapper which transparently tunnels IPX packets over a chosen UDP port (54792 by default). To use it, simply copy the four included DLL files to the directory containing your legacy program. If you are running Windows Vista or later and the game uses DirectPlay you may also need to import directplay-win32.reg or directplay-win64.reg as appropriate. Using more than one program at a time with IPXWrapper requires running ipxrouter first, this will bind to the UDP port and pass any recieved packets to the correct process. Most software binds only to the default interface, if you get no errors but still can't connect to other computers, try running the ipxconfig program and selecting the appropriate default interface. Software using IPXWrapper can't communicate with software that is using the real IPX protocol and vice-versa. -- COMPATIBILITY -- Software that uses WinSock 1.x and/or (Pre version 8) DirectPlay is supported.